What is the climate in Spain in summer and winter

It’s unpleasant when you find yourself in a coveted resort that you are not dressed for the weather. And it would be nice if the suitcase is stuffed with warm clothes, and it’s hot outside. Then these clothes can not be worn. Worse, if you rely on heat, and upon arrival you get a “cold welcome”. In this article we will tell you what the climate is in Spain. Many find this European country very hot. And they are not far from the truth, when it comes to the summer months and the Mediterranean coast. But Spain is not the Dominican Republic and Thailand. The country is located in Europe, although in its southern part. It should also be remembered that Spain is by no means a dwarf state. Therefore, we need to talk about regional differences in weather conditions. Below you will find out about the climate in different parts of Spain by season.

Spain climate

What forms the weather

As in other countries, the main role here is played by latitude, that is, remoteness from the equator. And in this Spain was lucky. It is located about 40 degrees north latitude. Therefore, the climate of Spain can be briefly described as subtropical, with fairly warm winters and moderately hot summers. An important factor in the formation of climate for all countries of Western Europe is the Gulf Stream. This warm current originates in the Caribbean, in equatorial latitudes. In winter, the Gulf Stream heats the air, providing mild weather. Winds, depending on their direction, can bring cold or, conversely, heat. And finally, high altitude. There are many mountains on the Iberian Peninsula. This terrain determines that the inner regions of Spain almost do not feel the influence of the Gulf Stream. The higher the area, the lower the average temperature. In winter, snow falls in the mountains of Spain, ski resorts work.

Climate of spain

Water area

The country is located on a fairly large peninsula. It is washed by the Bay of Biscay of the Atlantic Ocean (in the north) and the Mediterranean Sea (in the south). These two water areas have a huge impact on the climate of Spain. The Atlantic Ocean, despite the Gulf Stream, is always cool. In winter, it heats the air masses. But the water temperature in the Atlantic off the coast of Europe rarely rises above +20 o C. Therefore, the beaches of the Costa Verde are only for seasoned ones. The Mediterranean Sea, on the contrary, warms up well. But here there is a nuance. This water area reaches its maximum temperature in August. During this period, tourists expect a fabulous vacation - the air warms up to +30, and water - up to +26 degrees. On the other side of the Mediterranean lies the African coast. In summer and sometimes in winter, a dry and hot sirocco wind blows from there. Water areas soften seasonal temperature amplitudes. So, on the Canary Islands belonging to Spain, the thermometer does not fall below +15 ° C.

What is the climate in Spain

Atlantic coast

Of course, we can say that in Spain the climate is Mediterranean. But in relation to the Atlantic coast, this statement can be challenged. The cool ocean pretty much lowers the average annual temperature of provinces such as Galicia, the Basque Country, Asturias, Navarre and Cantabria. Wet winds, but of already weakened strength, still reach the small region of Rioja. Nevertheless, they disperse the heat. And this creates a wonderful climate for winemaking. Rioja for Spain means about the same as Champagne or Burgundy for France. In general, the climate on the coast of the Bay of Biscay is mild and very humid. The amount of precipitation reaches 2000 mm on the northern slopes of the mountains, in other regions this figure is 1070 mm. The Gulf Stream raises winter temperatures, but also brings fog and drizzle. And in the summer months, the Atlantic cools the air. On the north coast of the country in July it warms up to +25 ° C, which is quite small, given the breadth of the terrain.

Mediterranean coast

This area also has a great impact on the climate of Spain. But there are some nuances. The Mediterranean Sea is inland, surrounded on all sides by continents. Only the narrow Strait of Gibraltar connects it with the Atlantic. Therefore, in the summer the Mediterranean Sea is very hot, which allows you to develop beach resorts on the coast. Water, as you know, stores heat longer than air. Therefore, the Mediterranean warmed up over the summer softens the winters. Even in January (the coldest month) in Catalonia, Valencia and Murcia, the thermometer does not fall below +12 ... +15 o C. And in Andalusia, the southernmost region of the country, it is +18 degrees in winter. But this temperature regime leads to a lot of rain. We can say that the lion's share of precipitation falls precisely in the winter.

Climate in Spain in the summer

Climate of Spain in the central regions

The mountain ranges of the Iberian Peninsula cover the territory from the penetration of moist sea winds. Therefore, already a hundred kilometers from the coast there is an extremely arid continental climate with sparse vegetation. In provinces such as Castile and Leon, La Mancha and Extremadura, large seasonal temperature differences are observed. It is very hot in the summer. Winter in the interior of Spain is characterized by low temperatures and a cold gusty wind. It may even snow. And in the mountains a fluffy white cover lies until spring. But, despite the signs of the continental climate, it can not be called typically Siberian. After all, most of the precipitation falls here in the summer. True, they are not very many. On the Castilian plateau, precipitation is only 500 mm per year. In the mountains there are frosts up to minus eight degrees. This region is also characterized by large daily temperature amplitudes. It can be very hot during the day, but with the onset of the evening it begins to rapidly cool. The temperature drops from +32 to +15 ° C.

Spain climate in winter

Spain: winter and summer climate

So, what advice can we give to a tourist traveling to this country? If you had a chance to see the sights of Madrid in winter, then bring a warm coat with you. January temperatures in this region can be compared with northern French. In the ski resorts of Spain , winter reigns at all - with a slight frost and a lot of snow. But do not forget about the insidious sun of the south. Even in winter, you will need a cream that protects against excess ultraviolet rays. The climate in Spain is hot in the summer in the central regions and on the Mediterranean coast. Resorts in the north of the country are suitable for those vacationers who can not stand the heat. The best time to visit the cultural attractions of Spain is the offseason.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F21344/

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