How much is carat? How many grams in karate?

The best friends of girls are diamonds. This is known not only by the ladies, but also by many men who presented their beloved with jewelry with this coveted stone. Questions concerning this precious crystal are interesting not only to its owners, but also to those who are just going to get a pretty trinket decorated with sparkling diamond. Curious how much a carat of diamond costs? This, perhaps, worries men who decided to please their sweetheart. How many carats in a diamond? Well, this question worries many happy owners of sparkling stone.

carat is how much

What is a diamond?

It's no secret that the most expensive mineral is diamond. This crystal not only has amazing aesthetic qualities, but it is also the hardest substance on the planet. And it is the latter quality that is widely used in science and technology. A diamond that has been shaped and cut is called a diamond.

how many carats in a diamond

Carat - how many grams?

Before answering this question, let's look at the history and remember where the carat measure came from. Carats began to measure the weight of precious stones in the fifteenth to sixteenth centuries in the Mediterranean countries. The fact is that precious minerals are small and weigh very little. Accurate measuring instruments were rare at the time. So, back in those days it was found that the seeds of the carob tree (Ceratonia siliqua) have an unusually constant mass of 0.19 grams. Therefore, the weight of precious stones was compared with the weight of these seeds. And then the final answer to the question was already given: "One carat - how much?" This value is equal to the weight of one kernel of a miracle tree. And although now they do not use this method already, but the term, consonant with the name of the tree, has remained. There was also a carat weight of 0.2 grams. So the answer to the first question is received - how many grams are in karate.

How to find out the weight of a diamond without using weights?

Perhaps not all diamond jewelry owners know the weight of their pebble. And if you really want to know? What to do? Do not pick it out of the ring or earrings to weigh? And not everyone has scales of such accuracy. There is an exit! The fact is that everything has long been measured and calculated. And if you want to know how many carats there are in your diamond, you can only use these data. Naturally, it is worth remembering that the measurements will be approximate. From the table below you can find out, one carat is how much in terms of millimeters.

how much is one carat

We determine the weight of a gemstone by its diameter. Carat - how many millimeters?

It is worth noting that this table is only suitable for round diamonds, the so-called Kr-57. If you have a stone of a different cut, then you can use the tables presented on the websites selling jewelry.

Stone diameter













































Now you know how to determine how many carats are in your diamond!

How not to get into trouble and not buy a fake?

Since people learned to artificially grow crystals, buying a fake even in a good jewelry store has become a very real thing. Technology does not stand still, and sometimes the industry produces such a-la-diamonds copies that a specialist will not always be able to recognize a fake. A cut diamond (round shape) implies a special refraction of light, with such a cut the luminous flux will be completely reflected by the back faces of the crystal, as if from a mirror surface. If you bring the stone with a crown to the light, then only a sparkling dot will be visible. If the real diamond is dipped in hydrochloric acid, then it will not do any harm to the stone, but fakes will remain stained. Since diamond is a very strong mineral, it is almost impossible to scratch it. But the diamond easily leaves scratches on any other precious stones. A fake, if you lower it in water or glycerin, will be very poorly visible, but the real stone will sparkle. You can also use testers based on the use of ultraviolet and electrical conductivity. But they are not able to detect mussanite - a rather rare crystal of a class of carbides with diamond luster. It is often given as a real diamond.

How much do diamonds cost?

The price of this precious mineral depends on many indicators: cut, transparency, presence or absence of inclusions and cracks, color and, of course, size. If the stone is perfect in its transparency, then the price increases many times, while specimens with defects are much cheaper. If we talk about color, then diamonds are colorless, blue, pink, yellow, purple, brown and even black.

how many grams in karate
The most expensive ones are colorless and blue. Colored diamonds are quite common, therefore, belong to a cheaper group. Obviously, large stones are much more expensive than small specimens. Currently, for a diamond of 0.1 carats, they ask 7-7.5 thousand rubles; 0.5 carats - 140 thousand rubles; 1 carat will pull 500 thousand rubles.

Largest diamond

The largest golden diamond belongs to the king of Thailand. The weight of the stone is 755 carats. The second, no less beautiful stone, has the name Cullian I, its weight is 530.2 carats. This stone is stored in the Tower of London and is crowned by the scepter of King Edward VII. This diamond is only one small part of a diamond weighing 3,106 carats (621.2 grams), found in the British colony Transvaal in 1905. This stone was broken into two large, seven medium and ninety-six small diamonds.

how to determine how many carats
The largest diamond is faceted in the shape of a pear and has the name Star of Africa. In third place - a golden diamond, bearing the name "Peerless." The stone was given an unusual triangular shape. The weight of the mineral is 407.48 carats. A diamond is inserted in a rose gold necklace .

In conclusion, I want to add that not everyone can afford jewelry with large crystals. Therefore, a diamond often becomes valuable not because of how many carats it contains, but how much you invested in a gift of love and attention. And even the smallest diamond can become the most expensive in the world!


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