Why does not hippeastrum bloom and how to deal with it

Hippeastrum, a native of Latin America, can delight with its lush, large flowers 2 or more times a year, most often in the winter. His large arrow, which ends with an inflorescence with 4-5 flowers,

why does not hippeastrum bloom
usually shows off for more than a week. But there are cases that lovers of these plants rarely see such magnificence, or even do not observe it at all. What is the reason? Why does not hippeastrum bloom ? In this article we will try to answer these questions.

Hippeastrums are bulbous plants. They are not picky in care, but their lovers should know all the features in the content of these indoor flowers. They delight with their large, lily-shaped flowers of different colors - look at the hippeastrum photo. From the basal rosette of large, wide leaves, an arrow appears once or twice a year, which reaches 50 cm in length. 4-6 colors are formed from it: red, orange, dark pink and other shades.

Features of the care of hippeastrum

  • The plant is photophilous, but it is better to avoid direct sunlight. Therefore, it is best to grow these flowers on the windowsill of the western or eastern side.

  • Hippeastrum - plants that should not be flooded with water, but regular watering is required. Water the flower with soft, settled water carefully, so as not to fill the leaf growth point - a funnel.

    hippeastrum photo
    If it is watered abundantly, it may rot. And then there’s no need to ask: “Why doesn’t the hippeastrum bloom?” The answer will be obvious.

  • The bulb of this houseplant needs a dormant period, the duration of which should be at least two months.

  • Flowering and growth rate depends on the size of the pot. For a medium onion, the diameter of the pot should be 3-4 centimeters larger at the edges. If the pot is narrow, then during flowering the plant may lose balance. If it is very wide, then the leaves grow and develop perfectly, because they have enough space, but flowering is late or the hippeastrum does not bloom at all.

hippeastrum does not bloom
Many lovers of this houseplant ask why hippeastrum does not bloom. The flowering of such beauties depends on caring for them and observing a dormant period, the duration of which should be at least two months. At this time, watering is reduced, occasionally only moisturize the topsoil so that the roots do not dry out. The plant is placed in a dark place with a low temperature. The best option for this purpose is the basement. After 2 months, the bulb is brought into the room at a constant place, but not watered until the edge of the arrow is formed.
colorful hippeastrum
Then watering is normalized, once a week they are fertilized with minerals. Soon, a beautiful arrow will delight others with its flowering. After the plant fades, the arrow is cut off at the base and watered less often.

To understand why the hippeastrum does not bloom, one must also take into account preparation for the rest period. About a week before the flower rests, watering the plants is reduced, and fertilizers are applied much less frequently. It is just necessary for some time (a couple of days) to forget to water the hippeastrum, creating favorable conditions for its transition to a state of rest.

Of course, the flowering state is also affected by maintaining the norm of nutrients needed for the growing season. Their lack can negatively affect the state of this amazing plant.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F21381/

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