Growing Jerusalem artichoke: care features

Jerusalem artichoke is a root crop, which is also called an earthen pear. Vegetables can be boiled instead of potatoes, especially for those who want to lose weight. However, the taste of the fruits may not be to everyone's liking. Without fear, you should include in your diet root crops for people with diabetes, since the fruits lack starch.

Jerusalem artichoke cultivation

The cultivation of Jerusalem artichoke begins with the selection of seed material. For planting, small (with a chicken egg) rhizomes are best suited. From the introduction of seeds into the ground until the first seedlings takes from 2 weeks to a month, and before harvesting - 45-50 weeks. About one kilogram of root crops can be dug from one plant.

Jerusalem artichoke is undemanding to the quality of the soil, but nevertheless the plant develops worse in lowland areas and in enumerated soils where water stands in spring. The cultivation of Jerusalem artichoke, in addition to harvesting, allows you to improve the composition of the soil. Before planting, it is necessary to dig a site in the fall, and on poor soils - make compost.

Jerusalem artichoke is grown in trenches, which, after embedding the tubers, are carefully covered with soil, making a small ridge in the middle of the row. Planting depth can be 15 centimeters, the interval between tubers should not exceed half a meter, and a distance of 1 meter must be observed between rows. Planting dates coincide with the cultivation of potatoes: end of April - mid-May. But you can harvest the crop both in the spring of next year, and in the fall.

Jerusalem artichoke growing

Growing Jerusalem artichoke is not difficult. After the stems rise to a height of 30 cm from the ground, the earthing should be done. Watering is natural, only during drought, additional hydration is necessary.

When the stems reach a meter height, they will need support. To do this, stakes are installed at the ends of the beds to which the wire is tied - Jerusalem artichoke will rest on it. Cultivation is best done along the fence.

During the formation of buds, the plant needs to be fed with liquid fertilizer, and the inflorescences are removed as they form. After the leaves fade, stalks are trimmed in the fall at a height of 30 cm from the ground. If the plant is left for the winter, then it must be sprinkled or covered with straw.

In spring, you should dig up all the tubers of the culture, choosing from them the ones necessary for planting. If this is not done, then the plant will spread to the rest of the garden.

Jerusalem artichoke is

Growing Jerusalem artichoke can be associated with certain problems. The plant may be attacked by slugs that eat up tubers. To combat pests, special anti-mucilage granules are laid out near the stems. In addition, larvae of different insects can damage the tubers. To prevent this, during planting, it is necessary to add โ€œDiazononโ€ or โ€œFoximโ€ preparations to the ground.

Jerusalem artichoke can get sick. Sclerotinia or white rot damage the base of plants, creating a white moldy bloom on the stems. And in the middle of the diseased stems black growths appear. Such plants must be burned immediately.


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