Hikama - what is it? Description, properties, culinary application

Hikama - what kind of plant is this? Where is the product distributed? What are its beneficial properties and taste? How is hikama used in cooking? Who is contraindicated in the use of such a vegetable? The answers to these and other questions can be found in our publication.

Historical reference

Hikama discovered the Aztec tribes. Such a root crop was their daily diet. Residents of European countries got acquainted with the product in the Age of Great Geographical Discoveries. This happened thanks to the expeditions of the Spanish conquistadors to the American continent.

hikama what is it

In writing, hikama was first mentioned in the notes of the famous discoverer and explorer of new lands Pedro de Leon. This man wrote in the diary everything related to the culinary traditions of tribal peoples. It was he who mentioned that in the territories that today belong to Mexico and Peru, a unique root crop is cultivated, giving a rich harvest.

What is a product?

The root crop in the photo is hikama. What is the culture that hides under this name? This plant belongs to the Legume family. Outwardly, it somewhat resembles a radish. The vegetable has a thin peel of a yellowish tint. The latter covers a white flesh with a crispy texture.

What are the sizes of hikama? When growing a crop in conditions of optimal temperature and humidity, the vegetable is able to acquire quite impressive dimensions. In some cases, the weight of the root crop reaches more than 1 kilogram.

That is, if you ever meet a "radish" of large sizes, you know - this is hikama. What do we know about the taste of the product? When eating a raw vegetable, it resembles a cross between a pear and potatoes. The aroma of such a root crop is remotely similar to an apple.

hikama what kind of vegetable

It is worth noting that the tops of the plants are poisonous. Its structure contains a high concentration of the toxic substance rotenone. It is often used as a component for the preparation of all kinds of poison for the extermination of insects.

Plant geography

Now you know what kind of vegetable is hikama. And where does it grow? The plant has a second name - Mexican turnip. For centuries, the root crop has been cultivated by the indigenous peoples of South America. The plant is also grown in the United States and China. In these countries resort to the greenhouse method. In order for hikama to bear fruit well, soil heating systems are used.

The plant gives large yields when grown in tropical regions. There is an increased level of humidity and there are no frosts, which is ideal for this crop. The lower the ambient temperature, the smaller tubers grow in size.

hikama sizes

The properties

Vitamins and trace elements necessary for the body are rich in hikama. What are these substances? Primarily ascorbic acid. There are a lot of her in this vegetable. Vitamin C enhances immunity, improves the protective properties of the body, helps to resist all kinds of pathogens of infections. The composition contains insulin. Therefore, the product is often consumed by people with diabetes.

The basis of the root crop is fiber, which has low calorie values. The use of the product helps to remove cholesterol from the body. For this reason, the vegetable is often consumed in order to prevent digestive diseases. The root crop is recommended for overweight people who have problems with obesity.

Cooking Application

Hikama is a traditional Mexican food. Often, the root crop is consumed in an unprocessed, raw form, having previously removed the peel. Adding spices makes a good snack. In addition, hikama is baked in the oven, used as an ingredient for the preparation of salads, stews, soups, side dishes. The vegetable is also dried, pickled and salted.

hikama fruit

How to choose hikama? When buying a product, it is advisable to pay attention to hard fruits that do not have traces of decay and external damage. The peel of the vegetable should be holistic. Tubers can be stored in a dry room at room temperature for several months. The frozen root crop pretty quickly becomes worthless.

Combination with other products

Hikama is traditionally seasoned with vinegar, chili pepper, honey and palm sugar. Ginger and cilantro allows you to spice up the product. An excellent addition will also be butter, sesame or olive oil.

Hikama and fruits are perfectly combined with each other. Often, the product is consumed with orange, lime, pineapple and apple in the form of salads. During heat treatment, sweet peppers, onions, green beans, carrots are added to the root crop.


In some cases, the use of hikama can bring the body not only benefits, but also quite noticeable harm. Absolutely do not recommend using the product as food for exacerbation of ailments of the gastrointestinal tract. In individuals, individual intolerance to the components in the composition of the root crop is observed. No other contraindications to the use of the vegetable were found.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F21198/

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