Why does the state care about the family? Detailed analysis

Let's look at why the state cares about the family, how this happens and what its consequences are.


Families as such appeared in ancient times, when our ancestors were not people in our usual view. Even then, they understood that sticking together, taking care of children, and interacting with each other in every way is very important for the development of society and survival as a whole. Hundreds of thousands of years have passed since then, but nothing has changed. The family is still an important aspect of life, because even according to statistics, single people live less than those who have a spouse or children.

Nowadays, the state provides support to the family. So why does the state care about the family?


why the state takes care of the family

The basis of any political system is people. The development of society and the country's potential depend on them. And for this, in turn, it is necessary that its citizens are prosperous: receive the right education, all kinds of support and normal living conditions. People creating a family must be sure that they will not be in a difficult situation if they have many children or some of them will be born sick. After all, what normal service of the same military can we talk about if he cannot provide for his wife and children? Or do they starve while he fights for his homeland? And why, then, defend the independence of such a state?

So the question of why the state cares about the family, the answer is obvious - the well-being of the country is achieved at the expense of human potential and the same children from whom the next generation of scientists, workers and artists grows. And when creating a new unit of society, the couple must be sure that they will not be abandoned in trouble or need.

Human values

why the state cares about the family examples

In addition to the benefits for the state itself, there is also a humanistic factor.

If you look at the history of the world as a whole, its main tendency is a gradual improvement in living conditions, the development of morality and help to one's neighbor, even if it is completely useless to society. And support for people who are going to marry and have children is one of the tasks of any civilized system. Thus, we figured out why the state cares about the family.


why the state cares about the family answer

State support depends on the specific situation, divided into the main, which any family receives, and special, which is provided in a particular case.

The common ones include free medicine for children, free places in kindergarten and education, assistance in purchasing housing, consumer loans at special low interest rates, maternity leave, and in some countries there is material assistance at the birth of children. Also, answering the question of why the state cares about the family, the following examples can be cited: benefits for large families, financial assistance for the birth of a sick child or for the onset of disability, as well as maternal capital, which was introduced relatively recently in Russia. Its meaning is the allocation of certain financial assistance at the birth of a second or subsequent child. It is not issued in cash, but you can spend it, for example, to pay off a mortgage.

Now you understand why the state cares about the family.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F21317/

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