How to make foundation drainage right?

If we are talking about protecting the foundation of the structure from excess moisture, then we are talking primarily about waterproofing. Why then need drainage? In fact, the purpose of waterproofing is to prevent the destruction of the foundation with water, and the task of drainage is to divert this water from the structure. Arrangements for arranging drainage and waterproofing are carried out โ€œhand in handโ€, but there is no need to talk about their interchangeability.

Modern foundation drainage It is an engineering system that diverts melt, ground, and rainwater from the foundation and walls. With a high level of groundwater or the location of a site in a lowland, you must definitely do something so that the water does not come into contact with the foundation, or even better, completely remove it from the site. Thanks to these measures, there will be no overhead, and indicators of a seasonal rise in water level will be noticeably reduced.

The drainage system is represented by rolled metal products, which are laid along the perimeter of the structure in a pre-prepared trench. The modern construction market offers pipes that are wrapped in a special material - geotextiles. Thanks to him, drainage lasts longer. Not only the components of the drainage system are important, but also the way it is organized. Only properly prepared and carried out work will provide the effect.

In order for the foundation to be protected from water, there are two types of drainage: wall and ring. If we are talking about the first, then here as one of the trench walls stands the foundation. The second option - they dig a trench, retreating 1.5-3 m. The wall version is used in the presence of a basement or basement floor, and in their absence they cost a ring drainage. It differs circular from wall by rounding, soft bends of pipes. Here we are not talking about maintaining a certain exact distance, most importantly, a maximum of 3 m. However, the main principle should remain unshakable: the pipe is laid lower than the base of the foundation.

Any drainage around the house consists of several stages, which will take about several weeks. First they dig a fortified trench, and then, if wall drainage is provided, they clean the foundation from the previous waterproofing and any contaminants. It is dried, and then a new waterproofing is laid. The next stage is the laying of geotextiles, backfilling of gravel lining layer. Then comes the direct installation of drainage pipes, and after installation, if necessary, storm sewers. After this, pipes fill 50-70 cm of gravel, but you can also take sand, especially if it is an annular drainage.


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