Red light, fine: amount, punishment for non-compliance with traffic rules, consequences

What threatens the driver of the intersection with a red light? Penalties for such an offense are recorded in the Code of Administrative Offenses. However, many drivers are not afraid of this. Indeed, at present, the punishment for driving to the red light of a traffic light is only a thousand rubles. This is a small amount compared to what could be the consequences of non-compliance with traffic rules. Read more about all this in the article.


Prohibition Signal

One of the most common traffic violations is a traffic light passing through a red light. The penalty for this administrative offense is prescribed in the Code of Administrative Offenses. This sanction applies not only to beginners, but even to experienced motorists. Moreover, this action is not always committed intentionally, this also needs to be taken into account. In order to avoid the punishment for crossing the intersection with a red signal, you must always pay attention to the traffic light, know the traffic rules and the particulars of imposing fines. Otherwise, a conflict with the traffic police officer is simply inevitable.


What is still awaiting the driver if he passes the intersection at a red light? The penalty for such an offense is one thousand rubles. Nevertheless, each driver must remember that it is very dangerous to make a maneuver for a prohibiting traffic signal, because a road accident can occur in which people will suffer or even die. Therefore, every person who gets behind the wheel, you need to carefully monitor the traffic lights at the intersection and avoid violations. This must be remembered.

In addition, if the driver crosses the intersection again at the red traffic light, the fine will already be not one but five thousand rubles, or it will be deprived of rights for up to six months. Therefore, citizens who are accustomed to driving a car must remember that for such an offense, they can remain for a long time without a driver’s license. To avoid problems with the law, you must comply with traffic rules.


Red light prohibited

A driver will have to pay a fine for driving through a red light . Moreover, if the latter began to cross it when switching the traffic light to a prohibitory signal, then it will also be held administratively liable for violation of traffic rules. This must be taken into account.

However, drivers who can prove that they started the maneuver when the yellow light comes on will be able to avoid a fine for this violation of the rules. But this happens in very rare cases.

When crossing the railway

The driver should not forget that the time when the red traffic light is on, movement through the crossing will be prohibited. Nevertheless, there are also such citizens who ignore traffic rules.

For a trip to the red light, the fine in 2018 is one thousand rubles. Or a citizen can be deprived of a driver’s license even for six months. In this case, people driving need to be especially careful and be sure to follow the traffic rules. Otherwise, a serious accident with the victims will not be avoided.

For information

So, here I would like to say a few words about why future drivers are currently undergoing a medical commission and why they visit the office of an ophthalmologist. So, the visual acuity of the person who is driving is very important.

Indeed, it often happens that people who see poorly often violate traffic rules, including driving through a red traffic light, which leads to an accident.

That is why oculists do not allow poorly seeing citizens, as well as people suffering from color blindness, to drive vehicles. The latter are generally not able to drive independently. Because they will not be able to distinguish between traffic signals.

Moreover, now all candidates for drivers are checked for color blindness according to Ryaskin's table. Accordingly, if a person does not distinguish colors, then an experienced optometrist in this case cannot be deceived. With a similar eye disease, certificates will not be issued.

Stop line

Stop on red

It is designated by a certain marking. Departure beyond its limits with a prohibited traffic signal is not allowed. The stop line is located in front of a traffic light at an intersection or in front of a railway crossing. During a stop, the driver is forbidden to leave it. In the event that a person driving does not comply with this rule and does not stop before the marked out lines when a prohibited traffic signal lights up, he faces a fine of eight hundred rubles. This must be remembered.

Small characteristic

Red traffic prohibited by law

So, drivers need to be very careful on the road. At regulated intersections where there is a traffic light, you need to carefully monitor its signals. For driving under a red light, the driver faces a fine of 1,000 rubles. But this is only the first such offense. For a repeated violation of the SDA, the fine will no longer be 1000, but 5000 rubles. In addition to losing money, a citizen can lose a driver’s license even for six months.

Moreover, the most serious traffic accidents occur precisely on those roads where there is a traffic light. Many experienced drivers ignore his signals intentionally, and newcomers sometimes simply don’t notice that instead of green, red has turned on and vice versa. Thus, motorists themselves, due to the frequent disrespect of other road users, provoke the occurrence of road crashes.

Nevertheless, for a trip under the red light, the fine is not a lot and not a little, but a thousand rubles. This is still a significant amount for the family budget. Therefore, traffic rules must be observed in order not to get into an accident and not spend money on paying fines.

Access under the camera

Under the camera on red

Many drivers very often try to slip an intersection when turning on a forbidden traffic signal. This is not entirely correct in terms of traffic rules. Moreover, if such a maneuver of the driver was recorded on the camera, then he will not be able to avoid a fine. He will come to the citizen in an envelope, and he will have to pay for his rash actions. Moreover, recording from a camera on the road is almost impossible to challenge even in court. You need to know about this and be more careful on the road.


So, once again I would like to say about the existing sanctions in violation of traffic rules.

Red light

Those who leave for the red light can pay what penalty? Here again, it is necessary to refer to article 12.12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. The specified norm of the law says that such an offense is punishable by a fine in the amount of one thousand rubles. This punishment remains unchanged at present.

Will the driver pay a fine for crossing the red light at the intersection if he completes the yellow maneuver, but at the same time the forbidden signal lights up? The answer here is no. But only when the driver was already completing the maneuver and at that moment the red light turned on. However, everything will depend on the situation. If the driver can defend his position in front of the traffic police, he will not pay a fine. This fact must be taken into account.


Penalty on forbidden signal

In conclusion, I would like to say that every motorist must perfectly comply with the traffic rules. According to traffic regulations, the traffic light on a prohibiting signal is strictly prohibited. No need to violate this rule, and then problems with the law will not arise. However, some services have the right to cross the intersection even at a red light. For example, an ambulance with flashing lights and a special signal on, or the police. Firefighters have the same right when they go to extinguish a fire. Situations can be completely different. But the driver, moving in his own car, does not have this right and therefore must wait for the moment when the green traffic light turns on. You also need to know about this.

Once again, it must be said that there is no need to leave the stop line at the intersection for a forbidden traffic signal. This entails a fine. When driving red again, you can even lose your driver’s document and become a pedestrian for six months.


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