Alexey Boble: the writer's work

Alexey Boble is a Russian writer who writes his books in the genre of science fiction. His works are popular among the male audience, because the ease of the syllable and the special plot draw men in.

alexey boble

About creativity

Aleksey Boble co-authored some books with Andrei Levitsky. The works of Alexei Bobl and Andrei Levitsky are successful and are gaining high ratings. And those of them that are written in the genres of action and science fiction, especially strongly attract the male half of readers.

Obviously, readers are attracted by their distinctive feature - Alex Boble describes the fantastic events that occur in the territories of the Slavic peoples. And the worlds born of the imagination of the writer, somewhat reminiscent of the world of "Stalker." We mention some of the author’s favorite works.

Alexey Boble: “The face of war”

On Earth, nuclear war. Two huge corporations conquered the entire virtual space of the planet. All the soldiers fighting on Earth are no longer fighting for the restoration of peace, but only in order to simply survive. The main character - one of the best fighters of the special forces - with the help of an Iranian soldier was able to survive in this war. But a difficult battle awaits him, because the betrayals that he constantly suffers from the side of his comrades greatly crippled the entire detachment. The main character will have to go to extreme measures to defeat the enemy ...

face of war alexey boble

Andrey Levitsky, Alexey Boble: “Albino”

This collection of novels by Alexei Bobl and Ander Levitsky is also written in the style of fighting science fiction.

Great civilization: what happened to it? She turned to ashes, which now carries the wind through devastation and wasteland. All places where life still remained, became the abode of mutants, vagrants and barbarians. On the island of Crimea, in the very mountains, an inter-clan war began. The main character will now have a hard time - one of the main participants in this war is trying to catch him in order to find out important information. The fact is that the protagonist has information on how to destroy the whole island in an instant. How can he be saved? ..

alexey boble books


This book was written by Alexei Bobl in collaboration with Rina Grant and refers to science fiction.

The team of the flying ship betrayed the compatriots of the colony, leaving them to die on an alien planet. But revenge enters the ship and begins to haunt every member of the team. The equipment and systems are out of order, there is almost no oxygen left, and the energy will very soon end. There is only one way out - to return for the devotees and repair their ship, which once already rescued a person, bringing him into space.

Collection of Levitsky and Bobl “Battle of Heroes”

The mysterious forces that took power in all the wasteland decided to play a game with people. Having gained power over the monarch of the whole country, they began to get to Minsk, starved of hunger, where an unknown device was hidden, which either survived from ancient times or came to people from a parallel world. The main character will have to figure out what is really happening.

andriy levitsky alexey boble

"Zone Warriors"

Again the mysterious power has awakened. She shot down a helicopter with soldiers. A special detachment goes in search of a downed aircraft, because information has come that there is one living person on board. But suddenly these searches turn into a battle for life - a hunt has been announced for the detachment, threatening messages come, and their sender remains secret. Civil strife begins in the detachment, flowing into hatred for each other, in addition, they are surrounded by strange creatures ... How can they now save themselves?

"Barbarians of Crimea"

From Moscow to Kiev alone, one devastation, wasteland and radiation. Of the people here, there was no one left - this territory became the abode for tramps and outsiders, between whom there is an endless battle for food. A small number of people, who are still trying to keep the farm here, are forced to constantly struggle with the outcasts, who strive to stick into their house. In Moscow, kings of fuel rule, in Kiev, power belongs to the Order of Purity, which are engaged in the complete extermination of mutants. And under the clouds, mysterious platforms hang, the inhabitants of which have remained in the shade.

Corporation of Lies

One day people will have no memories. The idea that neither lies nor deceit will be imposed on all of them. One day the war will be far behind. But there is one that will be against innovation. He will endlessly fight against the new law and government. He is the only one who will remain a full-fledged person, because only he will remember his past and present "I".


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