How to find a city in Minecraft: a description of all the possible methods

When creating the Minecraft game, a unique world is generated. It has pyramids, cities, jungles and forests. They are located constantly in random places. Therefore, many players have a question, how to find a city in Minecraft. After all, no one wants to look for them for a long time. There are several methods for this.

How to search?

Settlement near the river

Before heading out on a quest, a gamer should stock up on any blocks, armor, and food reserves for several days. On the first attempt to find a city, not every player will succeed. However, the probability is very high. How to search for a city:

  • Go in one direction.
  • With the help of blocks, gamers need to build high steps or poles. With their help, you can consider the terrain. If there is no city on the horizon, then you should move on.
  • Pillars do not need to be destroyed. They will serve as a guide for the gamer where he goes.

It’s more efficient to search for a city at night, because it gives a glow. Sometimes it can be a lava lake. However, this is dangerous, as evil monsters come out at night that can kill a player.

If the health is low, then gamers need to eat. This can be done using a supply of food. If it ends, then you need to find animals and cook them. In case of death should go to the other side. The pillars will indicate where you should not go.

Find a city in creative mode

Minecraft City

In this mode, you should open your inventory. There you need to take a brown egg and throw it on the ground. After that, a simple civilian will appear. They need to be made at least ten. Then you should go about your business. It is advisable not to visit the place where civilians are located for several gaming days.

After this, the person needs to find the village that the characters built. It’s best to search where mobs spawned. Thus, a gamer is determined for himself how to find a city in Minecraft. The method is only suitable for creative game mode.

Where to find a city in Minecraft?

Finding a desert settlement is easiest. All houses in the city will be different. In the desert, they are built of sandstone, and in ordinary terrain, made of wood. To find a city, you need to travel and leave marks. In the desert, cities are very common. Therefore, the search for a settlement will take no more than two hours. You need to look for them on level ground, since mobs do not build cities on the slopes and near the mountains. To facilitate the search, it is recommended to look at the horizon from large trees more often. With the help of them you can see the settlement.


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