Samodelkin's lessons for kindergarten: application in the middle group on the theme of "Autumn"

Autumn colored leaves are the most fertile natural material for all kinds of children's crafts, including applications. In addition to foliage, twigs and twigs, fallen acorns, rowan berries and viburnum are used. Using all together or combining several types of natural materials, you can create original creative work.

Autumn forest

applique in the middle group on the theme "Autumn"
In kindergarten, children are very fond of visual arts and take part in them with pleasure. Naturally, in addition to drawing and sculpting, it develops motor skills, aesthetic feeling and a creative element of various kinds of applications. In the middle group on the theme "Autumn" you can make crafts using natural materials and elements. How to do this? While walking, gather with the children leaves of linden, maple, willow, aspen and other trees, as well as branches of a Christmas tree (they are often snapped off by birds). Returning to the room, deal with the "catch", sort the materials by grades, sizes, colors. Dry if wet. Come up with a plot on which the application will be made. In the middle group on the theme of "Autumn" you can depict, for example, a forest or a park. Children by this age already have a good command of scissors, glue and pencils, are able to come up with something original. So, on the landscape sheet with a pencil, sketch the silhouettes of the trees. Draw them. But as a crown use collected colorful leaves, preferably small ones. Glue them with cuttings down (cutting the cuttings themselves). Between the leaves, place Christmas tree branches. You will get a mixed, coniferous-deciduous forest or park, which you like best! And it’s okay if the application doesn’t come out as beautiful as it was planned the first time. In the middle group on the theme of "Autumn" you can make pictures and simpler.
applique dow middle group

Wolf and she-wolf

Remember, together with the children, tales in which wolves roam the forests in the autumn. Now take 2-3 maple leaves. Glue the cuttings up (cut the sticks themselves). You got ready-made silhouettes of funny shaggy wolf faces. For greater resemblance, cut out ears, eyes and nose from paper and adjust to appropriate places. The bodies can be finished with paints, and a couple more trees can be glued from the leaves. Here is such an unusual picture-application in the middle group on the theme "Autumn" you will succeed!

Hedgehog and bird

collective application in the middle group
The “portraits” of animals and birds, such as the “thirsty hedgehog” and the “early bird”, will also be able to children 5-6 years old. Let's start with the first one. The teacher should draw a muzzle every day: nose, eyes, mouth. And the body is simply denoted by a dotted line. Further let you have a collective application. In the middle group, children can already distribute responsibilities: some pick up suitable leaves, others stick them. The teacher can suggest something, advise. As needles, for example, willow foliage, long and sharp, is suitable. Several “mushrooms” near the hedgehog, as well as viburnum berries glued to its “thorns”, will complement the composition. Wonderful application!

In the preschool educational institution, the middle group is the age at which children can cope with another interesting picture - the “bird of paradise”.

leaf bird
She also fits the category of autumn, because for the bright plumage of the main character, all the multi-colored splendor of this time of year is required. First, draw a silhouette, then discuss the details with the children, pick up the leaves in shape, color, size. As a stick, a twig with rowan berries or viburnum is best suited. When the work is finished, on your leaf a feathered beauty will come to life, who sat down to enjoy the gifts of autumn. Great story!

Good luck with your work!


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