Civil debt. Basic rights and obligations of a citizen of Russia

We are often told that a person has a civil debt to society. And what it is, remains in defaults. Those who use this concept, it seems that the listener understands what it is about. However, not every person thinks about the essence of the concept of "civil debt."

In everyday life, it is simply not used, and when danger arises, then we will figure it out. So roughly argue citizens burdened by an unknown debt. There is a certain danger, a circumstance used in the information war against the state. If you delve deeper, it will become clear: understand your responsibility, then increase security! Do not agree? Let's figure it out together.

civil debt


Man is a social being. Classics wrote about this, and everyone feels the indicated circumstance on their fate. We unite in the state, at lower levels in the party, organization, community. And all members of these communities depend on the opinions of their comrades. After all, associations of any level have specific goals and try to realize them.

These aspirations are global in character by the standards of an individual person, that is, they affect the foundations of her life. For example, take the state. This education is engaged in organizing the life of society, improvement, caring for the weak, protecting the territory and its citizens. Therefore, it is created for everyone and everyone. And from this it is easy to understand that the individual also has its own part of responsibility to the state.

A person should take what feasible, defined by law, participation in the work of this entity or superstructure. For this, citizens form a position on certain issues. Again we turn to an example.

civic duty elections

About security

Civil duty is expressed in the fact that a person is obliged to contribute to the implementation of the functions of the state. Security system is a complicated matter, unfortunately, we hear a lot about its work from the media, sometimes we encounter it ourselves.

State structures protect their citizens from danger. But they cannot know everything. The duty of a civic active person is to inform the appropriate authority of his observations. You know, sometimes this is called a denunciation, although the fact of interaction with those structures that care about us is not such.

This was well understood earlier in the border settlements. And now, in general, there are no safe zones throughout the entire territory. This is due to the global development of terrorism. In the village, for example, residents of a stranger saw. Watched him, a natural thing, behaving strangely. This was reported to law enforcement officers. There are few inhabitants in the villages, each in plain sight. This act is an example of how debt is realized (civil). In fact, these people were preoccupied with their own safety, but behaved according to the law, that is, they did not understand without law enforcement.

basic rights and obligations of a citizen of Russia

Civil Debt - Elections?

In democracies, it is customary to give people the opportunity to participate in governance. This is done through an electoral system. Is participation in a plebiscite a privilege or a civic duty?

Elections are a process of forming law-making bodies. What these people write will determine our life with you. You understand that getting away from the law is difficult, and dangerous. And at the stage of the election campaign, we have the opportunity to directly influence the personal composition of the body that determines the fate of peoples.

For active individuals - this is a duty. And they are apparently right. In the voting process, people determine the political force that most fully reflects their views. There is a big difference between the Social Democrats and the Communists. Each party has its own goals and objectives. And they will build the state in different ways. The first mil market, the second are adherents of social programs. This will affect the life of a particular citizen. If you want your interests to be taken into account, then you have to vote. But this is only part of the debt, and not the most important.

human civic duty

Civic duty and civic position

It is proposed to think about this. A person’s civic duty is to vote. It seems we already understood. There is a different nuance. Just coming to the ballot box and omitting the ballot is not the essence of the debt, but the form of its implementation. To do this meaningfully, you need to understand what kind of power (personalities) you give your preference. That is, it is necessary to understand what parties and candidates offer.

Unfortunately, we are not even talking about declared values ​​and positions, but even deeper. To be sure of your future, you should well understand who you are dealing with. An active citizenship in this case is to study information about the programs of parties, the identities of their leaders and the like.

This is a huge and painstaking work. But it is necessary for the formation of a positive future. To fulfill a civic duty is, as you see, a difficult task. Participation in public administration requires time, attention and effort.

fulfill a civic duty

The legislative framework

A concept such as “civil debt” cannot exist, so to speak, on a voluntary basis. Its essence is reflected in the Constitution, the fundamental law of every state. This is one of the principles of democracy.

So, the basic rights and obligations of a citizen of Russia can be found in the text of the Constitution. For example, article 59 states that every citizen is obliged to make a feasible contribution to the defense of the Fatherland (see above on security). This is duty and duty, one of the parts of the joint responsibility of the inhabitants of the country. In addition, citizens, according to the basic law, respect the rights of others, take care of the weak, and the like.

These are not simple words. They express the basic rights and obligations of a Russian citizen , evasion of which is censured by society and prosecuted by law.

Financial questions

There is another obligation in the Constitution, which is not honored in society. Every citizen must participate in the financing of the state. This refers to the payment of taxes. These funds are used to organize the life of the country, implement projects, create a security system and so on. That is, the superstructure, called the state, is created for people, but also at their expense.

By the way, we came to one of the issues implicitly used in the information war. There are forces who want to “liberate” peoples from the state and appropriate its functions. To do this, they do not disdain any means from creating films and books, to yellow propaganda.

The citizen's duty is to identify these dangerous trends and neutralize them. Simply put, you yourself need to understand what thoughts the authors put into their content and interpret to others. Otherwise, as they say on the network, we will all become slaves.

civic duty and civic position

Do civic duty?

And that's up to you. The state and society exist only when people need them. Everyone is involved in this process to one degree or another. If you don’t want to do this, then you are giving your right to more active citizens. But it should be understood, in this case it is they who decide your fate. Do you agree with this state of affairs?


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