Trips to Tunisia riots

Tunisia is a country especially loved by Russian tourists for its beautiful beaches on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, for comfortable hotels, an abundance of entertainment and cultural attractions. However, despite all the advantages of a holiday in this wonderful country, many refused to visit Tunisia in the near future.

It all started in January 2011, when it was reported about public unrest in the capital. Tunisia, in which unrest demanded an urgent curfew from 8 pm to half past four in the morning, began to plunge into problems with the tourism business. At the beginning of the unrest, tour operators did not recognize a drop in demand for tours among holidaymakers, since all unrest was seen only in the capital and did not concern resort areas. However, in order to ensure the complete safety of arriving tourists, the planes had to fly not to the capital of Tunisia of the same country , but to Monastir.

The fears of tourists are clear, many of them do not know whether it is possible to relax in Tunisia during such riots. Travel companies refute all information that itโ€™s better not to travel to the country for some time. In fact, the resort regions of the country in no way suffered from popular unrest, therefore, nothing will hinder the carefree vacation of tourists. Companies also claim that Tunisia, in which unrest continues, is open to tourists and the demand for trips to this country does not fall. Organizers of excursions also take all measures to protect vacationers from any consequences of unrest, therefore, Sahara safaris are canceled in some cases.

The question of falling demand for permits to Tunisia is still controversial. Back in the winter of 2010-2011, several travel companies organized two chains of vacationers in this country. A special peak of those wishing to visit Tunisia, in which riots did not particularly concern tourists, was due to the New Year holidays. The winter season lasted with great success until March 2011.

Nevertheless, despite the assurances of the tour operators, the Russian Foreign Ministry warned that it is better to postpone the rest in Tunisia. Later in mid-May, all the warnings regarding the question โ€œIs it possible to relax in Tunisia?โ€ were canceled by the same ministry. A clear statement was made that the new wave of unrest had no effect on the resort areas. However, the Foreign Ministry recommended that vacationers not visit cities in which unrest continues, especially this has been and still is the case with the country's capital.

Will vouchers to Tunisia be cheaper in June or will demand continue? This question interested many tourists. Some vacationers left their reviews after visiting the local resorts. Contrary to the claims of tour operators about the not decreasing demand for tours to Tunisia, in which riots erupt again and again, Enfida Airport is empty. Here we are not talking about a large influx of tourists. But the friendliness and smiling of the local customs officers makes a very pleasant impression.

Even greater attention is drawn to the territory of hotels where vacationers have fun and spend time. Every tourist is now apparently an honored guest. It turned out that the riots in the country had a great impact on the tourism business and the demand for tours fell by 40%, and that only according to the official authorities. According to other unofficial sources, half the demand is reported. It is not surprising that tours to Tunisia in June and other months became much cheaper: if earlier their cost was 20% higher than a standard trip to Egypt, then now their prices are equal. Despite such concessions from travel agencies, a strong increase in demand is not observed. This is noticeable to anyone arriving. Not the most convenient time to relax in Tunisia, when the water in the sea warms up to the temperature of fresh milk, and the air up to 30 C, have not removed the fears of vacationers.

If the assertions of our government about the safety of rest in Tunisia convinced you, then you should buy tickets right now when their prices are as low as possible.


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