The best fertilizer for onions and garlic: review, application features, reviews

Onions and garlic have always been permanent helpers of the hostesses. These spices and seasonings are very useful because they contain many vitamins, essential oils and trace elements. Many gardeners cultivate these two crops and harvest good crops. How do they achieve this? Let's try to track what fertilizers to use for feeding garlic and onions to get large and healthy root crops. Important not only their timely landing, watering, but also top dressing, mulching. We offer you an overview of mineral, organic and complex fertilizers for onions and garlic.

fertilizer for onions and garlic

Preparing the soil for planting root crops

Planting garlic and onions in the garden alone is not enough to get a quality harvest. Before planting, you need to prepare and fertilize the soil. For the growth and volume of future root crops, nutrients are needed. This does not mean at all that you need to add a huge amount of fertilizing to the soil. It is important to know what kind of fertilizer is needed for onions and garlic.

Prepare the soil should begin in September and continue until the harvest. Fertilizers are not only enhancers of crop growth, but also protectors from various pests.

Onions and garlic are nourished due to the beneficial mineral elements found in the soil, and therefore require good nutrition. The garden is plowed twice: before planting and after cleaning. These two crops prefer neutral, slightly alkaline, or loamy soil. A sunny place is chosen for the site, because root crops like good lighting. It is desirable that before them the territory was planted with zucchini, cucumbers, carrots, pumpkin, cabbage.

It is preferable to change the place of planting of onions and garlic every year so that pests do not start in the soil. Humus is considered the best fertilizer for these crops. It is enough to scatter a bucket of this product on 1 square meter. Also, ash and a little salt are sprinkled on the furrows before planting. Bulbs and cloves of garlic are processed in a solution of potassium permanganate.

dressings for onions and garlic

Representatives of mineral fertilizers

Before you was a question about which fertilizer for onions and garlic to choose? If you are poorly versed in fertilizers, you should first consider their classification. There are three types of fertilizers: organic, mineral and combined. First, let's talk about mineral nutrition.

Mineral fertilizers are based on nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and mixed. Representatives of nitrogen fertilizers are urea, sodium nitrate, calcium cyanamide, ammonium nitrate. For the active growth of root crops and greens, nitrogen is very necessary, especially in the early stages of development.

Any of the above fertilizers are bred as follows: for 10 liters of water, one tablespoon. Pour the solution under each plant so as not to touch the greens. Onions and garlic require nitrogen only at the beginning of development, so it can be applied to the soil in the fall, cultivating the earth.

Potassium sulfate, potassium salt, potassium chloride are potash fertilizers. With it, onions and garlic better tolerate adverse environmental conditions. Thanks to potassium, the bulbs mature better and are stored. Potassium is especially important during the formation of root crops.

Phosphate fertilizers include phosphorite flour, simple and double superphosphate. They activate the metabolism, participate in the formation of large bulbs, protect against diseases. Phosphate fertilizer is scattered in the fall. In spring, it is bred in water and watered every plant (1-2 bucks of fertilizer per bucket of water).

The value of complex fertilizers

Universal is considered a comprehensive top dressing for onions and garlic. These fertilizers are purchased in the agromarket. They mixed all the necessary elements for the growth and development of plants in proportions optimal for the growing season. After their application, good growth and yield of root crops is guaranteed.

Complex fertilizers for onions and garlic contain 9% nitrogen, 5.5% phosphorus. They also contain Mg, Fe, S, B, Zn, Cu, Ca and humates. These macro, meso and trace elements contribute to the development of crops.

what fertilizer for onion and garlic to choose

Complex fertilizer "Cinderella"

Each gardener seeks to choose the best fertilizer for onions and garlic. One of them is a complex feeding based on wood ash - Cinderella. It also includes humic acids, elements of calendula, nettle, yarrow, lemon balm. There are also nitrogen components, tobacco dust, white mustard.

"Cinderella" perfectly stimulates the growth and development of plants, increases productivity, protects against pests and diseases. She fights onion flies, moths, root ticks, stem nematodes, and onion thrips. This is a great helper in the fight against powdery mildew. Wood ash improves the soil structure, reduces the acidity of the soil.

"Cinderella" is sold in packages of 400 g, which is enough for planting 25 kg of bulbs and teeth. Fertilizer is applied to the prepared soil and loosened to a depth of 6-10 cm.

what fertilizers to use for feeding garlic

The Tsibul fertilizer for onions and garlic

A multicomponent preparation for feeding these two cultures is Tsibulia. Comprehensive care provides the bulbs with the necessary trace elements and minerals to grow and develop normally. Under the influence of fertilizers, root crops form high-quality, tasty, large. Feeding "Tsibul" has the following advantages:

  • prevents the occurrence of dangerous fungal diseases;
  • strengthens the immune qualities of crops;
  • has an attractive cost (90 rubles).

The drug is packaged in packages of 1 kg, which is enough for processing 12 m 2 . Fertilizer is applied in April and September.

The use of fertilizers "Onions and garlic" from "Fasco"

A unique top dressing in its composition and action is an organomineral preparation from the company "Fasko". This nutrient complex is produced in granules, so it acts for a long time. Advantages of top dressing from Fasco:

  • professional development especially for onions and garlic;
  • involved the latest developments and research in the agricultural industry;
  • contains humic substances and natural components;
  • the following elements are included in the composition of the onion and garlic fertilizer: N, P, K, Mg, Fe, Mn, B, Cu, Zn;
  • each granule has an organic shell that protects the roots of plants from overdose;
  • 70% increase productivity;
  • the drug is fully tested.

The use of fertilizer "Onion and Garlic" is made before digging in spring or autumn. Granules are packaged in packages of 1 kg.

the best fertilizer for onions and garlic

Water-soluble fertilizer "Agricola-2"

A highly effective water-soluble preparation for onions and garlic is Agricola-2. Fertilizer contains magnesium and many trace elements.

Onions and garlic are fed two to three times with an interval of 7-10 days during the formation of bulbs. Dilute half a bag of the drug (25 g) to 15 liters of water, mix well and water the aisles. This solution is enough for 25 m 2 . Also, "Agricola-2" is used to process greens. For this, the solution is made less concentrated.

Complex means "Reflex"

Some small insects also like onions and garlic. These root crops are sometimes affected by the onion crypto-hunter, laying their eggs from the inside of the feather. In just two days, larvae appear on them, eating the inside of the greenery. Gardeners also have to deal with the onion fly, which can completely destroy the crop. What fertilizer for onions and garlic to choose in this case, to prevent the appearance of pests?

In this situation, the growth stimulator for onions and garlic "Reflex" will help. The composition of this drug is complex. Humic acids, potassium, sodium and other trace elements are present there. "Reflex" is not only a growth stimulant, but also a pest protector. The drug is available in the form of a liquid in dark plastic bottles. The stimulant is diluted in water (50 ml of the drug in a bucket of water). Processing of root and extra root sections is possible.

cibul fertilizer for onions and garlic

Complex fertilizer reviews

From the feedback of the vegetable growers, we can conclude that many people try to grow a good crop of onions and garlic in their area. Some are puzzled by the quick yellowing of the stems of garlic or rotting bulbs. The most affordable fertilizer is called "Agricola-2", costing only 25 rubles. The drug perfectly fertilizes the sandy soil. They can not only water the plants, but also spray them.

Positive feedback is left by consumers about the Cinderella drug. It does not contain heavy metals, chlorine and nitrates. A noticeable change in plants is observed two weeks after the application of top dressing.

Ripening is noticeably accelerated and the yield of root crops after the Tsibul fertilizer increases. These granules nourish plants with all the beneficial substances. The main thing is to strictly follow the fertilizer instructions for garlic and onions.

Microbiological fertilizers "Shine" and "Baikal"

Instead of mineral fertilizers and pesticides, biological top dressing is actively used. The Novosibirsk State Agrarian University has developed the shining microbiological fertilizer, which is taken from fertile land. It perfectly restores and improves soil fertility, improves the development of onions and garlic, and contributes to good crop preservation.

Another successful domestic development is feeding Baikal, which is produced from microorganisms. Today, the preference for such a "live" feeding is given by many gardeners. She is able to create a new natural microenvironment in impoverished soil. Considering the recommendations of the fertilizer for onions and Baikal garlic, it is important to know its composition. It includes lactic acid bacteria, yeast, nitrogen-fixing and photosynthetic bacteria. From one liter of "Baikal" get a thousand liters of fertilizing.

The use of organics

There is no more popular fertilizer for root crops than manure and bird droppings. Fresh these substances for plants can not be used. From them make infusions. A bucket of manure uses ten buckets of water. For chicken manure, they take water twice as much. Manure and litter must not only be filled with water, but also insisted. Onion and garlic are watered with such an infusion twice a month. This helps keep the pen green.

Potassium treasure is considered wood ash, which is very necessary for root crops. An infusion is also prepared from it, with the expectation of one bucket of water - a glass of ash.

Many gardeners prepare organic dressing for onions and garlic from weeds. They are poured with water, kept for a week and used like manure.

fertilizer onion garlic composition

Feeding with yeast, ammonia and hydrogen peroxide

Folk remedies for fertilizing root crops cannot be ruled out. They stimulate growth and contribute to the beneficial development of bulbs and teeth. Hydrogen peroxide is famous for its fight against unwanted microorganisms. If it is dissolved in water, then it will become melt water. In this solution there will be atomic oxygen, killing harmful microbes. The proportions of the preparation of the solution are as follows: 3 tbsp. tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide per 1 liter of water. This solution is watered in the spring seedlings of garlic. Then the greens can be sprayed with the same composition.

Gardeners have long been interested in the stimulating properties of yeast. After top dressing with yeast, the bulbs accelerate in growth, and resistance to various diseases increases. Yeast actively affects soil bacteria. For such feeding, you need 0.5 kg of yeast and a bucket of water. The solution should be infused for about an hour. Most often it is poured under the root.

As nitrogen-containing fertilizer, ammonia is used. Apply the weakest concentration - 10% ammonia solution. This tool perfectly protects plants from onion flies and other pests. As soon as the first greens of onions or garlic appear, you need to pour it with a solution of ammonia. Two tablespoons of ammonia solution are enough for a bucket of water. This fertilizer is enough for 2 m 2 of root crops.

Problems with many adverse environmental factors affecting the growth of onions and garlic are solved by folk remedies.


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