Museum of Local Lore in Ivanovo: history, description of the exposition. Ivanovo State Museum of History and Local Lore named after D. G. Burylin

Many tourists are attracted by the ancient Russian city of Ivanovo. The local history museum is a local gem with a large number of unique exhibits. The basis of the museum funds was a private collection of the famous manufacturer, philanthropist and lover of antiquities Dmitry Burylin.

Patron and collector

The Ivanovo State Museum of History and Local Lore named after D. G. Burylin was opened in 1914. The bulk of the funds consists of private collections of the local philanthropist and manufacturer Dmitry Burylin, whose name today is the museum.
The beginning of a unique collection of antiquities was laid by the grandfather of Dmitry Gennadievich - Diodor Andreevich.

His passion for collecting spilled over into a library of old printed books and a collection of ancient coins. Of the entire younger generation of the family, only Dmitry showed genuine interest in each instance of the collection. After the death of his grandfather, Dmitry Gennadievich Burylin became the sole heir to the values ​​and continued to collect rarities.

By 1883, the collection contained more than one hundred thousand coins of different countries and historical periods, a large number of orders and medals from 226 countries of the world. Fixed assets were stored on the basement of the manor house, and it was already clear that they needed a separate room. In order to popularize his own collection of rarities, D. Burylin began to conduct exhibition activities, and he was very successful. He took part in various events in Russia and abroad.

In 1896, the All-Russian Fair was held in Nizhny Novgorod, where Burylin presented Ivanovo chintz. The exposition of fabrics he collected was so extensive and varied that it attracted the attention of the reigning family. Most often, the collections saw the light in the collector's hometown - Ivanovo. The Museum of Local Lore carefully preserves the majority of the inheritance inherited from the eminent patron.

Ivanovo Museum of Local Lore

Museum construction

The desire to build exhibition halls for his rarities Dmitry Gennadievich hatched for a long time. A decisive step in this direction was timed to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the Burylin family, who devoted much effort to the community work and industrial development of the region. In agreement with the City Duma, the construction of the museum was started in the summer of 1912. The architectural project was created by P. A. Trubnikov. The grand opening of the exhibition halls took place in December 1914. Part of the premises was leased to the St. Petersburg branch of the art school, which greatly contributed to the development of the taste of students, as D. G. Burylin had hoped for.

The museum founder actively put his hand and his own vision of the concept of the exposition into the arrangement of the halls. There was a place for a huge library with a reading room, sections of antiquities appeared - Greek, Chinese, Roman. Much attention was paid to the family business - the development of the manufactory in Russia, where Ivanovo chintz from antiquity to its days were presented on display.

Nobody systematically engaged in describing the collection, it was stored in the memory of its owner, and meanwhile it was of historical and scientific value in the 19th century. It is argued that the best collection of old printed Bibles has not been found anywhere else. Unfortunately, a full inventory was never made. In the course of historical events, ancient objects scattered around the world - to other museums, private collections or were destroyed, lost.

History of the Ivanovo Museum of Local Lore

After 1917

Two years after the revolution, in 1919, the museum was nationalized. Most of the Burylinsky antiquities went to the warehouse, the concept of exhibitions radically changed for many years. Burylin remained in Ivanovo, the museum of local lore, which he so anxiously created, completely changed the exposition, and the collector himself became a caretaker at his home. In 1924, he was deprived of this minor privilege, having fired. The heart of Dmitry Gennadievich could not stand such a blow, and he soon died.

Only after the next change in the social system, in 1993, the name of the person who made an invaluable contribution to the culture of the region was rehabilitated and evaluated by descendants. The museum of local lore was named after Dmitry Gennadievich Burylin and a memorial plaque was reopened, which appeared on the wall of the building in the year of laying the first stone of the museum building.

collection of coins


One of the ancient cities of Russia is Ivanovo. The Museum of Local Lore is an old architectural ensemble of several buildings. Almost 4 thousand m 2 of space has been allocated for the expositions and exhibitions, the storage facilities occupy more than 811 m 2 . The staff consists of 124 professionals, of which 40 are scientists. About 78 thousand visitors visit the museum annually.

The infrastructure of the Ivanovo Museum of Local Lore includes:

  • Museum dedicated to Ivanovo chintz.
  • The house-museum of famous citizens of Bubnov.
  • Museum of the writer D. A. Furmanov.
  • Schudrovskaya tent (architectural monument of the 17th century).
  • Museum of the First Revolutionary Council.
  • Museum of Art and Industry.
  • Museum Exhibition Center.

Ivanovo State Museum of Local Lore dg burylina

Museum of Art and Industry

The history of the Ivanovo Museum of Local Lore has been going on since 1914. The architecture of the building is in the neoclassical style. The exposition is located on three floors, the time frame of the collected exhibits reflects the history from the ancient period to the beginning of the 20th century. The funds contain a unique collection of coins, some of which are publicly available on the stands of the halls.

Permanent exhibitions:

  • “Arsenal” - represents a collection of weapons from different countries and eras, the oldest instance dates back to the 14th century. The exhibition features more than 500 items.
  • “Golden pantry” - exhibits are represented by items of church utensils, medals, orders of different countries, some decorated with precious stones. Of greatest interest is the collection of coins and personal belongings of the Bukhara emir Alim Khan.
  • “Art and Time” - the exhibition is assembled from restored items from the collections of D. G. Burylin. Also in the hall are portraits of contemporary patrons of art - manufacturers and members of their families, interiors of the manor houses, collections of marble sculptures, etc.
  • The “European Collection” combines heritage reflecting the development of European culture.
  • White Hall - designed for concerts, cultural events. The exhibits are paintings from the museum.
  • “Reading room of the Burylin library” - reflects the history of the creation of the library, traces the milestones of the acquaintance of writer Leo Tolstoy and philanthropist Dmitry Burylin.
  • “Nature of the Ivanovo Territory” - stands and expositions familiarize visitors with the flora and fauna of their native land, give a visual representation of the common bio-groups.

The museum is open from 11:00 to 17:00 (Tue, Wed, Fri, Sat, Sun), on Thursdays from 14:30 to 21:00. The day off is Monday. Tours require prior arrangement. The cost of visiting is from 40 to 100 rubles.

exposition of the Ivanovo Museum of Local Lore

Ivanovo chintz

The museum dedicated to weaving is located in the former utility rooms of the patrimonial mansion of the philanthropist D. G. Burylin. The core of the exhibition was a unique collection of fabrics of the former owner of the house. Collaboration with the famous fashion designer Vyacheslav Zaitsev made it possible to include several permanent exhibitions in the excursion plan, which traces the history of the textile industry from the first samples to the present. It was no coincidence that V. Zaitsev became the hero of the stories and the pride of the townspeople - he was born and raised in Ivanovo.

The museum organizes excursions on the history of the development of weaving, arts and crafts, traditional methods of printing on fabric and much more. Themed events are also held in the halls, with the goal of acquainting visitors with the history of the development and distribution of weaving, cloth, etc.

The museum is open from 11:00 to 17:00. It is located on Baturin Street, building 11/42. Guided tours require prior arrangement. The cost of visiting is from 40 to 100 rubles.

Ivanovo chintz

House Museum of the Bubnov family

The house with a mezzanine built in 1806 is a characteristic type of residential development in Ivanovo at the beginning of the 19th century. By the end of the 1880s, he passed into the possession of the Bubnov family, where several generations of the family subsequently lived. Since 1976, the building has been under state protection.

Permanent exhibitions:

  • “Leafing through the pages of a family album” introduces visitors to the history of the Bubnov family, where the fiery revolutionary A. S. Bubnov is assigned. In the memorial zone, the interior of the living room of the house was reconstructed, where musical evenings, meetings and classes are held.
  • A thematic tour of the mansion acquaints visitors not only with the history of one family, but also with the lifestyle of Ivanovo citizens, with the traditions of urban life at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries.

The museum invites you to visit from 11:00 to 17:00. Address: 3rd International Street, building 45/43. Tickets cost from 30 to 50 rubles.

museum founder

Museum of the First Council

The revolutionary events of the beginning of the 20th century were not spared by Ivanovo either. The local history museum paid attention to this historical stage by placing a thematic exposition in the house of the Meshchansky administration. The building was built in 1904 specifically for the local government. In 1905, meetings of the first Council of Workers' Deputies were held here.

Since 1919, a variety of organizations were located on the premises, later communal apartments were arranged here. By the end of the 60s, the need for such housing disappeared, and the building was transferred to the Department of Culture of the region. For educational and memorial purposes, a museum was opened in the house, dedicating it to the first Council of Workers' Deputies.

The exposition of the Ivanovo Museum of Local Lore in the house of the former Meshchanskoy Board is called "It Was!" To reflect the spirit of the times, employees recreated the interior of the conference room, where all pressing city problems were resolved, and holidays were held for children. The thematic tour has the same name and highlights the events of the era of change.

The halls are open for visitors from 11:00 to 17:00 (Mon - Day off) along Sovetskaya Street in house No. 27. The cost of visits is from 30 to 50 rubles.

Ivanovo Museum of Local Lore

Furmanov Museum

The writer D. A. Furmanov was born in the Ivanovo region on December 7, 1891 in the house of a grocer Medvedev, where the writer’s family rented a room. The exhibition was based on materials collected by students of secondary school No. 6. Since 1958, the museum worked on a voluntary basis, and since 1968 received the status of a state institution and became part of the IGIKM them. Burylina.

Since 2005, the museum has housed the permanent exhibition “Sereda. A look from the 21st century. ” Original documents, paintings, household items reflecting an era full of shocks in the political and social life of the city are presented at the stands.

The memorial hall of the museum is dedicated to the writer Furmanov, the interior is recreated here, his life and career are traced. Visitors can get acquainted with the lifetime editions of the novel “Chapaev”, authentic photographs, personal correspondence, etc.

The branch is located in Furmanov (Ivanovo region), on Bolshaya Furmanovskaya street, house number 69. The cost of visiting is from 20 to 40 rubles.

Helpful information

In addition to the complex of buildings of Burylin, there are several more interesting places where residents and guests of Ivanovo are invited. The museum of local lore has one more branch - Shchudrovsky tent. It is a small building, one of the first in the city, built of stone. In time, it dates back to the 17th century and initially served as an order hut. In the 18th century, it was bought by a wealthy peasant Osip Shchudrov, where he set up a workshop for printing a pattern on fabric. So the oldest stone building was called Shchudrovskaya tent.

Dmitry Gennadievich Burylin

In addition to sightseeing activities within the museum halls, visitors are offered informative walks around the city in order to study history and attractions. Also employees IGIKM them. Burylina offer educational classes focused on various age groups: from primary school students to family visits.


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