Since how old can I get a SIM card: tips and tricks

Mobile communication is an important area of ​​life for almost every citizen. But in order to use it, you need to purchase a separate number. The one that other subscribers will need to call. That is why many teenagers are interested in how many years you can get a SIM card. As practice shows, a phone number usually stays with a person for a long time. And its change without emergency brings a lot of problems. If you need to restore the SIM-card or lock it permanently, then the direct owner of the number will have to do it. More precisely, the one on whom the "SIM" is framed. Therefore, more and more often people in Russia are thinking about how to buy a number from a mobile operator in their teens. And from what age is the design of SIM cards per person allowed. What answers can you hear?

since how many years you can get a sim card

After receiving a passport

I wonder how many years you can get a SIM card on yourself? To understand this question, you need to turn to the requirements of mobile operators. To conclude an agreement on the provision of their communication services, they require passport data. Without them, the acquisition of numbers is impossible.

In Russia, a passport is first issued after 14 years. That is why many, wondering at what age it is allowed to draw up a SIM card, indicate the mentioned age. In other words, there is a passport - you can buy a SIM card.

Special requirements

Nevertheless, at the age of 14, a citizen is still a child. And parents are responsible for it. Often, mobile operators allow the purchase of SIM-cards by children who already have a passport. But with special requirements.

The first is the presence of one of the parents during the conclusion of the contract. The legal representative will inform the seller that the child can indeed be issued a number. After that, a contract will be concluded.

The second is the written consent of the parents to the transaction. How many years can I get a SIM card? From 14, if mom or dad in writing allowed the child to do this.

In any case, it is better to contact a specific operator for more accurate information. But there is one more opinion. It operates most often in Russia.

from what age is it allowed to draw up a SIM card

Legal capacity

The thing is that most transactions in the country are available only to adults. Therefore, if a person thinks about how many years you can get a SIM card in your name, most likely they will be told that having a passport is not enough. Another requirement put forward by most operators is to achieve full legal capacity.

This means that the purchase is available only after 18 years. Or from 16, if a citizen was recognized as fully competent (for example, emancipated) ahead of schedule. This rule is followed by most mobile operators in the Russian Federation.


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