Features of the World of Tanks game and interactions on the Siegfried Line map

The game "World of Tanks" pays maximum attention to the realism and historical correspondence of models of equipment, weapons and terrain. This multiplayer arcade covers the period from the first combat vehicles to the most interesting tanks of the 50s of the twentieth century. All these nuances are carefully modeled by the specialists of the company from Belarus, which, by her own example, was able to prove that there is still gunpowder in the flasks of local developers. Indeed, in terms of the number of audience, this game is an absolute world record holder, about which there is a corresponding entry in the Guinness Book.

sigfrid line


Despite the enormous popularity of the World of Tanks, its developers are guided by the strict laws of physics of the real world, which they tried to transfer to the maximum in virtual reality. A complete listing of these innovations could take at least several hours. Therefore, we dwell only on the most interesting historical Easter eggs and references that an inquisitive user can detect.

Historical excursion

The most famous example of reconstruction in the World of Tanks is Siegfried’s defensive rampart - a line of reinforced concrete structures buried in the soil that impede the advance of the enemy. Although the game could not fully recreate all the fortifications (the total number of which exceeded 60 thousand), the presented fragment adequately illustrates all the power and seriousness of the intentions of Germany during the Third Reich. After all, the construction period of this structure was delayed by more than 6 years, it was completed only in 1940. The fortifications were so thorough that the breakthrough of the Siegfried Line was not even considered.

Siegfried line breakthrough
The French military, opposing the German car of the time, made no attempt to attack these positions. Indeed, these fortification communications made it possible to withstand a prolonged siege even if it was carried out by several times superior enemy forces. The defensive rampart, whose name was chosen in accordance with all the canons of the German ethnos, proved its worth, because after the name in honor of Siegfried the line received massive support among the population. The hero’s epic personality turned out to be more than ever useful in the case of such a structure.

Implementation at Worlf of Tanks

Although this map appeared in the World of Tanks a long time ago, some novice users may experience unforeseen difficulties when playing on it. At first glance it seems that almost any kind of equipment can be used here. On the one hand, this statement is true, although if you look at the issue from a different angle, you may get the impression that it does not withstand any criticism. After all, the main confrontation, which is accompanied by heavy losses on both sides, will occur in the urban part of the map, and it is it that is crucial. Here you will meet the most armored and dangerous rivals, who will practice accuracy in tight street conditions.

Siegfried Fri
While the rest of the space on the left side of the Siegfried Line map was presented by WOT as a plain with lonely bunkers, it is therefore impossible to carry out active operations with a large number of heavy tanks. Usually, battles in this direction are limited to neat sorties of one or three medium or light tanks, which provide illumination functions for their allies and reveal enemy positions. After all, this open area can be called one of the most unpredictable places where users’ combat vehicles literally walk along the blade.

Equal Chances of Success

Although on a map named after Siegfried, the battle line is limited by anti-tank barriers, this does not spoil the game balance. Indeed, on one side there are intricate labyrinths of streets, fraught with danger. Whereas a large field (or greenback, as it was commonly used) attracts with the possibility of realizing its skills for fast tanks. If they manage to avoid the main trap on the Siegfried Line map - PTs (anti-tank vehicles), which closely monitor their area of ​​responsibility, the results of the battle may be somewhat unexpected.


Artillerymen who do not part with this class of equipment will also find useful applications. The map is very extensive and has virtually no restrictions or hidden areas that the projectile could not get. Therefore, the gameplay on it is very diverse - no matter what technique you are here, you will not be bored. Indeed, this is what makes the Siegfried Line card special: the tactics on it are non-linear and allow you to improvise.

sigfried line wot

Force application vector

However, let us return to the main direction of the attack, when heavy tanks confront each other in a small city. The only difficulty is coordinated actions, because of which the armored fist of opponents will be smashed to pieces. Solo attacks will not solve anything here - the intricacies of the streets are fraught with many patient enemies who are just waiting for a good moment, mistake or oversight.

Siegfried line tactics
The result of such a delay on the Siegfried map - the life line of your unit is interrupted, and he goes to the hangar or gets the opportunity to enjoy the battle as an observer, but not his participant. If you show patience, then by joint actions you can bloodless the opponents and wrest the victory from their hands. In the event that your partners are planning an active attack, then it is better to support it - this is an all-in game, where each weapon or battle tank matters.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F21187/

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