How to plant grapes. Practical tips

Grapes are a product beloved by many. It contains a large amount of vitamins and other substances useful to the body. In addition, grapes are a dietary product. This plant belongs to the vines. Fruits are formed on shoots that grow from the vine. Growing grapes is a troublesome business, but affordable. It requires constant care. Let's talk about how to plant grapes.

Each variety requires its own conditions for growth and development. Some are frost-resistant species, others do not withstand extreme cold. In winter, some varieties must be covered with a special material, while others, mainly technical ones, do not require such painstaking care.

To place grapes, you need to choose the most favorable place. This plant is planted separately. It is undesirable to place grapes near bushes and trees. The site should be located on the sunny side, where there is no wind. There are no special soil requirements, but it is undesirable to choose wetlands or saline areas. Also, do not place vineyards in places where groundwater is too close.

Between the rows should leave a distance of at least two meters, and between the bushes leave from 1.5 to 2 meters, depending on the variety of grapes. Before planting grapes, it is necessary to outline the rows.

Optimal for planting is an annual seedling. Grapes are planted in the fall. But you can plant it in the spring, before the buds open.

How to plant grapes in autumn?

The easiest way to plant seedlings in the holes. The depth and width of the pit should be about 80 centimeters. In the preparation process, the fertile upper layer should be separated from the less fertile layer. Fertile soil is mixed with manure (2 buckets), vegetable ash (1.5 buckets) and mineral fertilizers that contain phosphorus and potassium. The prepared mixture is poured into the pit for planting. Next, you need to install the peg. The seedling is placed in a pit and tied to a peg. Then carefully distribute the roots of the plant. We add grapes to the remaining fertile land. Finally, it is necessary to water the planted plant abundantly with 2-3 buckets of water.

Then we mix the less fertile soil with sand and thoroughly fill the hole with grapes.

Since it is preferable to plant grapes in autumn, you need to make a small mound on top, about 30 centimeters high. This will protect the young plant from possible frost.

In the case when the grapes are planted in the spring, it is necessary to make a recess of 15 centimeters.

The advantage of autumn planting is that in spring the plant will begin to fully develop. The growing season begins with the first warming, and in the winter the grapes get stronger and take root well.

How to plant grapes in spring?

The technology is practically no different. The seedling in this period begins the vegetation. It must be watered very well and carefully, with the ground, placed in the landing pit. Then we fill the hole with earth in the same way as when planting in the fall. After some time, cut the two lower leaves and add a little earth to the hole.

Propagation of grapes by cuttings is as follows. A pit with a depth of about 80 centimeters is being prepared. Previously, a very sharp knife cuts a chubuk. Directly at the lower base there should be a peephole. About 3 centimeters of vines should be left from the upper eye. Chubuk is soaked in water for about a day.

Before planting, the upper section is lowered into molten paraffin. Then, in a prepared pit, covered with earth, a hole is made and a chubuk is planted in it. From above we make a knoll about 3 centimeters high.

Planting with seedlings allows you to get the crop more quickly. However, both methods can be used depending on the circumstances.


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