Asparagus Meyer: description, photo, features of growing at home

If you dream of an unusual decorative plant for the home, asparagus will fully satisfy these requirements. What care rules do you need to follow, how to propagate plants and get a real living garden in the house, which type of plant is ideal for keeping in the apartment? All these questions are of interest to amateur gardeners, therefore, the prepared material will be useful not only for those who already have Asparagus Meyer on the windowsill, but also for those who first heard of such a plant, but already want to acquire it.

Asparagus home

Species diversity

In total, about three hundred species of asparagus are distinguished in the world, which differ in appearance. These plants live on each of the continents, with the exception of Antarctica, and therefore have adapted to survive in different climatic zones: from the tropics to the savannah.

Some of the species of this plant are edible, you just heard about them, only their name is asparagus. Others, such as Meyer asparagus, are used as ornamental plants grown on window sills. It is interesting that the branches cut from the bushes are not thrown away, but are used as a floristic addition to bouquets or flower arrangements.

Asparagus Meyer Watering

In indoor floriculture, the most common varieties are: Meyer, densely flowered, cirrus, medicinal, sickle asparagus. For flower pots, spacious areas of rooms are allocated where they could coexist quietly with other plants.

Most of the representatives of this species, including Asparagus Meyer, are unpretentious in leaving, but they look spectacular and harmoniously fit into the interior.

Plant Botanical Reference

Asparagus is a typical representative of plants of the asparagus family. The pubescent shoots of a flower are often called leaves, but visually they are more similar to the fluffy tails of fancy animals. The flowering period of this evergreen shrub falls in the summertime. Flowers are distinguished by elegance: small inflorescences of a white color with a bright but pleasant smell. Interestingly, when kept indoors, these plants bloom extremely rarely.

asparagus meyer

After flowering, small red fruits resembling berries are formed, inside with large black seeds.

Asparagus Meyer Description

Reproduction occurs in several ways: seeds, cuttings, dividing the bush.

By dividing the bush, it is easiest to propagate Meyer asparagus. Growing from seeds is a more laborious, but entertaining process, not difficult. Sowing of planting material is carried out in January-February, using flower pots or small boxes for this. Performing this procedure, make sure that the top layer covering the seeds does not dry out. To do this, you can create an artificial mini-greenhouse by covering the container with film, glass or a plastic bag. The first seedlings appear after 30-60 days, which depends on the suitability of the seeds and temperature, usually showing good germination.

Sometimes the method of cuttings is used, which is usually carried out from early March to June. Cuttings are cut and placed in water. After 30-45 days, when root shoots form on them, asparagus can be planted.

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Asparagus Meyer feels best in a fairly lit room in the winter at a temperature of at least 14-15 degrees. In summer, it is best to keep the plant in the fresh air, placing a flower pot in partial shade.

In the summer, it is necessary to monitor the level of soil moisture in the pot. Asparagus home grown, following these rules:

  • do not let the soil dry in the pot in the summer;
  • in winter, water the plant once a month, it is kept in hot conditions more often as needed;
  • spraying the crown of the plant is a prerequisite for the coherent growth and development of the plant; such a procedure is performed at least 2 times a week;
  • to artificially create additional air humidity, place flower pots on pallets or stands with gravel;
  • try not to use asparagus for pests and diseases;
  • apply fertilizer twice a month: mineral or organic (can be alternated).

Provide home care for asparagus. His photos show how beautiful a healthy plant can be taken care of.

Asparagus Meyer Seed Growing

Conditions for comfortable keeping flowers in the house

The state of the flower throughout the entire life cycle directly depends on the microclimate in the room. Therefore, it is so important to ensure optimal temperature, humidity and lighting in an apartment or house where asparagus is contained.


A plant loves a lot of light, but only when it is scattered. The flower perfectly adapts to the conditions of partial shade. Almost all species, except for the asparagus of Sprenger, must be protected from direct sunlight in order to avoid overheating and dropping of needles from the plant.

Temperature mode

At moderate temperatures, asparagus demonstrates optimal vital signs. Therefore, the regimes in the region of 21-25 degrees in the summer and 16-19 degrees in the winter are acceptable for growing plants.

Water and moisture

In the summertime, especially carefully monitor how the Meyer asparagus feels. Watering should be systematic and plentiful, while the moisture should not stagnate: the earth should dry out, but not turn into stone. In winter, they keep the plant in cool conditions, reduce the amount of watering, but monitor the level of dryness of the soil in the pot.

Asparagus loves a cool "shower", especially in winter, when the heating is on, when there is so little moisture in the air. Periodic holding of such a procedure will not harm the flower in any way.

Watering and maintaining the humidity level in the room is an important point in the case of growing plants at home. Inattentive to the flower, you will see how it begins to dry and turn yellow.

Asparagus home care photo


Young plants are transplanted annually, moving them to a larger pot. This need arises due to the rapid growth of the roots of a young plant. Old flowerpots can be transplanted once every 24 months. The procedure is usually carried out in the spring.


To rejuvenate plants, flower growers recommend removing the lower tubers that are not involved in the formation of greenery. The procedure is carried out for all types of asparagus, except cirrus.


Top dressing is carried out periodically: from March to September once every 10-15 days. For the winter, the plants stop fertilizing.

Diseases and Pests

Asparagus is affected by scale insects, thrips, spider mites, which must be immediately disposed of.

If the plant turns yellow or begins to dry, this is the first sign that it is necessary to provide proper care for the asparagus at home.

Asparagus Meyer

Photos of this amazing plant surprise with its originality. And the asparagus itself in the house pleases the eye not only of the owners, but also of guests who admire your abilities in floriculture. Have you decided to grow Asparagus Meyer at home? Description will help you grow a large and healthy bush, harmoniously complementing the interior of the house.


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