The story "Call and Come": a summary

Anatoly Aleksin (Goberman) has not only an impressive track record: Secretary of the Board of the Union of Writers, corresponding member of the Pedagogical Academy of Sciences, many awards and prizes. A characteristic feature of him, as a writer, is his subtle understanding of the child’s world. And he created, starting in 1967, collections of short stories, tales for children and adolescents. The author’s characteristic art style, decorated with well-aimed phrases, is known to many generations of our compatriots with subtle humor.

call and come summary
If you are not familiar with the stories of this author - you're in luck! After all, you still have everything ahead. The writer is wonderful, the irony is incomparable. We are glad to present you his story “Call and Come.” Its plot is quite “chamber” - the life of one ordinary city family: a sixth-grade son, father, mother, grandmother. Each image is characteristic. The narration comes “from the first person” - from the mouth of the child. He studies at the same school for gifted children where his parents studied earlier. The plot intrigue is a gradual, phased formation of the image of a father, an extremely modest, subtle, kind person. Dad works as a surgeon.

The image of the grandmother is static, although she repeatedly appears in the plot. She is a caring mistress, “homework” is on her, however her spiritual world is regrettable, her tactless comparisons of her son-in-law and grandson with their peers who have achieved certain successes are endless. She is satirically portrayed by Alexin. “Call and come” can be interpreted as the author’s vision of the theme “fathers and children”. At first, the child thinks, according to his grandmother, that his dad is really a “gray mouse”. The boy sincerely loves his father. Therefore, she is jealous of her grandmother’s words about her mother’s classmate Sergey Potapov, a musician performing at the All-Russian contest. He is confused that the posters of this Potapov, as luck would have it, are pasted up at tram stops, as well as other public places where mother passes. Grandmother, on the other hand, “adds fuel to the fire”, constantly repeating that “Seryozha has stepped far.”

alexin call and come
For an impressionable boy, the prospect of a “joint prom” where parents are invited is terrifying. After all, Sergey Potapov himself will be here! Of course, father’s rival will play. Dad will be morally destroyed. A swarm of children's worrying thoughts, a real immersion in the child’s psychology, demonstrates “Call and Come.” The summary of the story indicates that the boy is even trying to hide invitation cards.

The plot follows a comic story about the sixth-grader's titanic efforts to reconcile scolding parents to a state of "not talking to each other." The comic nature of the situation is amplified by the anonymity of their attention to each other, using the child as an intermediary. (“Bring dad a newspaper,” “Good morning to mom.”) Logically, the boy develops a whole strategy that takes into account two concepts: “good” and “bad”. Carrying out the first option, the student cleans the apartment (for mom), does morning exercises (for dad). However, the result does not satisfy him: the praise of his mother, as well as the praise of his father. They still don’t speak among themselves. Then option “B” is activated. The guy goes to his friend - Zhenya, worthy of the yard name "Grave", obtained for the ability to keep secrets. Merry humor just oozes from every line of the “Call and Come.” The summary in a childish way devotes us in detail to a tomboy plan. Parents initially know that his son went to Zhenya, but after a certain time, he starts ringing them every five minutes with one single question: “Where is he?” After the “eleventh” call, the main character makes sure of Zhenya: “Does mother’s voice tremble?” Having received an affirmative answer, he decides: “It's time!” Then he returns home. Overjoyed parents kiss him first, and then finally reconcile themselves.

story call and come
But this is just an episode of “Call and Come.” The summary of the story has a central idea - the alexin image of the image of the father. He, the surgeon, often calls home colleagues, patients. He knows by name not only his "heavy" patients, but also their relatives. This is really a man with a big heart. Judge for yourself how warmly the surgeon tells his son about the relatives of his patients: "They are often even worse for patients, because they" take on "everything, and they are not provided for anesthesia." The distant relative who came to the examination, Ignatius, the pope does not hesitate to provide, despite the grumbling of his grandmother, an overnight stay.

The son’s real insight regarding his father’s personality comes when he gets the flu. The home telephone is “under the pressure” of dozens of phone calls from pleading customers, as well as consulting colleagues. Dad does not refuse anyone. However, the son “accidentally” hands the phone to his mother on those calls when the relatives of the patients beg that “it is the pope” who performed the operation “without understudies”.

“It’s not only surgeons who are in trouble,” “Call and come” convinces us. The summary shows us the father in difficult circumstances. It would seem that the operation was successful, but the patient, a good man, 57 years old, Egorov Ivan Pavlovich, dies of a "small blood clot" - a blood clot. The son describes the state of his father for several days in one word - "no." And when he goes personally to inform the relatives of the deceased, he takes his father's hand. They are sent together. Very touching written.

The final scene of the story is a united alumni evening. Mom, busy with some business, did not go there. The boy, on the contrary, went with his father. What the child saw shocked him. His dad turned out to be the most respected guest, everyone comes to greet him, they are elected to the podium. The hockey player, in the past, who has been operated on, thanks him and publicly calls him a wonderful person. Even when the evening ends, the father is not released: someone needs a consultation.

Home boy holds a hockey player. On the way, the athlete remarks: “You look like a father!” This is the most pleasant that the child would like to hear.

Not so long ago, Aleksin Anatoly Georgievich, already a deeply elderly man (he is now 89 years old), left for Israel. The reason is trivial: the medicine of this country is still a level higher. However, the remarkable work of the writer belongs to us, the readers. Therefore, of course, I would like to wish Anatoly Georgievich health and blessed days.


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