Hibiscus garden - a beautiful healthy plant

Hibiscus garden is part of the family of malvaceae. In nature, this is an evergreen or deciduous plant that grows mainly in tropical countries: China, Indonesia, Fiji, Java, Sri Lanka.

For their love of a humid climate, hibiscus is sometimes called marsh mallow. Plants serve not only for decorative purposes. Young sprouts and leaves are eaten as vegetables. All parts of hibiscus are used in medicine, and necklaces are made from the seeds of the plant. Flowers are used to produce black or purple hair dyes and in the food industry. Slices of dried fruits are a component of fruit teas: Karkade, Sudanese rose, Malvoy, etc.

Garden hibiscus heals and purifies the air, and also has beneficial effects on weak plants planted in the neighborhood.

Today, more than five hundred varieties and garden forms of hibiscus are known, which differ in the degree of terry, size and color of the flowers, which has such shades as pink, yellow, salmon, red, orange, purple, lilac. Delicate petals are framed with a border, streaked with strokes, decorated with a contrasting color - an eye. The leaves are located on the petioles in a certain sequence. Large axillary flowers are at the top of the shoot.

In a temperate climate, Syrian hibiscus is very much in demand. This is a bush or tree with bright green foliage and flowers of various colors. It is used for group and solitary plantings, the creation of alleys and hedges. The tree grows slowly, begins to bloom and bear fruit from the age of three. Young bushes must be covered for the winter, adults withstand short-term frosts down to minus 20 ° C. The plant is undemanding to the soil, the soil must have good drainage. Thanks to gas resistance, Syrian hibiscus grows well in urban environments.

Hibiscus: growing and caring

The shrub loves light scattered without direct sunlight. It is necessary to protect the plant from draft. The optimum temperature in summer is 22 degrees, in winter minus 15.

During the growing season, abundant watering is required, especially during the flowering period. In autumn and winter, hydration is reduced. Do not allow excessive drying or wetting of the substrate. It is best to take soft water - settled or rain.

Mineral fertilizers are used for top dressing, which are alternated with the introduction of liquid mullein (1 infusion per 10 liters of water). Top dressing is performed once a week from spring to August; in other periods, potassium or phosphorus supplements are given once a month.

In spring, before flowering, garden hibiscus is pruned. This allows you to accelerate the formation of buds and increase the number of peduncles, and also forms a lush bush. First of all, dried out, elongated shoots are removed, healthy ones are cut in half. The resulting sections must be covered with garden varnish so that the plant does not run out of juice. Cuttings obtained as a result of circumcision can be rooted and thus get a new beautiful plant.

For the density of the crown and stimulate the development of young shoots forming flowers, the plant is cut at a distance of 15 cm from the beginning of the base to the bud.

Hibiscus garden planted on neutral light nutrient soils. To prevent stagnation of water, the plant needs good drainage.

Reproduction is performed by seeds and cuttings. Seeds are soaked in Epin's solution and planted in a mixture of sand and peat, which is placed in a mini greenhouse. When the sprouts form several leaves, they are transplanted to a permanent place. It is easier to produce propagation by cuttings obtained as a result of cutting.

Garden hibiscus can be affected by aphids, scabies or spider mites. In such cases, the pests are washed off with soapy water, the plant is treated with an actellic solution.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F21250/

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