Coat of arms as an insignia. Coat of arms of Cheboksary

How is the process of knowing something hitherto unknown or how does the moment of meeting in our society happen? Before the fact-finding part itself, when we open a book or give a hand to a person, some time passes (even if only a few seconds). Usually it is enough for us to form our first impression of the object. It does not matter if it turns out to be false later or true, the main thing is that there is a moment of internal and sometimes unconscious evaluation by appearance, visible picture.

coat of arms

The need for insignia

This fact has long been known since ancient times. Perhaps that is why previously there were not only distinctive symbols of large cities, kingdoms and states, but also special insignia of specific families and clans. And even now, some families keep their symbolism: a family seal or a family coat of arms. It used to be accepted. Not knowing the person, but seeing his coat of arms, one could learn a lot not only about the stranger himself, but also about the history of his family, about the outstanding qualities of character (both good and bad) descendants, because the decals were inherited and included certain characters. Therefore, there was a custom earlier: before an important visit to the prince or king, send a message about yourself containing the family coat of arms, so that a certain positive and respectful attitude towards the person before the meeting has already developed. And vice versa, the owners of shameful insignia (for misconduct and dishonor) tried to hide from everyone such a "brand". In those days, all symbols could be very easily read and understood.

coat of arms cheboksary photo

The history of the coat of arms and its components

Distinctive signs appeared long ago, evidence (in the form of symbolic images left to posterity of the descendants) led scientists to the ancient world. All family and patrimonial property signs (banners, borders) are the predecessors of the coat of arms. But the emblem images, which were repeated on coins, seals and medals of the ancient world, are already considered to be the very first existing emblems.

The first coats of arms, which are already close to modern coats of arms, appeared in Western Europe in the Middle Ages. The distribution of these insignia is associated with the relevance of wars and military operations in those days. In this regard, coats of arms can consist of a shield, helmet, badge (this is a lined helmet cover), crown, crest, shield holder, mantle and motto. Then they began to undergo changes.

Now, when mentioning the word “coat of arms”, as a rule, they represent the shield itself.

To understand the purpose and possible symbolism and components, we will analyze a concrete example of the coat of arms of a real city.

Coat of arms of the city of Cheboksary: ​​description
coat of arms of the city of cheboksary description

Pay attention to the symbol of Cheboksary. This is a city with a long history, the capital of the Chuvash Republic. According to its development, it occupies not the last place among other capitals of our country. This is general information. What conclusions can an outside observer unfamiliar with the culture of the Chuvash people draw? What will the Cheboksary emblem tell him (photo below)?

coat of arms of the city of cheboksary

View from the outside

So, the coat of arms of Cheboksary: ​​in the center, against a blue background of heaven, 5 flying birds similar to swans or ducks are depicted. Probably, this city now or earlier was the habitat of these feathered creatures, which means that this is a possible sign that fishing, including game, was widespread in these parts of the world. The blue background of heaven can tell about a peaceful sky, this symbol could also be described by the people themselves - peace-loving, unwilling to harm anyone.

At the top of the coat of arms is the year. Most likely, the city was founded in 1469. A certain ornament is located there, which relates directly to the people and clearly means something. On the sides of the coat of arms there is a climbing plant, probably the city is rich in greenery or some plant crops. At the very top are the symbols of three stars, possibly meaning the outstanding features of this city or a strong connection with the gods.

coat of arms of the city of cheboksary history

A person who does not know anything about Cheboksary and Chuvashia or possesses very little information about the republic and the capital would no doubt be right in everything. But this look is very superficial. Coat of arms of Cheboksary, its symbolism carries a very deep meaning. And to a person who knows or is fond of studying emblems, the heraldic language (the language of symbols, that is, their meaning) will tell much more about the capital and people of Chuvashia.

Inside look

The coat of arms of Cheboksary is a silver shield of the French form. For awareness: shields come in various forms, but French is considered the most convenient (and common in Russia in its time) in terms of the availability of free space for filling with symbols and information. It is divided into chapter and foundation.

coat of arms

Talking symbol: duck

On the azure part of the base are five silver ducks flying in an envelope. By the way, according to the rules of heraldry, they should not be replaced by anything or anyone. It is important to recall that earlier the coat of arms of Cheboksary looked different, but the ducks were also there, however, not in the azure, but in the blue field. But according to all the rules, they harmoniously transferred to the new coat of arms of the city in 1969. Nobody has repeated these five ducks in world heraldry yet. The meaning of this symbol is deep - the desire for freedom and initiative, determination and the achievement of goals. It should also be said, for this will complement the deep “reading” of the coat of arms that the usual figure of a duck (sometimes a swan) speaks of mediation between heaven and water.

coat of arms of the city of cheboksary history

It is curious that before the revolution there was another coat of arms of the city of Cheboksary. History says that until a certain time, Chuvashia was part of the Kazan Province, and therefore the coat of arms of the former city looked different for historical reasons. It consisted of two parts: the upper part is the coat of arms of Kazan, the Kazan province, the lower part is the ducks we already know. Geographic and historical changes have occurred - the coat of arms has changed.

The value of the number five

Ducks are no coincidence reflected on the coat of arms in such numbers. This figure reflects the Chuvash worldview: there was an idea about the five pillars of the cosmos: one pillar is located directly in the center of the world, and the other four are in every corner of the Universe. In almost the same way ducks are located - “envelope”.

coat of arms cheboksary photo

Speaking symbol: river

The azure base is separated from the head of the shield in red (scarlet color) by a zigzag line. This ornament in the Chuvash culture marks the water element, in this case, the Volga River. The river for this people is a symbol of life, movement.

coat of arms of the city of cheboksary description

Talking symbol: oak

Also in the upper part of the shield three silhouettes are stylized - these are trees, namely oaks. Two oaks on the sides are filled inside with red (scarlet) color, in the middle - azure filling. The year 1469 is indicated in the middle oak field. At this time, Cheboksary was first mentioned in historical chronicles, which means that the city existed earlier, just this year was listed on the pages of history. It must be said that for the Chuvashs, oak is a special tree, a symbol of the supreme deity, eternity and indestructible power. They are located horizontally on the line on the coat of arms - this is also very symbolic. This is a reflection of the time line: the left is the past, in the middle is the present, the right is the future. The meaning is the following: the city on this earth was, is and will be.

coat of arms of the city of cheboksary

Talking symbol: star

It is this promise in time that three octagonal stars additionally fix and repeat. In general, the star for the Chuvash is the personification of the sun, which gives life. Three stars - life as a gift in the past, life in the present and life in the future, that is, again: "We were, we are and we will be."

coat of arms

The meaning of the number three

Trinity in the Chuvash is no coincidence. Trinity repetition is a confirmation and consolidation of something. The Chuvash had an idea of ​​the ternary vertical model of the world. For them, the lower, middle and upper worlds existed. And each individual repetition is a consolidation of something in one world, so there was a need for threefold reproduction.

Framing Hops

The coat of arms of the city of Cheboksary is framed at the edges with a stylized ornament of plants in golden, sunny tones. This hops are the most common technical crop of agriculture. No wonder the Chuvash people are famous for their beer (and the presence of a beer museum in Cheboksary).

coat of arms cheboksary photo


The coat of arms completes the inscription below: “Shupashkar” and “Cheboksary”. This is the name of the city: the upper one is in the Chuvash language, the lower one is in Russian. If we turn to the history of the meaning of the Chuvash word "shupashkar", then the meaning will find the following - "surrounded by water." Indeed, earlier the city was surrounded by water: on the one side the Volga, on the other - the river Cheboksary. But time, as we see, makes its own adjustments.

coat of arms of the city of cheboksary description

And more interesting facts ...

The author of the modern coat of arms (and flag) of Cheboksary is Elli Mikhailovich Yuriev. Although the coat of arms of Cheboksary was created in 1969, it was approved only in 1998. He is the creator and developer of the symbol of the Chuvash Republic.

coat of arms of the city of cheboksary

Interestingly, V. Shipunov finalized the design of the coat of arms of the city of Cheboksary with additional symbols and components. He appeared shield holders - a silver swan (a symbol of purity and rebirth, wisdom and courage, a symbol of water and earth) and a silver dragon (male personification, fire). The crown above the emblem speaks of the greatness of this land and the achievement of great heights (thanks to fellow countryman-cosmonaut A. Nikolaev). The coat of arms is framed by a ribbon of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

coat of arms of the city of cheboksary

These additions were approved by the Heraldic Council, but not approved by the authorities of the city of Cheboksary.


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