Claudia Lukashevich: the life and work of a children's writer

Among Russian writers, Klavdia Vladimirovna Lukashevich gained a lot of fame. Her stories radiate love and warmth to children. They are not only interesting, but also filled with wise meaning, the desire to awaken the industriousness and humanity in children's hearts.

The beginning of the creative path

Claudia Lukashevich was born on December 11, 1859 in St. Petersburg in the family of a poor landowner. From childhood, she loved creativity. She wrote poems, poems, was fond of drawing. She spent her childhood at the Mariinsky Gymnasium, where she enthusiastically studied not only painting, but also music. Creative studies gave her great pleasure.

In the biography of Claudia Lukashevich it is said that from the age of 12 the girl independently earned money, was engaged in correspondence and gave lessons. In 1881, the newspaper "Children's Reading" published a poem by Klavochka entitled "In memory of Alexander the Second." Under the work, instead of the name of the author, there was a modest signature: "Gymnasium student".

As a teenager, Lukashevich several times sent her creations to the newspaper "Family Evenings". A little later, she was engaged in the release of the manuscript magazine "Star".

children holidays

Vigorous activity

In 1885, Claudius married Konstantin Frantsevich Khmyznikov. Her husband was appointed inspector of the Maiden Institute of Eastern Siberia, and, following him, the woman moved to Irkutsk.

Claudia continues to engage in teaching activities and does not leave creativity. In those years, the life of the writer is filled with the world of literature and creative work. Klavdia Vladimirovna:

  • is a teacher of the Russian language in elementary grades;
  • composes anthologies and textbooks;
  • composes alphabets;
  • writes biographies of famous personalities;
  • compiles collections of children's activities, games and entertainment;
  • develops manuals for holding morning performances, musical evenings and festive events.

Lukashevich gave birth to four children, but this does not prevent her from engaging in her favorite activities. A woman skillfully combines parenting, housework and writing. From under her pen appears many children's stories and tales. In 1889, the work "Makar" was awarded the St. Petersburg Frebel Society. This was not the last award in the work of the writer. The stories of Claudia Lukashevich enjoyed success and popular love.

Books of Lukashevich

New turn

In 1890, a terrible grief came to the life of a writer: dear husband and beloved daughter 10 years old die.

Surviving the loss, Claudia Lukashevich returns to Petersburg. Trying to feed her family and settle in life, she temporarily identifies three children in the juvenile department of the Nikolaev Orphan Institute, and she enters the service on the board of the Southeast Railway.

Klavdia Lukashevich continues to write children's books and collaborates with almost all publishers. Her books are very successful and love children. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the circulation of her works exceeded one million.

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Claudia Lukashevich’s books are saturated with love for children. Through her stories and tales, she tries to form the concept of humanity, industriousness, kindness and attention to the world around young readers. Some skeptics were unpleasantly expressed in the address of the work of Claudia Vladimirovna, reproaching her for "excessive virtue." The writer responded firmly and with dignity to such speeches:

If it’s called sentimentality that I spared children's imagination from cruel, heavy pictures, then I did it consciously. I portrayed the truth of life, but for the most part I took the good, the pure, the bright; it has a reassuring, reassuring, conciliatory effect on young readers.

The stories and books of Klavdia Lukashevich consisted of their own memories and experiences. In simple and soft words, she tried to convey to the children the essence of life values. The writer sent many works for children from the countryside.

Children's books

Among the famous works of Claudia Lukashevich, the following are of special attention and popularity:

  • "The voice of the heart";
  • "Cruelty";
  • "Brother and sister";
  • "My sweet childhood";
  • "Master and servant";
  • "Poor relative";
  • "Barefoot team";
  • "In crowded but not mad";
  • "Two sisters";
  • "Uncle Flutist";
  • "From the village";
  • "Correspondence of three friends";
  • "Orphan's share";
  • "Ragman";
  • "A pink flower that falls asleep at night."

This is a small part of what Claudia Lukashevich wrote in his life.

Claudia books

Human kindness and mercy encouraged Claudius Vladimirovna to devote himself to serving people during the First World War. At her own expense, she maintains a hospital for the wounded, a shelter for children whose parents went to the front. During the war, one of her sons dies ...

Unfortunately, in 1923, by order of higher authorities, the writer's works were removed from the libraries. The reasons are "sentimentality, didacticism, cliched situations, schematic characters." The writer refused to rewrite stories according to the “new template of modern time”.

The last years of his life, Klavdia Lukashevich lives with fairly scarce means. Her son, Khmiznikov Pavel Konstantinovich, becomes a doctor of geographical sciences.

Claudia Lukashevich’s work has not died out so far. Her books are very loved by children, full of light, kindness and warmth.


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