Carriage from a gun carriage: materials and tools, technology description, photo

Modern developers are increasingly recently offering technology for the construction of log cabin carriages. She came to us from Norway. A carriage is a semi-oval-shaped log cut from two sides. This word also means the type of connection. It is also called a tricky castle, as it is one of the best.

Why is Norwegian technology good?

Due to the high quality and its shape, such a masonry is able to provide a tight connection, which protects the corners from the penetration of cold air and freezing. Over time, shrinkage will occur, which will lead only to greater compaction. This indicates that the construction of the house will become even warmer and stronger. The walls get a flat shape, because of this, the inside of the house is more spacious and more space is formed.

Technology Description

log cabin bath carriages

Before erecting a log house from a carriage, preparatory work is carried out. Logs should be stacked one on one in a horizontal position, which allows the formation of crowns. The logs have a standard length of 6 m. In order to obtain the strength of the joint, grooves are made located on top of the element. An interventional seal is laid there. There should be special cuttings in the corners of the logs. They are called locks and have wedge-shaped profiles.

For the construction of log cabins, it is important that the tree has natural moisture. This technology involves the drying of the material in the finished log house. After installation, the house is aged for some time, then it is disassembled. Logs are laid using a Norwegian castle. In the process of shrinkage, it self-jams under the influence of its own weight. This castle in buildings is the most reliable, since the carriage does not rotate when jammed and is strong enough. The castle strength will depend on the density of shrinkage.

Before you start collecting the log house from the gun carriage, in all seriousness you need to approach the selection of material. Logs must not be damaged. They must comply with specifications and standards. This allows you to build high quality houses. As soon as lumber has been selected that is suitable in all respects, it is cleaned of bark, treated with turpentine antiseptics and resinous substances. Particularly carefully should be processed the end part of the wood, as well as those places where there are grooves and cuts. Then the logs are sorted by size and shape. For this, measurements are made. At this stage, defects in the form of protrusions and growths can be removed.

The second stage of construction

After carrying out such processes, the log is transported to the logging site. Log carriages are assembled taking into account the natural size. After logging, logs are marked depending on the assembly drawings. Then the log house is dismantled and the material is loaded onto the transport. It is delivered to the place of assembly at home. Assembly work is carried out on a ready foundation. Installation is accompanied by the installation of dowels and dowels. They are wooden nails made of hardwood. These elements are located inside the bars. Nagels are required to prevent alignment of the edges of the bars during shrinkage. They maintain the verticality of the walls.

As soon as the Norwegian log cabin is mounted, the roof is mounted, doors and windows are installed. Then you can make finishing work related to landscaping.


Norwegian log cabin carriages

For the manufacture of a carriage and the construction of a house, certain tools should be prepared, among them should be highlighted:

  • tape power-saw benches;
  • compass;
  • drill;
  • chainsaw;
  • ax;
  • plane.

The sawmill must be equipped with a hydraulic and electronic system. The compass should be selected so that a level is built into it. The drill must have an impact function. Any ax will not do. It must have a special configuration. Among the special equipment that will be needed, it is worth highlighting:

  • truck crane;
  • lifting equipment;
  • trucks.

Construction Features

carriages based on Norwegian technology

The log cabin of the carriage is built using almost the same technology, which involves the use of round timber or timber. The foundation will be the same as for the roof. The main difference is expressed only in the construction of walls. Standard log cabins have a bowl in the joint. The obvious drawback here is the expectation of shrinkage. This may take a year or more.

The more dried the logs are, the better. So they will sit faster and less. As for the log houses of the carriage, then they use logs of natural moisture. This is due to the fact that during the construction of walls the angular method of fastening is used. When drying, the logs are even more closely adjacent to each other, they cling to each other. Shrinkage is not so significant.

What material to use for building a bath

It is better to use cedar for the bath, as this wood is not exposed to temperature extremes and chemicals. Among other things, cedar has healing properties.

Ventilation. Is she needed

do-it-yourself log cabin

If you want to build a log house from a carriage with your own hands, you should worry about ventilation. Typically, if there are wooden walls, the rooms are ventilated due to gaps in the joints. But in the design under consideration, there will be no gaps. In this regard, holes should be made under the roof for air exchange. These holes are called vents, they must be placed around the perimeter of the building. They should be located in each room. The steam room should have one hole at the top and two at the bottom.

How to do the markup yourself

log houses carriages

The marking begins with the marking of the extreme lines and axes of the connected bars. It is necessary to use the hydraulic level. The top beam is exposed vertically and along the axis of the walls. If you look at the beam from above, you should see a square. From it will be tracing the elements of the castle.

Before you build a log cabin bathhouse with your own hands, you must do the markup. At the next stage, you should look at the side of the lower beam. In this section, the lines of the drawn square are extended so that they are connected to the center of the beam. This line will be a conditional horizon. Having looked at the upper part of the lower beam, you need to understand where to draw straight lines. They will go through the corners of the square.

The final stage of the markup

Now you can cut and remove excess wood. Similar marking is carried out on the other side of the timber. Then the wood is sawn. To do this, a number of actions should be performed, which were described above. After that, you can work with the lower plane of the bar located on top. Now you can pair the node.

How to build a house with your own hands

carriage frame photo

If you decide to assemble a log cabin from a carriage using Norwegian technology, you must first select the material. An excellent solution would be the northern pine. It is relatively inexpensive. If the barrel diameter varies from 28 to 36 cm, then after processing the diameter can be 21 cm. Pre-treatment will include the manufacture of a carriage using specialized equipment. The log will need to be quenched and marked on it. These works are carried out by masters, since the quality of the log connection and the subsequent operational characteristics of the house depend on the correctness of this stage.

Marking is carried out by a line, which is applied with a special tool. It is important to carve out the castle, which will be a Norwegian bowl. With the help of a dash, you will need to mark a longitudinal groove, which is selected with an ax. It is also called Tesla. At the next stage, you can grind tesov to ensure maximum density and smoothness of the joints.

carriage felling

At the final stage of preparation, the material is treated with an antiseptic. This is done with the help of special compounds that prevent the appearance of stains of mold and rot. At the next stage, you can do logging of the carriage. The basis of the structure is a strip foundation, which has the form of a monolithic concrete base. Before assembling the house, a waterproofing layer should be laid on the foundation, which will eliminate damage to the lower crowns.

Then the assembly takes place, which takes a lot of time, because it requires the most durable fitting of elements. This is the only way to achieve an accurate connection. Having examined the photo of the log cabins from the gun carriage, you can understand which project to choose. But at the described stage, you will have to do a selection of grooves in the window and doorways. The width of the groove is 50 mm. It is inserted into the guide rail, which will be the basis for attaching the boxes and the door block. This will ensure the safety of windows and doors during shrinkage of the log house. After that, they will fall into place, dry out and be pressed to the logs, which will guarantee the absence of cracks.

For ceiling installation, wooden beams with a cross section of 150 x 200 mm should be used. In order to make the interior of the house original, the ceiling is left open. As for home decoration, it can be carried out using different stylistic solutions. Usually, craftsmen are advised to treat the wall with translucent protective compounds that can preserve the natural beauty of the material. The use of boxes is encouraged, because processing with different paints and varnishes increases the degree of protection of the building and makes it as attractive as possible.


Carriage houses are among the most reliable. If you live in a region with a cold climate, then this solution will be the best. The technology is unique. Logs are connected as reliably as possible, thanks to this the operational life of the building is quite long. The house is subject to operation for tens and hundreds of years. Such houses in Norway have recently become more and more popular, as for the northern regions of Russia.

The prevalence of such technology cannot be called random. After all, it is due to the fact that it was tested for several years abroad. The assembly process can be carried out independently, because the logs are delivered to the construction site in an already numbered form. But if you do not have experience, then you may encounter difficulties. After all, such a house must be assembled exactly according to the instructions.

Such technology is also good because the house allows you to save on insulation and decoration. In favor of the latter conviction, it can be said that such buildings have natural beauty.


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