The planes and axes of the human body. Anatomy

Anatomically, our body is divided into topographic regions with various organs located within them, neurovascular bundles and other constituent components. In this article, we consider the planes and axes of the human body.

What parts does our body consist of?

The highest point is the head (caput), then the neck - cervix, after which there is the most central part - the body (trunk) - truncus, in which the thorax cavity is defined, limited by the costal surfaces and sternum - thorax, as well as the following areas:

planes and axes of the human body

  • chest area - pectus;
  • the abdominal region is located below - abdomen;
  • the opposite part is the back - dorsum, connected by the spinal column with the bones of the pelvis - pelvis,
  • upper limbs themselves - membri superiores and lower limbs - membri inferiores.

The most readable landmarks are the planes and axes of the human body.

Appointments and shapes of body planes

So to describe the location using three mutually intersecting perpendicular planes (plana). All of them can be mentally drawn through the eye through any component of the human body. Allocate:

  • Sagittal (arrow) - planum sagittalia, which is translated from Greek as "arrow piercing the human body." This plane runs in the front - back direction and is located vertically.
  • Frontal (frontal) - planum ftontalia, which is parallel to the forehead and perpendicular to the first plane.
  • Horizontal (planum horizontalia) perpendicular to the first two of the above planes.

In fact, such planes can be drawn as many as you want. So, for example, a vertically located sagittal divides our body into the right and left halves and represents the so-called median plane - planum medianum. What else is included in the concept of the plane and axis of the human body?

planes and axes of the human body in anatomy

Organ designation

To designate organs relative to a horizontally located plane, concepts such as:

  • Cranial - upper (from the side of the skull, if translated literally).
  • Caudal - lower (from the Latin word cauda - tail).
  • Dorsal - posterior (dorsum-back).

For the correct designation of body parts located on the side, the term lateralis is used, that is, if these named areas are at any distance from the midline. And those organs or sites located in the zone of the same median rifle (sagittal) region are called: medial (medialis). This is included in the main planes and axes of the human body.

main planes of the axis of the human body

Commonly used adjectives

To determine the correct characteristics of the areas that make up the upper or lower limb, apply such adjectives as being closer to the body, that is, proximal (proximalis) and, accordingly, distal (distalis). This is required to indicate the points most distant from the body.

In the description, it is possible to use such definitions as the right (dexter), for example, the right hand, left (sinister), left kidney.

Depending on the size, when compared with anything, a large (major), for example, an organ or a small, small size (minor) is distinguished.

To designate, depending on the depth of the location or lesion, a concept such as superficial (siperficialis) and deep (profundus) is introduced. What are the planes and axes of the human body?

Varieties of axes of the human body

The three anatomical planes described above correspond to the three anatomical axes.

Therefore, the frontal axis of the same name on the frontal plane is parallel to it and is horizontally directed. The movements that are possible around are represented in the form of flexion and extension (extensio) most often of the extremities, but also of the body itself.

diagram of axes and planes in the human body

The boom axis, respectively, is parallel to the sagittal plane and allows the adduction (adductio) and abduction (abductio). Movement around the third axis (vertical) allows movements in a circle (rotatio et circumductio), with the formation of the so-called "cone" in the air, the apex of which is represented by a joint. A diagram of the axes and planes in the human body will be presented below.

Line classification

To mark the border of some organ or joint, it is also possible to use imaginary lines (front and back median lines - linea mediana anterior et linea mediana posterior). So linea mediana anterior limits the right and left parts of the body surface, passing through the middle of the front surface of the body. linea mediana posterior also divides these halves, but only from the back surface. And she held through the tops of the spinous vertebral processes.

The anatomical nomenclature (axes and planes of the human body) has been studied for a long time.

The right and left sternal lines (linea sternalis dextra et linea sternalis sinistra), respectively, pass along both edges of the sternum. You can still draw a lot of them, for example, through the middle of the clavicle. Then these lines will be called the left or right midclavicular line. The front, back and middle axillary zones are also distinguished. Their differences are only in what section this or that line passes through, whether it is the edge of the axillary hollow or the middle (linea axillaris anterior, posterior et mediana).

anatomical nomenclature of the axis and planes of the human body

It originates from the scapular angle and passes the scapular line (linea scapularis).

On both sides of the spinal column, along its costal-transverse constituent surfaces, there are paravertebral or spinal axes (linea paravertebralis).

Division of the abdomen into zones

How else are the axes and planes drawn through the human body distinguished?

As for the abdomen, its entire surface is evenly divided into nine zones, each of which has its own individual designation. These sections are formed by two horizontal lines. The upper one connects the heads of tenth pairs of ribs, and the lower one passes through the anteroposterior iliac spine. Thus, we find that above the costal line (linea costarum) is located the epigastrium region (epigastrium). And below the core (linea spinarum) is the hypogastrium zone (hypogastrium). The space between them is presented in the form of a mesogastrium. In addition to horizontal lines, two vertical lines are also distinguished. As a result, 9 small areas are formed.

The division into areas, zones, lines of our body is similar and has its own characteristics inherent in a particular area, section or zone, as well as its individual designation.

axes and planes conducted through the human body

Organ systems in the human body

In the human body, there are organ systems that are assigned certain functions:

  1. Prop and movement. The bone system is responsible for all this .
  2. Food processing with absorption of nutrients. For these purposes, created the digestive system.
  3. Gas exchange - oxygen enters and carbon dioxide is removed. This is provided by the respiratory system.
  4. Exemption from metabolic products. The urinary organs are responsible for this.
  5. Reproduction. The genitals respond.
  6. Transport of nutrients to tissues and organs. This is the task of the circulatory system.
  7. Hormonal regulation of the body. The endocrine system is capable of this.
  8. Balancing activities and adaptation of the body. It provides the nervous system.
  9. Perception of information from the external and internal environment. This requires the senses.

We examined what are the planes and axes of the human body in anatomy.


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