Hybrid tea roses: varieties, description, planting and care

Perhaps every gardener agrees that the rose is the queen of flowers. But what then to call a hybrid tea rose? Of course, the prima donna garden! Varieties of this garden group are distinguished by their magnificent appearance and amazing aroma. Are you dreaming of becoming the owner of a fabulous rose garden, but don’t know where to start and which varieties of roses to choose? We will answer all your questions!

Origin history

These flowers got their name because of their origin: roses were obtained as a result of crossing tea and repair roses. The ancient varieties of tea roses had a pronounced aroma of freshly picked tea and an incredibly beautiful shape. However, they were extremely cold-resistant, often affected by various diseases. That is why breeders from around the world tried to improve the roses of this garden group, trying to preserve all the decorative qualities. The very first hybrid tea rose was brought out by the breeder from France, J. B. Guillot. In 1867, he crossed the tea rose of Madame Bravi and the remodeling Madame Victor Verdier. The hybrid received a completely patriotic name - La France. It is worth noting that at that time the appearance of this variety went almost unnoticed, but after several decades, in 1990, another tea-hybrid variety appeared - Soleil d'Or, characterized by an abundance of spectacular yellow flowers. It was after this that tea-hybrid roses received worldwide recognition.

Rosa Soleil d'Or


Of course, such varieties are significantly superior to tea roses in their resistance to frost and pests. It is worth saying that they inherited from the teahouses the magnificent graceful shape of the flower and delicate aroma, and from the repair ones - the ability to bloom almost continuously and frost resistance.

Today, among flower growers, such roses are rightfully considered one of the most popular groups of garden flowers. They bloom quite long - from the very beginning of summer until late autumn. Their flowers are characterized by a variety of colors (these roses can be purple and white, orange and pink, red and yellow), aromas and shapes. There are varieties of tea-hybrid roses with various transitional tones, two-tone, changing color during flowering. Roses are distinguished by the height and density of the bush, the intensity of the color of the leaves. That is why this group of roses is suitable for any gardens.

Hybrid tea roses: description and photo

Typically, roses in this group have fairly large buds with a large number of petals (their number sometimes reaches 100 pieces!). Petals form a pronounced middle cone. Each flower of any tea-hybrid rose is distinguished by aristocracy, often flower growers call them a work of art. Just imagine: elongated glasses of flowers with sharp tops, velvety petals and a delicate tea aroma ... Usually the bush has a proportional shape, the shape can be either pyramidal or spreading.

Hybrid Tea Rose Sabina


The best hybrid tea roses have an extensive gamut of smells. The aroma can be subtle, subtle, almost imperceptible. And it can literally envelop, be thick and heavy. The fragrance exudes microscopic glands with essential oil located on thin petals. Experienced flower growers note: most of all roses smell at the beginning of the day. Usually among the most fragrant are roses of dark tones.

Varieties of red

We offer to talk about the names of tea-hybrid roses of red color. Among the brightest is Dominica. This bush is compact - its height does not exceed half a meter. The variety is resistant to disease, continuously blooms. The size of the flowers is usually 10 cm. The petals of a fully blossomed flower along the edge are slightly wavy. The blackest gardeners call the Black Baccarat rose. In fact, her color is dark red. The size of the flower is rarely more than 8 centimeters, it is densely terry, velvety petals. The height of the bush reaches a meter, width - 0.7 m. The variety is medium resistant to disease. Another red variety is the Red Nostalgia Rose. The size of the flowers is usually 10 centimeters, these roses are characterized by a blood-red color, the classic shape of the glass. Plant height reaches 1.2 meters.

Raspberry roses

Among the most beautiful tea-hybrid roses of raspberry color it is worth noting the variety George Dixon. Flowers reach a size of 13 centimeters. By the way, this particular variety is actively used in perfumery. The bush usually does not grow above 1.3 m, is characterized by moderate resistance to cold and disease. Another bright raspberry variety is Alain Souchon. Each flower consists of 75-100 petals, its size is about 13 cm.

Pink roses

Roses of delicate pink shades can bring a romantic mood to the garden. Among them, for example, the handsomely handsome Frederick Mistral. This variety of tea-hybrid roses is very popular. The bush grows to 1.1 m. It blooms profusely; its advantages include high resistance to cold and pests. Among the best and grade Mondial. The size of the glass can reach 11 centimeters, and the height of the bush usually does not exceed 0.8 m.

Hybrid Tea Rose Tiffany

White roses

One of the most magnificent snow-white roses can be called Helga tea-hybrid rose. It is characterized by a soft pink core, there is a light vanilla tint. Terry flowers, quite large - up to 12 centimeters. Roses of this variety bloom all summer, suitable for planting in flowerbeds and lawns. In addition, they stand in bouquets for a very long time. The height of the bush is about 120 cm. A strong aroma is also characteristic of white roses of the White Crismas variety. Large double flowers (about 12 cm) differ in a classical form. The plant can grow up to one meter. The variety is resistant to cooling, wetting and various pests.

Hybrid Tea Rose

Yellow and orange roses

The most famous yellow tea hybrid tea is Gloria Day. The bush is powerful, tall (from a meter and a half), the width of the bush is about 1.3 meters. Roses of this variety are large in size - their diameter is about 15 centimeters! Single petals change color - first they are pale yellow, then the edges of the petals acquire a raspberry hue, and later fade to a salmon or cream hue. Gardeners say: the color depends on the conditions in which the bush grows, soil and even climatic conditions.

Among the orange roses should be distinguished varieties called Abbay de Clooney and Lolita. The diameter of the flowers of the first is usually 11 centimeters, at the base they are creamy in color, to the edges of the petals it turns orange with a light copper tone. The roses of Abbay de Clooney are so terry that they are more like not a flower, but a head of cabbage! Lolita has a bright orange color with subtle shades of pink and yellow. The size of a blossoming bud can be 13 cm.

Lilac roses

Among the roses that have the most unusual color - lilac - the Blue Moon hybrid tea rose stands out. Its flowers not only have a delightful appearance, but also exude an incredibly pleasant sweet aroma.

Hybrid Tea Blue Moon

The bush and roses look very neat, even elegant. By the way, among the advantages of this variety can be noted the almost complete absence of thorns on the stems. The plant tolerates winter frosts well, it is not afraid of disease. Blue Moon has medium resistance to powdery mildew and moisture, tolerates partial shade. Another advantage is the resistance to black spotting. The furor at one time also produced the Mainzer Fastnacht variety. Its buds open rather slowly, the diameter of the flower is usually about 11 cm. This rose has a deliciously rich aroma, resistant to various diseases, usually affecting rose bushes. It is worth noting that this variety does not mix well with other flowering shrubs, prefers single plantings.


The combination of yellow petals and a bright red edging is the Utopia rose. Its flowers are densely doubled, the diameter is usually 10 cm. The shrub is resistant to soaking, it responds to care with lush flowering. The contrast of the white center of the glass and the raspberry outer petals is characteristic of the Double Delight rose. The buds bloom extremely slowly, stand in bouquets for a long time. Among the advantages of this tea-hybrid rose, gardeners note the diameter of the flowers (up to 14 cm) and resistance to disease.

Hybrid Tea Double Delight

The choice of seedling and its preparation for planting

When choosing seedlings of tea-hybrid roses, you should pay attention to the bark - it should be green, without damage. The seedling should have 2-3 shoots, a developed root system. Be sure to have a large number of thin roots. The diameter of the root neck should not exceed 8 millimeters.

Before planting, gardeners recommend placing the roots of seedlings in cold water for 24 hours. After this, it is necessary to cut off all the dry parts of the shoots and roots - to healthy tissue. If you plant roses in spring, you should shorten the shoots by 3 buds. However, it is best to plant plants in the fall - in a couple of weeks he will have young roots that have time to harden to frost and survive the winter well. Seedlings planted in spring lag behind in growth by 2 weeks, they simultaneously develop both roots and aerial parts.

Seat selection

Almost all varieties of roses in this garden group are photophilous. If you plant them in a shaded area, they will bloom poorly, form a large number of blind shoots, be affected by powdery mildew. Experienced gardeners say: it is important that the place where this ornamental shrub is planted is illuminated by the sun for at least three hours a day. It is best to plant a plant on the south side.

But too bright the sun is harmful for some varieties: flowers with dark or white petals can lose their decorativeness and color. This is usually indicated in the description of the hybrid tea rose variety. For such plants, it is worth choosing a site located on the southeast side. Do not plant roses next to shrubs and trees that grow over time. They will obscure rose bushes.

Soil selection

These shrubs can not stand the lowlands and places with a close location of groundwater. Therefore, if the soil on the site is very moist and prone to stagnant water, try planting hybrid tea roses on raised flower beds. As for the choice of soil, loamy and light clay soils are suitable for plants, it is best if they are breathable and rich in humus. If the soil is very heavy, clay, you can make a drainage, make humus, peat, sand in the planting pit. Light sandy soils can also be improved by adding compost or turf soil. It is recommended to prepare the landing site in advance, especially if part of the soil needs to be replaced.

Hybrid tea rose: planting description

The first thing to do is prepare the landing pits of 30-50 centimeters in size. At a distance of 40 cm from each other, no more than 7 bushes can be grown. Previously, you can immerse the seedlings in a special mixture consisting of two parts of clay, one part of water and manure. After planting, an earthen roller should be formed - this will hold water in the place where the roots are located during irrigation. The final stage is hilling. It will protect the lower kidneys from adverse weather conditions. Hilling height should be 15 cm.

Care: watering, top dressing, pruning

According to reviews, tea-hybrid roses need plentiful and timely watering. If the weather is hot and arid, you should water the shrub several times a week. In wet weather, just one watering is enough. The soil should be moistened either in the early morning or in the evening, so that the hot rays of the sun do not scorch the leaves that got water. Gardeners say it’s worth using water that has settled and warmed up from the sun. To do this, you can place barrels on the site. But cold watering delicate roses is contraindicated - it leads to diseases and even death of the plant!

Watering can be alternated with liquid top dressing: infusion of mullein, chicken droppings, herbs, ash, microbiological fertilizers. In the first year, gardeners do not recommend the use of mineral fertilizers. After you can carry out the following dressings:

  1. In the spring, it is worthwhile to make fertilizers, which contain nitrogen.
  2. In June, complex fertilizers should be applied.
  3. In August, tea-hybrid roses can be fed with a mixture of 25 grams of superphosphate, 10 grams of potassium and 2.5 grams of boric acid dissolved in one bucket of water.

Of particular note is pruning roses. The main need to be carried out in the spring, before flowering begins. Shoots should be cut, about 0.5 cm should be retreated from the developed kidney. Dried or diseased stems need to be cut completely, and those that have frozen over during the winter, you just need to shorten. But in the fall, pruning stems and wilted flowers is not recommended. Otherwise, young shoots will appear on the plant, which will freeze during the winter cold.

Pruning roses

Winter preparations

In late autumn, it is necessary to prepare the bushes for wintering. It should be covered with fine chips or sawdust. From above, you can close the plant with a film, roofing tape or tarpaulin. Gardeners from Siberia or the Urals are not recommended to spud roses with leaves, humus or earth. The thing is that in these territories the lignification of shoots occurs slowly, and therefore, by spring, the plant can suspend. In winter, you need to spud pink bushes with snow. To remove the shelter is only in cloudy weather. This is best done in May, because the bright spring sun can burn the plant.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F21179/

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