Black and white: quotes, aphorisms and sayings

When black and white are mixed, a new color is obtained, when milk is added to coffee, a new taste is born, two opposites, a man and a woman, create a new life. Perhaps the reason for the interest in different sides of the coin is philosophical.

Quotes about black and white - a description of the contrast, both between darkness and light, and between evil and good. Life or reality never appears in a monophonic version. However, it is this combination of colors that seems fascinating, mysterious and even a little frightening, which is often used by artists and photographers.

black and white photo

Black and White: A Popular Combination

The first photographs were black and white, but already in the middle of the 20th century, color photography became commonplace. The same thing happens with films, fewer films are now shot in black and white, except perhaps as an artistic choice. Nevertheless, the use of this color contrast is still preferable for many photographers and designers.

black and white quotes

Sentiments colored in feelings

Just as every Yin needs a Yang, every positive needs a negative, just like everything that is white needs black to have a sense of dichotomy and to feel full. Colors breathe diversity into life. Black and white bring a sense of calm, this inanimate combination is so full of life.

Do you see things in only two colors? Separation, also known as black and white thinking, is a type of cognitive disorder where people do not see the possibility in situations because they are used to seeing only the positive or negative. But even these two tones have a lot of different shades. Here are some black and white quotes:

Mortals. Everything for you is so black and white (Kami Garcia).

When you photograph people in color, you photograph their clothes, but when you photograph people in black and white, you photograph their souls! (Ted Grant)

Photographers all over the world know the power of black and white, they know how it can make something seem mysterious and real at the same time. Depth, dynamism and simplicity combine so beautifully in black and white photographs that you almost feel that the object comes to life. The same applies to verbal genres. Black and white quotes are quite popular, some of them demonstrate human nature, some are displayed in clean water, some are entertaining in nature, others make you think.

black and white photo quotes

Beautiful abstraction

Artist Paul Dano once said that he worked in color, but the images with which he is most associated are black and white. “I see more in black and white - I like abstraction,” he said. And so many artists believe.

Rock musician Matisyahu once said: "Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but black-and-white films still occupy an affectionate place in my heart, they have incomparable mysticism and mood." American actress Ginger Rogers fully agrees with him : "Since I am from Spain, as soon as the morning comes to an end, I like to take a nap, falling asleep to black and white films."

Different colors distract, it pleases the eye, but does not necessarily reach the heart. Many quotes about black and white tend to emphasize the contrast of two opposites, two extremes.

An American actor, director and photographer Leonard Nimoy once remarked: “When we don’t have information, we turn to a simple worldview, to black and white. But then we have to lie to ourselves. Black is never as black as you draw it, and white is never so white. ”

black and white life quotes

Color - for the eyes, black and white - for the soul

For some people, life has only two sides: black or white. Quotes, aphorisms and other sayings of famous people clearly demonstrate this. Looking at life in this way, it is easier for them to see everything in their natural state; no restrictions, no distractions. But there are also intermediate shades, the so-called gray areas. Photographers, on the other hand, see black and white colors differently. These colors add meaning, adding a bit of mystery to reality.

However, despite the fact that using a black-and-white perspective, it is easier to conclude something, it makes people miss the complexities of life, it does not give a situation or a person a chance to reveal its true beauty. You should never limit yourself and see everything in only two tones, without revealing unexpected gray areas of life. Because it is your life and your rules! Live the way you want!

Black and white

Black and white quotes.

The photos presented in the article confirm the main idea. Life is like a book with colorful pictures, but black and white text. A bit pessimistic remark. But everything is not so sad.

Here are some beautiful quotes about life, love and more. Milli-Adele believes that each coin has two sides. A person chooses which one to look at.

The famous singer and dancer Shakira expressed an interesting idea in one interview: “I am a multifaceted woman and a man, like all women, does not consist only of black and white. Each of us has shades of gray in the middle. And there are many colors that other people do not see "

black and white mood quotes

David Pilkey believed that most children are smarter than most adults. Children see the world in black and white. They look through all the trash and see the world ruled by fools, dumbasses and lazy ones. And they can not do anything about it, because they have no power.

And Mark Stiegler wrote the following: “The world is not black and white. No one does anything good or bad. Everything is gray. Therefore, no one is better than the others. Knowing only gray, you come to the conclusion that all gray shades are the same. You scoff at the simplicity of the two-color views, but you replace it with a plain view. "

black and white love quotes

The truth is somewhere nearby: black and white life (quotes)

Truth is very rare in extremes, often it is right in the middle. Therefore, it is so difficult to find. Black and white thinking limits understanding and feedback, two essential ingredients for successful resolution of creative conflicts and successful understanding. Ignorance of the world often leads people to believe that life should be exactly two-colored, that you should choose sides. But there is no right or wrong if a person wants to be happy.

Quotes about the black and white mood:

There are times when you want to say or feel things, but you won’t do it, because you will think whether it is right or not. But we forget that feelings have no boundaries, unlike the norms of life that we have created. Sometimes it's better to skip them. (Nidhi Saini)

black and white world quotes

Black and white tips

The brightest thing in the world is black and white, it contains all the colors, but at the same time excludes everything. It is not necessary to always be right or wrong. It is sometimes difficult to understand what is right and what is not. The best we can do is to feel with our hearts and hope that everything will be fine.

When it comes to happiness, there is no right or wrong, like so much else. Do what you think is right and do not let anyone decide what is true and false for you, except God. Is life a black and white streak? Quote-tip for those who think so. As Tilicia Haridat noted: " Never let the light of your soul dim, even if the world appears black and white."

If you are an artist or photographer, the following expression does not apply to you. A quote about the black-and-white mood, which says how bad it is to be categorical in some matters: "Any concerns about the ideas of what is right or wrong in behavior indicate a delay in intellectual development," wrote Oscar Wilde.

Symbols of alternative, hope and despair

Is the world black and white? There are so many quotes, the topic is quite interesting, since so many popular people have spoken about this. "The world is the beauty of life. It is sunlight. It is the smile of a child, love of mother, joy of father, unity of family. This is human progress, victory of a just cause, triumph of truth." - Menachem Begin once said.

For some, this gamut is a symbol of alternative; for someone, hopelessness and despair. And someone really likes this black and white story. What other quotes are there about black and white? Love is also a popular topic. Nishan Panwar once said that sometimes couples have to argue, rather than prove who is right or wrong, to remind them that it is worth fighting for their love.

"I very strongly believe that when it comes to desire, when it comes to attraction, it is never black and white, everyone has a lot of shades of gray," Brian Molko believed. And the famous actor Bradley Cooper once admitted that he himself divided everything into good and bad. He once said: "I think that if you live in a black and white world, you will suffer a lot. I used to be like that. But I don’t believe it anymore." Wise words to listen to.


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