Radiator "Lidea": price, reviews

The Lidselmash plant, which produces steel radiators Lidea, was built in 1901. The radiators produced by him are of high quality and reasonable price, so they were able to earn the respect of many countries of the former Soviet Union and even some foreign countries.

Features of the battery "Lidea"

For the production of batteries only the best equipment is used, therefore, each stage of creation is carefully monitored to prevent the slightest error. The result is products of such high quality.

The radiator "Lidea" showed itself perfectly both in residential buildings and in huge industrial buildings. The designers when creating such a heating device took into account the wishes of the designers, and therefore it fits perfectly into many interiors. If we keep comparative statistics, then the Lidea radiator is ahead of many types of batteries due to its economy, since it heats up quite quickly with a small amount of heat spent.

radiator lidea

Installation of such devices can be carried out even by an inexperienced person in this matter, using the instructions. In addition, the radiator is quite easy to clean. Its design includes a grill, which is very easy to remove for cleaning and just as easily installed back.

Types of batteries "Lidea" and their components

What are Lidea devices? Panel radiators are available in two types and differ in connection methods.

  • "Lidea-compact" is equipped with 4 connecting tubes for lateral connection. In this battery, the rear panel differs from the front one, which is very important during installation. The front part is always directed to the room. As for the back, there are special hooks on which the device will eventually be suspended.
  • Lidea Universal has 4 connecting side tubes, 2 lower tubes, and a temperature control valve is mounted in the upper side. Thanks to additional elements and the complete symmetry of the radiator, it can be installed both on the front and back sides of any decoupling unit. The radiator "Lidea-universal" has the ability to connect below using an H-shaped node. Thus, this will make it possible to shut off the water if necessary and to dismantle the battery.
    lidea panel radiators

Both types of heating appliances come with:

  • 2 (3) brackets;
  • 4 (6) plastic plates;
  • 4 (6) screws;
  • 4 (6) dowels;
  • stub;
  • air vent.

Heater Models

The main component of the battery is a panel that emits heat. In addition, due to the strong metal and multi-layer coating of enamel, the heater can withstand heavy loads and has strong corrosion protection. The entire welding process takes place without a person’s hand, and workers only make sure that there are no failures, so there can be no design errors.

So, you have decided to purchase Lidea radiators. Their price depends on the length and height of the product. On average, it ranges from 1.5 to 17 thousand rubles.

All finished products are thoroughly tested under high pressure, so the manufacturer, without fear, gives a guarantee of 5 years. Basically, the Lidea radiator has 1 or 2 panels and a similar number of convectors or their complete absence.

steel radiators

There are such types of batteries "Lidea":

  • Model number 10. It consists of 1 panel, without convector, grille and walls, and the depth of the device is 47 mm.
  • Model No. 11. The structure includes 1 panel, 1 convector, without grating and walls. The depth of the device is 47 mm.
  • Model No. 20. Consists of 2 panels, but without a convector. Comes with a grill and walls. Radiator depth - 84 mm.
  • Model No. 21. It has 2 panels and 1 convector, as well as a grill and walls. The depth of the battery is 84 mm.
  • Model No. 22. It includes 2 panels and 2 convectors, in addition, a grill and walls. The depth of the device is 102 mm.
  • Model No. 30. Consists of 3 panels, but without convectors. The kit comes with a grill and walls, and the depth of the product is 153 mm.
  • Model No. 33. It has 2 panels and 2 convectors. In addition, there is a grill and walls. The depth of the device is 102 mm.

Battery advantages

Radiators of the company "Lidea" have many positive qualities, so they are so in demand.

radiators lidea Price

Product Advantages:

  • To heat the radiator, it takes much less heat and time.
  • Corrosion protection.
  • High-quality assembly prevents leakage of fluid. In addition, the powder paint on the battery is completely harmless.
  • The battery is easy to clean, the side walls and grille are very easy to remove.
  • It looks aesthetically and fits into most interiors.
  • This type of radiator is suitable for all types of heating systems.

Cons of radiators

The disadvantage of the product is only one. It refers to batteries installed in high-rise buildings. Due to the low operating pressure of 6-10 atmospheres, it may be difficult for a radiator to take out hydraulic shocks in multi-storey buildings. In cottages there are no such problems, but in general, the product has a lot of pluses to cover this minus, which is very rare.

Radiators "Lidea": customer reviews

Although the heating devices of this company have their drawbacks, the affordable price and many advantages allow the Lidea radiators to remain quite popular. This is evidenced by positive customer reviews.

Many people try to take foreign analogues of heating appliances and are wary of products that are produced in the post-Soviet space. But the batteries of Lidea more than once proved their quality at a reasonable price. That is why buyers often write about how glad they are that they saved well and got such an excellent result.

radiators lidea reviews

In addition, in rare cases, there were negative comments about leaking and exfoliating the paint, but the guarantee issued by the manufacturer helped with this problem. All the victims, provided that before 5 years have passed, changed their products to new heating appliances. It is worth noting that there are usually no problems with warranty service of Lidea radiators.

Regardless of whether the comment is written - positive or negative, all buyers recommend checking the product passport without fail and requiring a warranty card. In this case, you can not be afraid to be deceived and feel free to purchase the products of the company "Lidea".

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F21322/

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