Cherry for the Leningrad region: varieties. The best varieties of cherries

Such a horticultural culture as cherry, not in vain has earned recognition among many gardeners in the northwest. It is famous not only for its excellent taste and healthy fruits, but also for its external data, such as attractiveness and decorativeness. Now it rightfully occupies vast areas not only in amateur, but also in industrial gardens.

Cherry for the Leningrad region varieties

Even despite the fact that the low winter temperatures characteristic of these areas, often reaching critical levels, are not entirely suitable for this fruit crop, it is cultivated in almost all summer cottages.

The only condition for this southern culture not only to please the eye, but also to bring a sufficient number of delicious berries, is that cherries for the Leningrad region of the variety should have only zoned ones. Then there will be no special problems when growing this unpretentious plant.

The nuances of growing cherries in the northwest

The critical weather conditions that mostly accompany winters in the Leningrad Region are not good enough for cultivating cherries. But despite this, very often it can be found in many gardens and summer cottages in the northwestern region. Amateurs of gardeners overcome any difficulties in order to have a cherry tree on their plots.

ruby cherry
In addition to the correct choice of the variety of this plant, there are several more secrets that are used when planting and caring for cherries so that it pleases not only with decorativeness, but also with an abundance of tasty and healthy fruits. They are as follows:

When cherry is selected for the Leningrad Region, varieties should be taken only with good winter hardiness to prevent the plant from freezing out under adverse weather conditions.

Only self-pollinating plants are also needed.

Neutral, and in the most extreme case, slightly acidic soils are best suited for the tree, since the higher the acidity, the worse the cherry grows and bears fruit.

The best time to plant is spring until the buds begin to bloom. A place worth choosing is well-lit by the sun for at least 6 hours a day. If a gardener observes these rules, an excellent harvest of wonderful fruits is provided for him. And the plant will not cause problems during the growing season .

Felt cherry - advantages for growing in the Leningrad region

When choosing a seedling, you should pay attention to such a variety as felt cherry. In recent years, he has found a large number of fans in the northwestern region due to his remarkable economic and biological qualities.

Felt cherry for the Leningrad region has become almost the best culture. In addition to high winter hardiness, it possesses such features necessary for successful cultivation in the conditions of the northwest as the absence of root shoots, excellent germination and very early entry into the fruiting period.

Felt cherries for the Leningrad region varieties are completely diverse. They are obtained as a result of selection, crossbreeding with other fruit crops. This gives gardeners a good alternative for choosing the right plant.

Vladimir cherry - a favorite of gardeners

Another variety that has earned the recognition of gardeners in the Leningrad Region is Vladimirskaya cherry. Its main advantage is the versatility of the fruit. They have such excellent taste qualities that they were previously served to royal families. They are good both in fresh and in processed form.

In addition to the excellent taste properties of the fruit, the advantage of this plant can be called the fact that it has a shrub shape, and this is an indisputable advantage for the northwest unstable climate.

Vladimir cherry

Cherry Vladimirskaya is such a variety that is bred by popular selection. Therefore, the plant does not require any subtleties in care, which is very convenient for the average summer resident who does not have too much time. This plant has enough timely feeding and pruning of branches, as well as protection from rodents, who always want to feast on the tree bark in the winter.

What other varieties are good for cultivation in the Leningrad region?

In addition to the above varieties, ruby โ€‹โ€‹cherry (steppe) is also popular. She has excellent breeding qualities. Among them can be distinguished such as excellent winter hardiness, high productivity and excellent quality of fruits. In addition, this variety received a high production rating. Its fruits are medium in size, weighing up to 4 grams and having a juicy, sour-sweet flesh.

Amorel Nikiforova Cherry

And about one more variety, which found many fans in the Leningrad region, I want to say. This is Amorel Nikiforova - cherry, which is also bred by folk selection. A distinctive feature of this variety is a fairly early ripening of fruits, which are ready for use in mid-June. Plants of this variety tolerate winter very well.

Cherry for the Leningrad region of the yellow Denisena variety is also famous for good frost resistance and productivity. Although it is of unknown origin, it has many positive qualities, thanks to which it has become very widespread in gardens and personal plots of Petersburgers.

What form of cherry is better for the Leningrad region: shrubby or tree-like?

Since the north-western region is a zone of risky gardening, not all varieties of cherries can not only grow well here, but also bear fruit well, which is the main requirement of any gardener. The right choice is of great importance, and not only practical, but also economic. You should pay attention to such a species as bush cherries.

Many amateur gardeners often come across the phenomenon that a cherry tree has a plentiful color in spring only in its lower part. No wonder. After all, this plant has poor winter hardiness of flower buds, and therefore those that turned out to be higher than the snow cover in winter, when the temperature drops critically, they simply freeze. That's why bush cherries have the biggest advantages. In winter, almost all of it appears under the snow, which protects it from freezing.

Proper cherry care is the key to a good harvest

Abundant fruiting is not only the right choice of variety. You can get it and good care of this culture. Since most varieties of cherries are self-fertile, that is, not capable of self-pollination, it is necessary to plant pollinating cherry on the site or next to it.

felt cherry for the Leningrad region

It is necessary to pay attention to the feeding of cherries, especially during fruiting, when the plant requires an additional amount of nutrients. But it should be taken into account that in the autumn it is only necessary to apply phosphate and potash fertilizers, as well as compost, but for nitrogen-containing fertilizers, the best time is early spring.

Also, one should not forget about watering. Although cherry is considered a plant that is well tolerated by drought, it is best to water it additionally in hot and dry weather. In this case, the yield of berries increases, and in size they turn out to be larger.


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