Characters Fallout 4: Kate. Description of the character, where to find and how to have a relationship with Kate

A huge number of charismatic and memorable characters gave us the game Fallout 4. Kate is just one of these heroines. This character will not let you get bored while traveling, in addition, it will always come to the rescue in difficult times. This girl, with whom the protagonist can have a romantic relationship, has an unusual character with her own strengths and weaknesses. In this short review, we will tell you where to find this companion, as well as how to get her location and have an affair with her.

fallout 4 kate

Past Aichi Kate

Fallout 4 differs from the previous parts of the franchise in that it fully reveals the nature and past of all the satellites that the main character can acquire. During the journey, Kate will talk about her difficult life. In childhood, this girl lacked love from her parents. And as soon as she was 18 years old, “kind relatives” sold her into slavery. The next 5 years of her life were the most difficult. To get rid of slavery, Kate had to steal, but she still saved up the necessary amount and bought herself.

IT Kate Fallout 4

Having gained freedom, the first thing the girl went to "thank her parents" and, without hesitation, she knocked down their heads with shots from the shotgun. What can I say, such a life left a deep imprint on the character of Kate - there was no kindness or sympathy in her, in addition, she became an addict. In the end, the girl decided to commit suicide, but wanted to do it with the wrong hands. Therefore, she began to participate in gladiatorial battles - one of the deadliest entertainment in the world of Fallout 4, where Kate gained immense popularity and became the best fighter.

How to get Kate into partners

To make this girl your companion, the main character needs to go to the “Battle Zone” located in the eastern part of Diamond City - the main location of Fallout 4. Kate is fighting in the arena, and before talking to her, you will have to destroy the gang of raiders controlling this place. Pay special attention to the bartender - this opponent will not save Molotov cocktails in battle, so you should neutralize him first.

fallout 4 where is kate

After the hassle, talk to the person in the cage. He will give you a contract, and now you can persuade the girl to become your companion on a trip around the world of Fallout 4. Kate will easily agree, and you will get a pretty skilled companion.

Character Benefits

Kate is an excellent partner, because her combat past makes itself felt, so any passage of missions with this character will be an easy walk. The girl knows how to handle a shotgun perfectly, and her accuracy will save your life or health more than once. In addition, Kate is able to cope with locks at the master level. So, faced with a locked drawer or door, you can always ask your partner to open them for you. But at the same time, Kate is a "bad girl." She drinks, uses drugs, steals, threatens the inhabitants of the wasteland. Perhaps that is why it is so interesting to spend time with this character. In addition, having reached the maximum level of trust with a girl, you can get an excellent skill "Hasty shooting." This perk makes it possible to quickly restore action points if the main character's health drops to 25%.

Fallout 4. Relationship with Kate

You can maximize your relationship with this companion if you do things Kate likes. When traveling with a girl, avoid performing activities that she does not approve of. So if you want to do something that your companion does not like, then it is better to send it to the base. Kate loves when the protagonist drinks alcohol and is engaged in theft. In addition, the girl likes, if you are bargaining for a fee with employers and are tough in conversations. Also, Kate loves when her companion walks naked. Her relationship with drugs depends on completing the Mild Intervention quest. Until you complete this assignment, Kate is more than positive about drug addiction. After completing the mission, her opinion is reversed.

fallout 4 relationship with kate

If you want to achieve the maximum level of relations with a girl, then do not help the settlers with her tasks minuten and synth. Despite the outward cruelty, Kate really does not like the killing of innocents, and has a negative attitude towards cannibalism. In addition, until you completely pump your relationship with this character, it is better not to join the fractions of the Underground, Minutemans or Brotherhood of Steel.

Companion's main quest

As soon as you reach 750 reputation points with a girl, she will recognize you as highly addicted to drugs, after which the quest “Soft Intervention” will be launched. To help Kate get rid of the disease, the main character should take her to the shelter 95, because it is there that there is equipment that helps with this problem.

kate in fallout 4
Before heading to this place, do not forget to stock up on cartridges and first-aid kits, because the inhabitants of the shelter are very aggressive towards visitors. Having cleaned the territory, put the girl in a special chair. So you will complete this quest of the game Fallout 4. Kate will get rid of addiction, and you can have a romantic relationship with her. Just keep in mind that now your companion strongly disapproves of drug use.


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