Toilet for cats on the toilet. How to quickly accustom a pet to cleanliness?

Many do not dare to start cats due to lack of time to care for a pet. And if there is nothing complicated in feeding, then the toilet needs to be cleaned constantly. Keeping track of his cat’s cleanliness is extremely important, especially if there are small children in the house who can come in contact with the tray. An alternative and very convenient option would be a toilet that accustoms cats to the toilet.

It is difficult to say how long the cat recognizes a new place to meet needs, but the work usually does not take long. The longest process takes 21 days.

Toilet nozzle

The learning process is carried out with a special device - a nozzle made of durable material. This cat toilet is attached to the toilet and allows the owner to solve several problems related to:

  • unpleasant odor;
  • spending money on filler;
  • cleaning the toilet.
cat toilet

The smell of cat feces does not absorb even the most modern and expensive filler. There are few who wash the feet of a four-legged friend after visiting the toilet, and part of the urine remains on them. At the same time, the animal moves freely on the bed, and for some hosts it climbs on the table. There is a toilet to teach cats to the toilet is inexpensive, in any case, more money is spent on the filler every month.

Three-stage training

The essence of the event is to gradually, painlessly, the cat begin to walk into the tray next to the toilet. Therefore, at the first stage, imperceptibly, day after day, you need to move it and patiently wait until the pet has learned a new place. If the animal is empty in the old place, do not scold him, let alone punish him with food.

At the next stage, the cat tray with the help of improvised means (magazines, books) rises one step higher to the toilet. Every day, about 3-5 centimeters, so that it’s completely imperceptible how the toilet “grows”, otherwise the cat may begin to feel discomfort. When exactly she will understand that it is necessary to cope in a toilet is unknown. Therefore, the toilet seat cover must always be open.

Red Cat

At the final stage, as soon as the animal feels comfortable at a height, a toilet for cats (on the toilet), which is located under the rim, is useful. The tray should not be removed from the room so far, let it be located nearby until the result is fully consolidated. To do this, it will take 2-4 days, after which the tray is removed completely, so that with all the desire it could not be found by smell.

Toilet for cats on the toilet: how to use

The favorite of the family should first of all feel the reliability in the learning process, so it is important to make sure that the system has stood firmly and does not wobble. It is more convenient to use a device consisting of a series of trays mounted on top of the toilet bowl into which the filler is poured. As you get used to it, the trays are removed, expanding the hole. After a certain time, the toilet for cats, fixed on the toilet, is completely cleaned.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • an ordinary tray is placed next to the toilet;
  • gradually the toilet rises to the level of the toilet seat;
  • a special simulator is placed under the rim;
  • filler is poured;
  • the first ring is removed after about a week, also the second and subsequent;
  • after 4 weeks you need to stop pouring filler.
cat tray

If the cat began to stand on the toilet with 4 legs, then she was used to a new place. It is important not to forget to regularly clean the toilet seat for hygiene, and keep the toilet door always open.


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