Understand, accept and love: autism, signs of insidious syndrome

Over the past few decades, the number of children with a disease such as autism has increased, the signs of this syndrome are not immediately obvious and therefore it is difficult to diagnose in the early stages. Only in the process of child growth is there a noticeable developmental delay and lack of desire to make contact with family members and peers.

Signs of autism in children appear at the age of 1-5 years. The kid can be physically absolutely healthy and grow up to be a real big guy, but when observing the behavior and his reactions to the changes in his environment, you can get valuable information that makes it possible to recognize signs of autism. In children prone to this ailment, it is not possible to identify the causes of such a deviation. But, psychologists as a hypothesis put forward the option of rejection of the child in the family, not quite comfortable conditions for the emotional existence of the baby, rejection of his mother, and unjustified denial of his very existence in the family. But, this is only a hypothesis and she did not find confirmation. Therefore, we can safely say that the cause of autism is not proven. Although the term “autism, signs of autism” has existed since 1912, and the first serious research in this area was carried out back in 1943, we know little about this mysterious phenomenon.

Autism and its symptoms

All parents like to watch how their baby develops, how he begins to "walk", smile. It's nice to hear baby talk, to see the first attempts to know the world around us. Such attention of parents to the development of their child is an indispensable condition for the full formation and development of the baby. But there are children who do not tolerate the attention of others from themselves and do not show special interest in the outside world. These kids are comfortable alone, they have a negative attitude to any manifestations of attention to their activities, they reject the desire of relatives to intervene in their lives. Such children live in their own world and are very reluctant to leave it to communicate with the existing external, understandable to us, but not at all attractive to them. Children with signs of autism do not seek to learn, do not want to share emotions. They always have problems in socialization and adaptation, there is no interest in what is happening around the events. If the child has the above symptoms, then - autism, signs of what is called "on the face." This developmental deviation has several names - Rhett or Asperger's syndrome.

How does autism occur?

Autism and signs of this syndrome are manifested by 10-12 months. Then they are fixed and go into a chronic form by three years. Indifferent parents notice a deviation in development almost immediately. If the child refuses tactile contacts, if there is no speech at the age of two, if the baby prefers loneliness, if there is no non-verbal communication, the child does not look into the eyes of both mother and others, the gestures are nervous, inexpressive, sometimes too sharp reactions to external stimuli, for example, the baby frowns and closes his ears with the sounds of music or voice, then autism, signs of this syndrome obvious. It should be noted that signs of autism in adults are similar.

Autism syndrome can be either in a mild form or in a pronounced form. Sometimes symptoms similar to those of autism can occur at school age. But this is more likely a child’s reaction to a change of regime, changes in his environment and excessive school loads.

Unfortunately, acute autism leads to a serious delay in the development of the child. And as a result of this process - deep mental retardation, which can not be corrected.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F21244/

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