How to get from Veliky Novgorod to Moscow: an overview of different options

From Moscow, you can get regular transport to many interesting historical cities of Russia overnight. It is well suited for a weekend trip. You can get there by different means of transport, therefore, if you figure out how to get from Veliky Novgorod to Moscow, then using the information received it will be easy to travel both ways on this route.

Car trip

The direct distance between the cities is about 500 kilometers, and the distance along the highway is a little more - 535 kilometers. By car, the distance from Veliky Novgorod to Moscow can be reached in 7 hours. You can leave the regional center in different ways. For example, from the riverine part, that is, where the church of Fedor Stratilat is located, you need to move east through the village of Volotovo to the highway E-105. Or, conversely, travel north from the Kremlin along the banks of the Pitba River to the same E-105 highway. It leads to Moscow, entering it from Zelenograd and Solnechnogorsk. The quality of the road is good, the population density along the way is high.

Panorama of Novgorod Kremlin

Interesting places on the way from Novgorod to Moscow

A trip along the route Veliky Novgorod - Moscow can be quite interesting. The E-105 highway leads to the Valdai Park through the city of Kresttsy. It has two museums at once. The first is a typical study of local lore, and the second is dedicated to the sacral line, which in itself is curious, the second is not.

Further on the highway E-105 will be the village of Yazhelbitsy, which has an interesting history. According to some historians, it was here in 1238 that Batu Khan turned his horde. In 1456, peace was concluded in this village between the Moscow principality and Veliky Novgorod.

The next interesting point is the city of Valdai. It has more attractions than the two previous ones. It is worth visiting two museums - the bells and the county town. The subjects of museums are quite rare. Valdai from the Middle Ages is known as a center for casting bells.

Other objects in Valdai are also interesting:

  • Iversky Monastery. Located on an island in the middle of Valdai Lake.
  • Holy Trinity Cathedral.
  • Church of St. Catherine, it was built at the end of the XVIII century in the form of a rotunda. This is rare for places of worship.
  • Funny pointer "Shawarma and Shawarma", which symbolizes the difference in the name of this product in two capitals.

After Valdai begins the Tver region. The first noticeable settlement on its territory is the city of Vysochny Volochek. It also has several interesting objects, for example, the house where Peter I himself visited at the beginning of the 18th century, as well as the imperial track palace built under Catherine II. The station in the Highest Volochka remained unchanged from the middle of the XIX century. There are monuments to Catherine II and Peter I in the city and three museums operate:

  • Local history.
  • Felted shoes. Among its exhibits there is a unique 2.25 meter high valenok king.
  • Museum of Sailors. Very unexpected for this area. The exposition tells a little-known story about young people who in 1943 were sent to serve on the Black Sea Fleet.

The next city along the way is Torzhok. It contains several hundred monuments of history and architecture. Near it is a museum of wooden architecture, there is a similar one near Veliky Novgorod - in Vitoslavitsy.

After Torzhok on the highway E-105 will be Tver. The regional center, where you can walk all day. From there, the route leads to Moscow through the settlement of Emmaus, where, despite its small size, you can see two museums - the Kalinin Front and V. Serov.

Soon after Emmaus, the Moscow region begins, where you can drop into the ancient city of Klin to see the Tchaikovsky Museum.

Station in Novgorod the Great

Rail ride

It is useful to know how to get from Veliky Novgorod to Moscow by train, as there are fewer buses. If you look at the map of the railways, it is noticeable that it is located away from the Moscow-Petersburg line, and therefore there is only one train to Moscow from there. In this sense, Novgorod the Great is inferior, for example, to Smolensk.

Train number 42 leaves at 21:05 or 21:20. The trip to the capital will take about 8 hours. He arrives at Kursky Station. The ticket price depends on the type of car, seasonal fare and shares of Russian Railways. Estimated cost is as follows:

  • Reserved seat from 930 rubles.
  • Coupe from 1600 rubles.
  • Sleeping from 4100 rubles.

Sometimes in summer it can have general and sedentary cars. They are even cheaper.

In the opposite direction, he leaves the Kursk station at 21:55.

In addition, there may be rare night trains from Petersburg to Moscow that follow through Novgorod the Great. They depart at 01:09 and 20:33.

Kremlin in Novgorod the Great

Railroad Transplant

How to get from Veliky Novgorod to Moscow on the "Swallow"? There are no direct flights yet, but you can make a transfer in St. Petersburg. A train of this type travels the distance from Novgorod the Great to the Northern capital in 3.5 hours. Tickets cost from 660 rubles. Flights depart at 6am and 6pm.

Between Petersburg and Moscow, trains run around the clock. There are many flights. They can be in transit from 4 to 9 hours. The Sapsans are the fastest, and the slowest are passing trains, for example, from St. Petersburg to Chelyabinsk. The cheapest tickets are sedentary from 750 rubles and reserved seats from 900.

Sophia Cathedral

Bus ride

How to get to Veliky Novgorod from Moscow by bus? This option is not very convenient, but useful if there are no train tickets. At 21:30 you need to leave from VDNH. Prior to Novgorod, the trip takes 8.5 hours. A ticket costs 800 rubles. The bus drops passengers near the train station.

Moscow panorama

Air Travel Option

How to get from Veliky Novgorod to Moscow by plane? The nearest airport is in St. Petersburg, it is Pulkovo. Buses, trains and trains run to St. Petersburg from 5 a.m. to 7 p.m. Ticket prices start at 480 rubles. Drive 3-4 hours. From St. Petersburg to Moscow, planes fly around the clock. Fly 1.5 hours, tickets from 1500 rubles, but probably on various promotions can be found cheaper.

Option with a change in Pskov

How to get from Moscow to Veliky Novgorod if there are problems with train tickets mentioned above? You can leave from the Leningrad or Riga station of Moscow in another ancient city - Pskov. The passenger train leaves there at 19:56 and the branded train at 20:23. The first is on the way 16 hours, and the second - 12. At the price of tickets, the first train is cheaper. From 800 rubles per seat car, from 900 in the reserved seat and from 1800 in the compartment.

From Pskov to Novgorod at 11:26 a train of the "Swallow" type departs. The trip takes 5.5 hours. A ticket costs from 280 rubles. You can also take the bus in 4 hours, which leaves at 09:25 and at 15:10. He rides a little faster, about 4 hours.


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