Norms and rules: sanctions for violations. For violations of established rules, sanctions are usually applied.

What are sanctions? Many today will say that this term is related to the economic sphere. Everyone has heard the phrase “economic sanctions” in our country. But this concept is found everywhere when it comes to norms and rules. In economics, politics, social sphere. For violation of established rules sanctions are usually applied. Although the term is not necessarily used in a negative way. But first things first.

Social norms and rules

Norm in Latin means "pattern of behavior, rule." With the help of it, control over human behavior in society takes place. From this comes the concept of social norm. Compliance and violation of the established rules occurs everywhere. Man is not a robot; he cannot program his brain under a specific code. Each of us intentionally or accidentally committed acts contrary to generally accepted standards. As a punishment for violation of established rules, sanctions are usually applied. But what exactly are the norms? We will analyze below.

sanctions are usually applied for violation of established rules

Types of Norms

All the rules in society are social, because they regulate the interaction between people: what can be done and what cannot. All social norms are divided into several types:

  • Customs and traditions. For example, wedding or funeral rites.
  • Legal or legal provisions. Laws, official orders, etc.
  • Moral standards. Unlike legal, carry an estimated load. Remember the children's verse "What is good and what is bad"? It is a kind of "collection" of rules of conduct related to morality.
  • Religious Fixed, as a rule, in the scriptures, various treatises. For example, the Bible or the Qur'an, the teachings of saints, etc. Almost all religious norms coincide with moral standards and are enshrined in legal laws.
  • Political. Regulate the rules of conduct between the individual and the authorities. Usually they are also enshrined in legal laws, but not all.
  • Rules of etiquette.
  • Aesthetic norms.

rules and regulations

We have listed the main types of norms. For violation of the established rules, sanctions are usually applied, i.e. various punishments. Their severity depends on the severity of the misconduct.

For example, administrative liability is established for violation of the rules fixed in the legal code - the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Criminal - for actions provided for by the criminal code. In the first case, the person will be limited to a fine, and in the second, he may actually be imprisoned for several years. But is sanction always negative? Are there “good” ones? About it further.

Is punishment for breaking established rules a sanction?

Is sanction always synonymous with punishment? The school course of social science will distinguish the following types:

  • Formal negative.
  • Formal positive.
  • Informal negative.
  • Informal positive.

Thus, there are “good” and “bad” sanctions. These are positive and negative.

punishment for violation of established rules is a sanction

An example of “good” sanctions

We will analyze “good” sanctions, or positive ones. They are applied when it is necessary to reward a person for any achievements, merits. For good performance, diligence in work, achievement of prizes at the Olympics. The term “positive sanctions” is a synonym for “encouragement” and can be expressed as:

  • Cash Prizes.
  • Praise.
  • Awards, medals, cups.
  • Estimates, fixed results, etc.

administrative liability established for violation of the rules

Negative sanctions

For violation of established rules sanctions are usually applied.

In this case, they are negative, and they are synonymous with “punishment”. May appear in the following forms:

  • Expression of discontent.
  • Fines.
  • Reprimands at work.
  • Court rulings.
  • Low grades in studies, etc.

Depending on which norm is violated, the severity of the sanction will be. But many norms are "intertwined." For example, religious and legal. There is a criminal article “Insulting the feelings of believers”. For this crime, the punishment will be not only in the form of discontent, but also in the form of a real prison term. Today in Russia you can get several years in prison for a computer game in the temple. Examples of "catching Pokemon" prove this.

compliance and violation of established rules

Also, legal norms can coincide with moral ones. For example, you can also receive criminal penalties for insulting a person. Violation of moral standards is called immoral behavior. Most of them are spelled out in laws. But not all moral standards are legal.

We will simulate a situation. A man rides a car, the street is very cold. On the track is a woman with a child. Should he stop and give them a ride if there is night on the street and there will be no more buses until morning? From a moral point of view, yes. But legally - no law obliges this to be done, despite the fact that a small child can freeze and die from hypothermia.

sanctions are usually applied for violation of established rules

What are formal and informal sanctions?

Formal sanctions are all that is fixed in certain rules. For example, take a court verdict. All actions associated with it are recorded in the procedural codes, beyond which it is not allowed.

Informal sanctions are emotional. Their application is not fixed anywhere. For example, condemning a person for misconduct. You can’t prescribe “how can” to react, but “how can”. After all, this happens spontaneously, on emotions.

Deviant behavior

For violation of norms and rules, various sanctions are provided. But this behavior itself is called deviant. Or deviant. That is, a person deviated from generally accepted norms, he lives “according to his own rules” and laws.

compliance and violation of established rules

This refers to the fact that such behavior is targeted. A person knows that there are certain norms, but still violates them. This is done constantly.

Those are drug addicts, “criminals”, people suffering from alcoholism. Society is trying to help them with various measures "to take the right path." If it does not help, sanctions of various kinds are applied.


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