Colors of tulips. The color value of tulips

There is no person who does not know what tulips are. Bright and delicate, they appear in our markets with the advent of spring. Now two and a half thousand species of these flowers are known. The rich palette of colors of their petals amazes with a variety of shades. Answering the question of what color tulips are, we can say that any. From white to black and from blue to deep purple. When choosing a bouquet, most of us are guided by the appearance of buds and pay little attention to the color of the petals. But everyone carries a certain meaning.

Tulip History

Tulip Colors
Persia, as well as the arid and mountainous regions of Central Asia, are considered the birthplace of these beautiful messengers of spring. There in spring, inhospitable steppes and semi-deserts become like magnificent scarlet carpets.

Of course, the colors of tulips found in the wild do not differ in variety, they are mostly red. All the currently available shades were brought out by people through painstaking selection selection.

In ancient Persia, they were grown in the palaces of sheikhs. The tulip festival, called Sayri Lola, has reached our days and is celebrated annually. These flowers came to Turkey from Persia in the 15th century. They called them "Lale." Later this word became a feminine name, which is now one of the most popular in the East.

Tulips came to Europe thanks to the Austrian Ambassador de Buybek. He brought several bulbs to Vienna, where they were grown for some time in the Vienna Garden. Gradually, the tulips reached France and Germany, and later Holland, where, due to these beautiful flowers, a real insanity began. There was a case when a beer hall worth 30 thousand florins was given for a tulip bulb. Having fallen in love with these flowers, the Dutch bred hundreds of their varieties. All of them are beautiful, and all give a wonderful mood and joy. However, the color value of tulips in a bouquet is very important for many.


The color value of tulips
This color is the most common. Bright, eye-catching buds can decorate any flower garden. It is believed that the first tulips were exactly red. They appeared at the moment when Prince Farhat, madly in love with his bride Shirin, broke on the rocks. Evil people lied to the prince that his Shirin had died. The unfortunate man could not survive this news, spurred his horse and rushed straight onto sharp stones. Tulips bloomed exactly where the blood drops of poor Farhat got. Since then, a red tulip means fiery and passionate love.

Varieties of red tulips are great. There are simple, there are terry, there are fringed petals. In the variety Red Emperor, the flower fully reveals its buds. And Garden Spot remains half open. Red has many shades: from scarlet to dark red, almost burgundy. Most often on our beds you can find varieties Parade, Madame Curie, Boston. Recently, tulips Edda, Redwing and others, whose petals have the finest fringe, have been popular.


What color are tulips
Pink has always been considered the color of tenderness. The meaning of the color of pink shades of tulips in your bouquet is a hint of tender and reverent feelings about which you have not yet decided to say out loud. Also, the pink color is youth and its belief that all obstacles are surmountable. Pink tulips in a bouquet say that there is no burning passion in love yet, but there are wonderful feelings filled with dreams and hopes.

Among the varieties of pink tulips, Apricot Beauty is the most common. The petals of his flowers are so delicate that they seem fragile. Angelica tulips are very interesting, their terry similar to peonies. New fringes and bellflower are popular among fringed ones.


Yellow tulips, flowers
Some are sure that yellow tulips hint at cooling the senses and inevitable separation. The song of Igor Nikolaev, which Natasha Koroleva sang, once again confirmed and involuntarily cemented this opinion, because the couple broke up. But yellow tulips are flowers not only of sadness, but also of sunlight, warming all living things with its warmth. A bouquet of yellow tulips will bring coziness and joy of a bright day to the house, as if a few sunny bunnies settled in your room. And yellow is a harbinger of happiness.

Giving a sunny bouquet to our beloved, we in the language of flowers wish them well-being and prosperity. There is a good legend about happiness, as if it chose a house in a yellow tulip and didn’t open it to anyone. Only one little boy who ran up to the flower with a sincere childhood smile did the flower open its petals. The most favorite varieties are Golden Apeldoorn, peony Mon Amour, tulips with fringe Laverock and Hamilton.


What color are tulips
Each color of tulips has many shades. And only a white one. From ancient times, it has been associated with purity and sincerity. A bouquet of white tulips no longer hints, but openly speaks of the purity and seriousness of your feelings. And white tulips help ask for forgiveness. Agree, there are situations when it is difficult to do it with words - either pride interferes, or false shame. Do not despair. A bouquet of pristine and delicate snow-white tulips will do it instead of you, make the one you give flowers smile on. And then there are words. The most famous varieties are Angel Wisse with a large bud, peony-shaped Cardinal Mingenti, fringed Honey Moon.


Red tulip
Black color has different meanings. Many associate it with sorrow, loss. On the other hand, it is the color of rigor and commitment in business. In the 60s of the last century, the film "Black Tulip" was released with the brilliant Alain Delon in the title role. He was in the image of the French Robin Hood, and the black tulip was his sign and symbol of the revolutionary struggle.

The dark colors of tulips, and in particular black, were commissioned by the Negro representatives of Haarlem and were supposed to emphasize the beauty of black Dutch. However, the meaning of such colors is not associated with beauty and not with the struggle for freedom, but with unrequited love. Having presented such a bouquet, you are hinting at your feelings in the language of flowers without due reciprocity.

Sometimes black tulips are presented when they want to show that feelings are so strong that death is not terrible. True, some associate these flowers with wealth and prosperity in business. Therefore, such a gift does not always mean feelings. Perhaps the one who gives it simply wishes you success and wealth. The Black Prince variety is the most demanded in our markets.

Blue and blue

Tulip colors, blue
What color tulips are never found in nature? The answer is unequivocal: blue and blue, because the chromosomes of these colors do not have the so-called β€œblue” dolphinidin gene. But blue and blue tulips still exist, although they are very rare. They were brought out by enterprising Dutch. However, in order to grow an unusual tulip from a finished bulb, you need to try.

Such tulips in a bouquet are a desire to impress the one to whom the flowers are presented. The giver as if speaks of such a strength of his feelings that he will be able to get the impossible. Also, the blue color is a harbinger of great luck and success. There is a legend that high in the mountains for just a few days blue tulips bloom, and whoever finds them will be lucky in life.


It is impossible to list all the colors of tulips and all combinations of shades that are simultaneously on the petals of these flowers. Red with yellow, white with pink, red with white fringe and thousands of others turn tulips into unusually bright and colorful flowers. It is believed that the person giving such a bouquet intends to emphasize the beauty of the eyes of the person to whom the bouquet is intended. If you don’t think about eyes, colorful tulips, enchanting with fantastic beauty and strokes and dots on the petals, unusually cheer up, give smiles and bring a lot of pleasant moments into the relationship.


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