Common ram grass: description, useful properties

Due to its unique properties, common ram is used in both folk and traditional medicine. This species belongs to one of the most ancient plant families - plunoids. Thanks to the unique combination of active substances contained in the grass, ram is used in the treatment of various forms of alcoholism. With all the variety of species, and this is more than 400 items, in modern pharmaceuticals only two representatives of the plundecium are used, and one of them is the common ram.

common ram

The confusion was caused by the fact that initially in medicine the grass was called the ram-ram.

View description

This type of plant is found in all corners of the globe, although it is believed that it belongs to tropical ferns. The common ram, like all representatives of its kind, is an evergreen plant. Instead of leaves there are processes. The root system is weak, mycorrhizal, with dichotomous branches, consists of subordinate elements. An ordinary ram, the description of which we are analyzing, has no secondary shoots. The formation of shoots lasts more than one year. Old pagons are replaced by new processes in the process of plant development. The apical kidney is absent. The growth point is replaced by closely spaced phyloids.

Plant habitat

Most often, common ram grass is found in coniferous forests, among other ferns, or in places of growth of spruce and pine young growths. The fewer herbaceous plants along the way, the greater the chance of seeing a ram.

common ram grass

In most cases, the plant is found in thickets where daylight is practically absent. Some forms of fern can be found on rocky mountain platforms, where, in addition to moss, other types of vegetation are practically absent. In our country, this type of muzzle is listed in the Red Book, and its destruction is punishable by law. Plant subspecies can be found even in remote places of Northern Siberia and the tundra.

Amazing properties and chemical composition of common ram

Due to its unique properties, grass is used not only in traditional medicine, but also in the form of infusion as a potent remedy for alcoholism. If pouring a decoction of grass into a person’s food or drink, he may later experience severe vomiting, nausea, decreased heart rate, and weakness. In combination, these factors cause an aversion to alcohol. Common ram in its composition contains:

  • Alkaloid and flavonoid substances.
  • Pectin.
  • Resins
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Mucous substance.
  • Acids of organic origin.
  • Sugar.
  • Minerals.

How to collect the plant

From August to early October, common ram is prepared for further use. It is impossible to tear out a plant, this will lead to the mass extermination of useful flora. The ram is cut with a sharp knife just above the rhizome. Drying is done under a specially constructed canopy, while the temperature should not be higher than 50 degrees Celsius. It is best to store grass in a glass container in a dry but cool place.

baranets ordinary description

Especially strong is a decoction of grass that has been stored for no more than two years. To plant a plant on your own is a futile matter, since the grass is very capricious when propagating. Drying is carried out in well-ventilated places. If this is done in the attics, good ventilation must be provided.

Scope of the plant

The unique features of ram are known since ancient times. The plant has analgesic, laxative, emetic and other properties. In medicine, common ram is successfully used in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • Tuberculosis.
  • Various forms of alcoholism.
  • Mental illness.
  • Various forms of cystitis.
  • Metabolic disorders in the body.
  • Cleansing the body of toxic and slag elements.
  • Eye diseases (glaucoma, conjunctivitis).

Also, the plant is effectively used to improve memory.

Methods for preparing medicinal decoctions from the plant

It must be remembered that common ram belongs to the poisonous substances, therefore it must be used very carefully. Since the plant helps in the treatment of alcoholism, special infusions are made from ordinary rams, which must be used under the supervision of a narcologist.

common ram plant

The simplest broth for the treatment of various forms of alcoholism and for withdrawal from a state of hard drinking is made as follows:

  • The grass (10 g) is finely chopped with a sharp knife.
  • Chopped fragments are poured with boiling water and boiled for 15 minutes.
  • The broth is filtered and cooled.
  • The finished mixture must be kept for insisting in a dry and dark place for at least two days.

Broths from rams help with other diseases, but remember that for patients with cardiovascular problems, atherosclerosis, bronchial asthma, diabetes mellitus and elderly people, it is better not to use this type of medicine.


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