A vote of no confidence. Learn the essence of the term

Today there is a huge number of the most diverse professional terms in which it is extremely difficult for a person who is not a member of a certain social circle to understand. After all, most of them have foreign roots of their origin (most often originated in Latin). Therefore, without professional narrow-field knowledge, it is rather difficult or practically impossible to decipher such a term. One such unusual expression is a โ€œvote of no confidenceโ€. And if the second word in this case does not cause any particular problems, then the first is not familiar to every second citizen of our country. But such a concept is very closely connected with the political life of the Russian state. It repeatedly figured in the chaotic "nineties" and even once was put up for discussion by persons holding some of the highest posts in the country. What is a vote of no confidence? Let's look at this phrase in more detail and for reliability we turn to historical facts.

In fact, this term is translated as an expression of mistrust. If we consider the political sphere of its application, then we will talk about the removal of leading statesmen from power. A vote of no confidence is an expression of their negative opinion on the work of both the head of the country itself and the parliament. In both cases, government officials must resign. In addition, early elections will be announced so that the country is not without a government.

In our state, such a phenomenon has been noted several times. However, a vote of no confidence in the government has never been approved. Everything was limited to the offer. The State Duma in 1995 made three such decisions. However, the final confirmation during the second vote was not announced. The media began to use this term in their professional vocabulary in 1989. The reason was the corresponding publication in the very popular at that time the magazine "Spark", which used a phrase that mentioned a vote of no confidence. As a procedure for removing officials from their work, this term was first sounded by Anatoly Sobchak in 1990. Of course, such a reaction was to be expected, since that era was full of contradictions. The economy was experiencing a severe crisis, the general situation of the country was rapidly deteriorating and was extremely unstable. However, whenever a vote of no confidence loomed threateningly over the government of the state, something was stopping political leaders from making a final decision.

In any case, even if there was no resignation, this expression of protest was a clear sign that something needed to be radically changed. A vote of no confidence is a peculiar indicator that the political course set for the current period has outlived itself and does not bring the state anything good. Thus, this manifestation of dissatisfaction indicates that if in the near future the country's situation does not improve, then all leaders will lose their authority.

However, this is not an aspect of the Russian state only. Other parliamentary countries also dealt with a similar phenomenon in their practice. Moreover, even modern politics is sometimes very close to a vote of no confidence in their government. Therefore, this concept has no statute of limitations, and also has not lost its relevance to this day. Even the current leader V. Putin in 2005 managed to run into a vote. The reason was the adoption of a positive decision on the project of monetization of benefits for the country's population. Representatives of the political party of the Communist Party were extremely unhappy and outraged by such a law. Their opinion was supported by mass public unrest. The result was a manifestation of mistrust in the government. However, as you can judge personally, there was no resignation. The proposal did not receive proper support.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F21330/

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