Pyrolysis boilers: reviews and practice

Surely everyone who has it faced the problem of heating a country house . Until recently, the real โ€œhitโ€ were ordinary brick stoves. Of course, they are found now, but today alternative heating methods are much more popular.

pyrolysis boilers reviews
For example, pyrolysis boilers. Reviews indicate that they allow you to save fuel as much as possible, giving maximum efficiency. So, even a small and inexpensive boiler of this type will allow you to heat a fairly large country house.

Operating principle

Of course, if you know physics and chemistry well, then you donโ€™t have to talk about the principle of action for a long time, but for the rest you need to be reminded of it. The fact is that when burning wood in a conventional wood-burning stove, the fuel burns throughout its volume, emitting a significant amount of heat, most of which ... flies into the pipe.

But pyrolysis boilers, reviews of which show exactly the same thing, are based on "riding" combustion. In this case, only the upper layer of firewood burns, and the lower layer is exposed to high temperature in the absence of oxygen access. In such conditions, carbon monoxide (combustible, by the way) begins to be released, and firewood is partially converted into coal.

pyrolysis heating boilers

Positive features

Reviews of admiring customers indicate that even a couple of armfuls of firewood produce so much heat that it is enough for the whole day. This is due to the fact that both firewood and carbon monoxide released from them are burned . The quality of combustion is such that even soot does not form.

In addition, pyrolysis boilers, reviews of which often emphasize this fact, produce an extremely small amount of ash. You very rarely have to clean the chimneys and the ash drawer.

Some disadvantages

Like any technology, even pyrolysis burning has some negative features. So, unlike classic stoves and fireplaces, they need a supply of electrical energy. It is necessary for the functioning of the smoke removal mechanism, since the usual traction for this is simply not enough.

In addition, pyrolysis boilers (reviews of which emphasize this especially) need high-quality and absolutely dry fuel. Of course, you can even use half-baked wood, but you canโ€™t wait for high returns in this case. Yes, and ash will be formed much more.

homemade pyrolysis boilers

Users say that itโ€™s better to throw a portion of normal firewood into the fire chamber than complain about the low temperature in the house.


The wide distribution in our country of such heating appliances is hindered by their cost. High-quality foreign pyrolysis heating boilers cost from a thousand dollars, so not every owner of a country house can afford them.

Is it possible to make them yourself

Oddly enough, but even such complex mechanisms can be done at home. Of course, home-made pyrolysis boilers will not have such high energy efficiency, but still they are much better than simple furnaces. Of course, in the manufacture it is necessary to use only the highest quality materials and only make airtight connections that will prevent air from entering.


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