Rules for the installation of road signs

The rules for installing road signs are regulated by GOST R 52289-2004. According to this normative document, a number of factors must be taken into account when selecting the location of the required index. These include:

- directivity of information reflected on the signal;

- visual review in the area of ​​the mark;

- speed, as well as the intensity of traffic on this site.

Depending on the degree of significance of the warning signal, the rules for installing road signs regulate the distances at which the signs should be.

The driver must receive visual information, evaluate its content and have time to complete the necessary actions to drive the vehicle.

Signs that belong to the category of warning are mainly installed in places located in the interval of one hundred fifty-three hundred meters from the beginning of the site considered dangerous. In settlements, this interval is from fifty to one hundred meters, due to the lower speed of cars.

All existing prescriptive and prohibitory signs, as well as priority indicators, are mandatory located in places located in the immediate vicinity of those sections where various restrictions are introduced or the movement is undergoing changes.

If there is a need to install informational, service or prescriptive signs, then the place for them is the immediate point in front of the object, as well as the beginning of the segment of the path (if there are characteristic travel conditions on it). In advance, stipulates the standard, it is necessary to have signs that serve for preliminary notification of directions.

There are various ranges of pointers. Warning signs give information about the most dangerous traffic interval, the length of which is determined by the driver independently. If this is difficult to do, then it becomes necessary to install an information indicator of the coverage area.

Prescriptive and prohibition signs introduce certain restrictions. They must be adhered to the intersection, which on the route will be the closest. In the absence of road crossings, the driver must limit his actions to drive the car before leaving the village.

Rules for the installation of road signs provide for a decrease in the range of signs. This is done by the appropriate plates. The increase in the zones of the signs is made by repeating them after each intersection of roads. The first pointer is the main one. The dislocation of road signs of the same name as the original is made in the direction of movement of vehicles on the right side. The need for repetition of signs is important when their coverage area is located at an existing intersection. Such signs may be installed both before and after crossing roads, depending on the information contained in them.

The rules for the installation of road signs also govern the cases of their joint use. In practice, situations often arise when the placement of one pointer is not sufficient to ensure safety during the movement of vehicles. To take timely measures to drive a vehicle, an additional sign or an entire group of them is installed. For drivers, for example, it is important to know about driving priorities, about moving vehicles on the road in one direction only, and also about reserving a lane for public routes. Road workers, as well as SMEP, are required to periodically check the visibility of signs.

For those who install road signs arbitrarily, the administrative code of the Russian Federation provides for severe penalties. All signs, posters and other objects should be in places that are agreed with the relevant state bodies.


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