Soothing bedtime tea for children: list, formulations, herbs and parental reviews

The children's nervous system is considered to be still fragile and imperfect. This is precisely the reason for the frequent overexcitation of babies. Stress in them is manifested by restless sleep, moods and causeless tantrums. To improve the night's rest of the baby, you can take soothing tea for children before bedtime. This method is effective and practically harmless. What herbs can be used in tea? At what age is the medication allowed? How to cook it?


As a rule, soothing bedtime teas for children help to have a beneficial effect on the baby’s nervous system. They are divided into complex and single-component ones. Such a product can be purchased at the pharmacy. It is sold ready-made in filter bags or in the form of a dry herbal mixture. In the assortment there are teas both exclusively herbal and with additives of various fruits.

It is worth noting that you can prepare soothing tea before bedtime for children on their own. When collecting grass, it is necessary to be guided by some rules, since the benefits of chamomile will be doubtful if it is torn off near the roadway, as it has absorbed dust and dirt. For baby soothing tea, the herbal collection should be fresh and clean. If your parents do not have the appropriate knowledge, you should not risk it. It is better to purchase a ready-made collection at the pharmacy. It is environmentally friendly, safe, tested for toxicity, and also dried in accordance with the requirements and standards.

For what age is suitable

Boy pours tea

Pediatricians recommend giving babies from birth only one-component fennel tea. It will help relieve colic and improve crumb sleep. Further recommendations are given:

  • In the fourth month of life, a baby can be given a chamomile single-component and combined drink.
  • As a calming tea for children before bedtime, at the age of 2, experts allow you to prepare infusions of lemon balm and motherwort.
  • From the age of three, thyme and valerian should be given to babies as a soothing drink.
  • Closer to seven years, experts recommend boldly add linden flowers and honey to the above herbs, provided that the child does not have allergic reactions to these ingredients.

When brewing soothing tea at bedtime for children, the dosage must be observed.

Recommendations for use

As a rule, due to the fragile nervous system, small children are often subjected to stress and overexcitation. The use of soothing tea has a different purpose, for example, for babies up to a year it is used for such purposes:

  • Improve sleep so that the child sleeps soundly and soundly all night.
  • Rid the baby of flatulence, colic and other digestive problems.
  • Reduce moodiness and relieve excitability.
  • Reduce the manifestation of allergic reactions.
  • Relieve oral inflammation.

In addition, soothing bedtime tea for children helps to reduce irritability and helps the baby to digest new foods easier for him. Experts recommend giving herbal drinks to older children to eliminate:

  • Nervousness.
  • Whims.
  • Hysterical.
  • Disturbing sleep.
  • Causeless fears.

Also, a soothing drink helps the baby adapt in a new environment: in a kindergarten or school. But you should not ignore adolescents, because in connection with an active change in the hormonal background, this period is characterized by increased irritability and nervousness. According to doctors, as a teenager, herbal drinks will be a useful remedy.

Characterization of herbs and their benefits

Soothing tea for children before bedtime reviews

Each plant has its own healing properties. To make baby soothing tea before bedtime, it is important to know the types of herbs that you can use. Here are some of them:

  • Melissa is a powerful natural antidepressant. That is why it is able to improve the work of the baby’s nervous system. In addition, tea from lemon balm can relieve cramps, normalize digestion, stimulate appetite. The pleasant smell of this plant has a calming effect, which favorably affects the quality of sleep.
  • Chamomile. This plant is truly unique. It helps to improve the sleep of the child, has antipyretic, anti-allergic, hemostatic, disinfectant, antispasmodic, choleretic properties.
  • Motherwort is an excellent remedy for hyper-excitability, sleep disturbance, nervousness, tantrums.
  • Peppermint is used as a diuretic, antiemetic, painkiller. In addition, this aromatic plant is known to many as a sedative that helps improve sleep and calm the nervous system.
  • Valerian is aimed at the effective treatment of certain cardiovascular diseases, as well as many disorders of the central nervous system. She remarkably helps to cope with insomnia, blocks arousal, helps calm down.
  • Fennel, the use of which is permissible from birth, facilitates falling asleep and soothes babies, and also has a beneficial effect on colic and flatulence.
  • Calendula flowers are used as an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and healing herbal remedy. This flower tends to gently remove the effects of anxiety and stress, as well as improve sleep and relieve irritability.
  • The series has a bactericidal and antiallergic effect. That is why pediatricians advise from birth to add a decoction of this herb to the bath when bathing the baby. The plant copes well with diaper rash, itching, a rash on the skin of a child. After a bath with a series of babies they behave more calmly, fall asleep better, because their skin condition improves.
  • Linden has a diaphoretic and expectorant effect. With the help of decoctions, it is possible to relieve internal stress and ease going to bed.
  • Plantain is known to everyone as a plant that helps to heal wounds. In addition, it helps to normalize the nervous system and relieve tension.
  • Thyme is great as a soothing tea for children before bedtime. The medicinal properties of this plant have a calming effect.

Before offering a baby drink for the first time to a baby, you need to make sure that it contains only one plant. Subsequently, other components can be gradually added to soothing tea for children before bedtime. This approach will help to avoid the occurrence of possible allergic reactions, and in case of their occurrence it will be easier to determine which component is not suitable for the child.


Today, pharmacies have a huge assortment of different children's teas. But sometimes, it’s hard for a parent to make a choice. We offer you to consider the most popular soothing teas for children before bedtime, reviews of which are only good.

"Sweet dreams"

Baby soothing tea at night

This drink combines fennel, chamomile and linden flowers. Many mothers note the pleasant taste of tea and its calming effect. An additional plus is that such a drink can be given to babies from four months. Granulated tea, contains dextrose in the composition, that is, it does not require sweeteners. For many, this form of release causes concern. Some note that this drink weakens.

"Grandma’s Lukoshko"

Baby soothing tea

This drink contains fennel, lemon balm, thyme. Fennel saves the baby from intestinal colic, thyme calms the nervous system, and in combination with lemon balm helps relieve the increased excitability of the crumbs, which guarantees a quiet sleep. Tea in its composition has only herbs, there are no sweeteners, which manufacturers especially highlight in their reviews. The composition may vary somewhat. So, there is the "Grandmother's basket" with wild rose, chamomile, mint, dried berries. Some parents do not like the fact that children are not willing to drink this tea without sweeteners. This is his only drawback.

"Linden blossom with lemon balm"

Baby soothing bedtime tea

The composition of tea includes linden flowers, chamomile, lemon balm and dextrose (grape sugar). The manufacturer claims that the drink has a calming effect and helps to improve the sleep of children with a four-month return. It is easy to prepare: dissolve one spoon of the mixture in 100 ml of water and the tea is ready.

In addition, the drink has a slightly sweet taste with a delicate flavor of herbs that children like. Despite the large number of positive reviews, there are those that indicate its inefficiency. According to some mothers, giving tea to their babies, they did not notice such a sleepy effect and sedative effect, declared by the manufacturer.

Many parents are surprised that this product is presented in the form of water-soluble granules. Some fathers and mothers believe that they have little natural, but a lot of "chemistry".

Humana "Good night"

It consists of hibiscus flowers, thyme, linden blossom and lemon balm. According to reviews, baby soothing tea tastes good and is recommended for use for babies older than four months. Many mothers note a beneficial effect on the sleep of babies. But there are also ardent opponents of this drink, which highlight the shortcomings:

  • Unpleasant aftertaste.
  • Increased activity of the child after drinking tea.
  • Unappealing and tasteless granules.

"Evening Tale"

Tea for children "Evening Tale"

The composition of this baby soothing tea at night includes components that gently affect the nervous and digestive system of the crumbs. These are the fruits of anise and fennel, mint leaves, lavender flowers. It is worth noting that many mothers are satisfied with the effect of this drink. Based on their price-quality ratio, this tea is considered by parents to be one of the best. According to the instructions, it must be taken immediately before bedtime once a day.

However, some parents note that children do not like the smell of anise, which drowns out the aromas of other components. Many in the reviews write that there is no soothing effect promised by the manufacturers.

Calm down

The instructions for children's tea indicate that this drink is intended for children from six months. It includes wild rose, alfalfa, thyme, oregano, motherwort, lemon balm, kelp extract.

Soothing tea for children before bedtime 2

Despite the rich herbal composition, according to the reviews of parents, this product has its drawbacks:

  • The drink is bitter, which kids do not like. You must add honey or sugar.
  • Tea contains such elements that can cause an allergic reaction.

Many components contribute to increasing the risk of an allergic reaction. This is also reported in the reviews by parents.


Before using soothing tea, consult a pediatrician. As a rule, the doctor recommends giving dill water and fennel infusion to children from birth. Many types of other medicinal drinks are permitted from four months. In order for herbal tea to benefit, it must be taken systematically.


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