Concrete Drain Tray: Availability and Reliability

An important task in the construction of various buildings, the construction of communication routes and roads is the removal of rain, melt and industrial water from these facilities. For these purposes apply drainage tray . In addition to water drainage, it allows for its transfer to the outlet point to the surface or to the collector. This design consists of a base (holder) made of heavy concrete, a culvert and a water intake grill that protects the tray from debris and other foreign objects entering the system. The grill also serves to organize the safe movement of pedestrians and vehicles on the surface of the tray.

Drainage trays are classified depending on the design features:

  • Products equipped with a steel corner provide a hard way to mount and secure the intake grille. Such a drainage tray is most often used in places in which an active traffic flow is implied. Thanks to the rigid bolt fastening of the grate on the tray, the vehicle crosses the water intake line without interference. These trays are able to withstand loads up to F900 and therefore can be mounted in highly loaded transport areas.

  • Trays, without steel corners. They can be used in two versions: do not cover with grills and cover with concrete covers and grills.
    The first option is used in places where traffic or pedestrians are not meant, but there is a need to divert water.
    If it is necessary to use this type of trays in places with passage of transport, they are covered with concrete gratings. The latter are a new development Malinovsky combine concrete goods , which allows to significantly save on the purchase of cast-iron gratings, while not compromising performance. If a small load up to B125 is assumed, then the tray can be covered with a galvanized steel grate.

  • Used in the railway industry trays MSHL and MPL. They are equipped with drainage holes, therefore, in addition to draining water from the surface, they can drain it from the soil.

  • Cable channels for installation of cable and electrical routes.

It should be noted that drainage trays are produced in two ways:

  • Using vibrocompression. In this case, both the vibrating table and the press simultaneously act on the concrete. As a result, the mass of concrete is evenly distributed, and the exact molding of the tray is also ensured. However, such products are not subject to constant vibrations. Therefore, they can be mounted along highways.

  • By vibrocasting when the press is not used in production. As a result, the density of the product is heterogeneous, which reduces stability. But such products are great for private households, parks, gardens, etc. and have a lower cost.


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