Actual problems of Russia and the world

There really were more problems in the past century. The twentieth century is recognized as the century of world upheaval. For the first time, the threat of total destruction as a result of the use of nuclear weapons loomed over the planet . The spread of diseases such as cancer and AIDS, various types of influenza, products with GMOs, the thinning of the ozone layer, a sharp increase in the world's population, a decline in morality ...

Yes, many of the above did not exist before, but there were many other problems that sometimes simply did not become known outside a certain city or state. Actual problems of their time were described by thinkers, writers, and philosophers of the past. Epidemics, hunger, lack of hygiene, infant mortality, uprisings, wars, persecutions ... However, at present, one can observe the same plus disasters of our time. By defeating plague and smallpox, humanity has gained a host of new incurable diseases. Having defeated hunger in developed countries, mankind has almost closed its eyes to the starving population of third world countries. Having endowed citizens with rights and freedoms, the government of the country can at any time send them to the hot spot of the next military conflict.

It should be noted that the pressing problems of our time are global in nature - perhaps this is the most scary. The life of all mankind, and not of any particular part of the population, depends on their decision. The world community is concerned about the current situation, but hopes for its improvement are still illusory. The peculiarity of global problems is that their solution requires productive interaction of all countries and peoples, activities in one direction, with one goal. At the moment, this is not observed. Political strife is pushing for the background the health and lives of billions of people. The arms race, industrial development, catastrophic violations of environmental standards are slowly but surely leading the planet, if not to death, then to great upheaval. Actual problems are discussed by politicians, economists, ecologists, psychologists, spiritual leaders, etc., ready-made theories are put forward that cannot be put into practice. Is this not the biggest disaster of our time - the impossibility or unwillingness to act together for the benefit of all civilization?

In addition to global problems, each country has its own urgent problems. The great classics wrote about the troubles of Russia, however, since then there has clearly been no less concern, but only increased. Each change of political regime brings with it a host of problems that cannot be resolved until a new revolution or coup.

Questions: โ€œWho is to blame?โ€ and โ€œWhat to doโ€ always remains vital and open. Now more than ever, urgent solutions to the urgent problems of the economy, politics, social and spiritual spheres, education, healthcare, and Russia's national security are threatened. It is not surprising that most of the Russian people are not particularly worried about global problems, because there are more than enough urgent concerns.

But how much better is this in other developed countries? The specter of an economic crisis keeps everyone in suspense, in some states the unemployment rate has reached record levels, countries are shaking from political scandals and military coups, and now and then in news reports, information appears about the mass deaths in peacetime.

Are the media escalating? Perhaps life is just accelerating, this is a natural stage in the development of civilization. And if there is no nuclear war, humanity will last a long time, and in a few decades or centuries, actual problems will also be studied, which will become even more terrifying. It is possible that a coup d'etat will happen again in Russia, and the questions will remain the same. History develops according to its own laws ...


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