V. Astafiev, “Trees Grow for Everyone”: Summary

Victor Astafyev is an amazing writer who created his books in an easy and accessible language. His books often portray the world of childhood, so simple, dear, and understandable to everyone. It was in rural childhood that what we call the feeling of the motherland was laid in a person. It was absorbed with every breath, with every good or bad deed, followed by remorse.

"Trees Grow for Everyone" Summary

Unfortunately, most of today's children are deprived of such a childhood. It is for this reason that it is important to introduce them to a work such as “Trees Grow for Everyone,” a summary of which will be presented in the article. Such books help a growing and developing person to look at the world with open eyes and see beauty even in small things.

Summary of the story “Trees Grow for Everyone.” The main character

The narrator in this work is the author himself. He recalls his childhood years. And the case when he caught an unpleasant and protracted disease malaria. They tried to treat him with all known methods. But neither grandmother’s prayers and sprinkles of holy water, nor healing powders from the city pharmacy helped. The worst way worked the aunt of the protagonist. A bucket of ice water, which she poured over his collar, provoked a worsening of the disease, which led to a complete hearing loss.

Dream of your own tree

Having lost the ability to hear, the boy Vitya finds his own world. He begins to look at everything around with completely different eyes. The remote and abandoned corner of the garden becomes his favorite place, which he does not tell anyone. This place is overgrown with nettles and hemp. Sometimes there came a small bird, a flycatcher. Vita really liked to watch how she cleans her feathers and jumps on twigs. The bird’s attempt to remove the chicks ended deplorably, because the cat got to the nest, hidden under the burdock and ate all the chicks. Victor dreams of planting and growing a large tree so that birds fly from everywhere on it and make nests there, beyond the reach of a cat.

"Trees grow for everyone" very brief

Further in the work “Trees Grow for Everyone,” a brief summary of which is brought to the attention of readers, it is described how the boy Vitya found a small sprout and decided to take care of it in order to grow the tree of his dreams. Grandmother, seeing a seedling, said that it was just a small bush of buckwheat. Vitya was very upset and gradually forgot about his dream, as his health improved and he was allowed to walk on the street with friends.

Gifts of the forest and a new seedling

In autumn, grandmother brought a whole basket of mushrooms, berries and herbs from the forest. Sifting through colorful forest gifts, the boy finds a larch seedling wrapped in a scarf. This branch, bordered by yellow needles, looks very much like a fluffy chicken.

summary of the story "Trees Grow for Everyone"

In the story “Trees Grow for Everyone,” a brief summary of which allows you to familiarize yourself with the main idea of ​​this work by V. Astafiev, the following events occur.

The grandson, together with his grandmother, is planting a new tree and is looking forward to spring all winter to see how it has grown. To all his questions about the seedling, his grandmother replies that the trees grow for everyone and each pine tree is noisy in its forest.

Revealing the meaning of the title “Trees Grow for Everyone” in the summary of the story

So what is the meaning of the author in the title of this work? By doing good deeds, a person makes the world more beautiful. The boy Vitya planted a tree not only for his pleasure, but also so that it would be good for everyone around him - both people and birds. The story “Trees Grow for Everyone,” a very short content of which is unlikely to convey the beauty of Astafiev’s word, is filled with interesting observations of nature, folk tales and sayings. The story helps to see the world in all its diversity and open your soul to good and good deeds.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F21290/

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