What is a sling? Types, advantages and disadvantages

Despite all the comforts of prams, carrying a child in her arms has its advantages: psychologists have proved that in this way a close relationship is formed between the mother and her newborn baby. But wearing a baby in this way for a long time is extremely uncomfortable and difficult, and sometimes dangerous for the health of the child and his mother. Therefore, such a novelty as a sling is popularized in the market of children's goods. This is a device made of fabric, with the help of which it is convenient, and, most importantly, you can safely carry the baby "on yourself." In fact, such a thing is not new - the history of its occurrence dates back several millennia. We will tell you more about what a sling is, how to use it and which one to choose right now.

Best sling

Sling History

Translated from English, the word "sling" means "bandage, pendant." Even in ancient times, people using various materials wound children on their backs or chests. But in those days there was little thought about the psychological comfort of the baby. The child was wound in order to protect him from various dangers, and also so that adults could continue to work freely.

In separate works of such famous masters as Giotto di Bondone, Rembrandt, Pellegrino Tibaldi, Andrea Ansaldo, women who were wound with the help of rags of a child are depicted.

During the Renaissance, various methods of winding fabric for carrying children were already known. In addition, clothes were made by special craftsmen in which “niches” were provided for the baby.

At the end of the 18th century, such a concept as swaddling a child appeared. So, the kids were simply wrapped with cloth and tied to a tree branch. Thus, the mother of the child was freed from the need to carry crumbs and could work. Unfortunately, such swaddling negatively affected the physical health of the baby, not to mention the psychological state.

Then in the XIX century there is such a trend in the upbringing of babies, which is based on the fact that parents should keep their distance, estranged from communicating with the child in order to prepare the baby for life's difficulties. At the same time, the first stroller was invented, the fashion for which was rapidly developing. And carrying the baby in her arms was considered the work of a servant.

A little later, for the same reasons, cribs and even rooms appeared. All of these attributes were considered a demonstration of family well-being.

Where did the interest in tissue carriers come from again? Psychologists and doctors began to analyze the benefits of such devices only at the end of the 20th century. This is due to the development of psychological science, as well as the emergence of ideological trends aimed at unity with nature and “natural parenthood”. During this period, teachers, psychologists, and doctors began to pay attention not only to the physiological needs of the newborn, but also to his psycho-emotional state, harmonious development.

In our country, literally 15–20 years ago, women with a sling on the street were seen off with an astonished look. Such a baby carrier could only be brought from abroad - this product was not available on the domestic market.

Over time, our mothers appreciated the benefits of this method of carrying a child. The first slings appeared: “Bayushushki”, “Bereginya”, “Orange Mom”, “Mother's Secrets”. To date, a wide selection of such products made from different fabrics is presented.

What is a sling?

Sling - what is it?

What is a "sling" in the modern sense? This is a modified patchwork baby carrier. Manufacturers make every effort to release a safe, environmentally friendly, anti-allergenic and also aesthetically attractive product. Therefore, in the manufacture of baby carriers, natural fabrics are used that do not cause the development of allergic reactions, and also provide air exchange.

Modern slings are designed to carry children from birth to two (sometimes three) years. They differ in material, size, methods of winding (more details below).

Is it convenient for the baby in such a carrying, is it safe for the crumbs to stay in this position? Studies have proven that in a sling the baby is in a physiological position, which not only does not harm health, but also strengthens it. So, in such a “cradle” the child assumes the same body position as in the arms of the mother. In this position, there is no load on the spine, the baby has the ability to move the arms and legs. The “vertical” position with the legs apart helps prevent hip dysplasia. Below we will examine in more detail the question of whether the sling is safe, from what age it can be used.

In addition to the above, the psychological comfort of the baby is preserved - he feels the beating of the heart and the smell of his mother, which favorably affects his psycho-emotional state.

slings age

Types of slings

The most common types of slings are the following:

  • with rings;
  • sling scarf;
  • ABC (Asian).

We will tell you more about each type of sling.

Sling with rings

So what is a sling with rings? This is a 2-meter-long flap of fabric with two rings attached to one end. The free end of the material is threaded into the rings - thus the loop is tightened to the required level. This sling is worn over one shoulder. Some manufacturers complete such a baby carrier with various accessories, for example, soft sides for the convenience of the baby, a pillow under the shoulder or rings. There are models with capacious pockets.

Advantages of this type of slings:

  • no need to learn fabric winding techniques - the carrying is easy to put on and adjust;
  • the child can be laid in different positions: lying, half-sitting, vertically;
  • the width of the fabric allows you to hide the baby and mother during breastfeeding for a walk;
  • in such a sling, you can rock the baby and, without removing the baby who has fallen asleep, change its position from vertical to horizontal.

The disadvantages include the fact that the load is distributed only on one shoulder, which can negatively affect the health of the mother. Therefore, it is necessary to hang the product every time on the other side.

You can use such a sling from 0 months. Reviews say that even newborn babies are comfortable and safe in a patchwork carrying with rings.

Below you can see the scheme of winding a sling with rings.

Knitted sling

Sling scarf

Another common type of patchwork for children is a sling scarf. It represents 5-6 meters of fabric that can be wound in various ways. Its advantage, in comparison with other types, is that it can be tied to two shoulders, which contributes to an even distribution of the load. In a scarf, you can also put the baby in different positions and imperceptibly for others to breastfeed the baby. A sling scarf is suitable for a newborn and up to two to three years, since the manufacture uses durable materials that can withstand weight up to 15 kg.

But this kind of sling is not so easy to use, in comparison, for example, with carrying with rings. In this case, you need to wind the fabric yourself in the selected way. In order to tie such a patchwork in the street, dexterity is required, since the long ends of the fabric can fall to the ground and get dirty.

In addition, this type of product does not allow you to freely transfer the baby to another position or even remove it from the sling. This is extremely inconvenient when it becomes necessary to shift a baby who has fallen asleep into a crib - there is a chance of waking the child.

What does a baby sling look like? The photo is presented below.

baby sling scarf

Asian sling

This type of carrying is also called a me-sling. Why is it "Asian"? Yes, because it is in Asia that this type of winding of fabric for carrying a child is common. Despite the fact that in distant countries they prefer to tie the baby on their backs, in our area with the help of such a sling, children are carried on both the chest and the thigh.

This sling is a rectangular flap of fabric with straps at the top and bottom, with which you can adjust the desired size. This type of product looks like a kangaroo backpack, but, unlike him, in the Asian sling the child occupies a physiological position. In addition, this type of carrying is easy to master.

But there is a significant drawback - it is impossible to put the child in a horizontal position. Therefore, it is better to use such a sling for infants from 6 months. Reviews of young mothers claim that this type of carrying is much more practical and convenient for a little older kids.

Advantages of slings

Why are more and more young mothers choosing a sling instead of the usual pram? Here are a few arguments for patchwork transfers:

  • physiologically correct position of the baby’s body in the sling helps prevent diseases of the musculoskeletal system, reduces colic and psychological comfort of the child;
  • doctors have proven that carrying a baby in a patchwork carrying bag favorably affects the establishment of the process of breastfeeding: contact of the baby and mother, a feeling of warmth improve lactation;
  • mobility: there is no need to worry about the presence of steps, narrow passages, passages, elevators and other obstacles that can be difficult to overcome with a stroller;
  • hands are freed: with a sling, a young mother can perform any chores, talk on the phone, drink coffee and much more, while not letting the child out of sight;
  • observations show that wearing a baby in a sling allows a woman to quickly return to shape after childbirth;
  • profitability: there is no need to acquire new slings as the baby grows - the age of children who can be safely carried in a patchwork is from birth to three years.

Options for the location of the child in a sling

How to wear a sling, how to place a child in it? There are three options, regardless of the type of cloth carrying:

  • on the stomach;
  • on the hip;
  • on the back.

In slings with rings , you can still put the baby in the “cradle” position - for newborns, this arrangement in the sling is most suitable. Children over six months old can already be seated vertically.

Winding sling

Winding methods

Types of slings, such as Asian and with rings, can only be wound in several ways, namely over the shoulder, on two shoulders and on the back. But there are several dozen options for tying a scarf. You can master them yourself or you will need to attend special courses, which teach such skill. How to tie a sling for newborns? The photo below demonstrates one of the winding options. Also note the most common ways to tie a scarf :

  • kangaroo;
  • simple cross;
  • cross of figure eight;
  • cross over the pocket (there are several options).

Winding a sling-scarf is a rather time-consuming process. But during the formation of dexterity, it is possible to literally tie even knots that are complex in technique in a matter of minutes.

how to wear a sling?

Overview of popular sling brands

The most popular brands of slings are the following manufacturers of slings:

  1. "Didimos" - this German brand has been around for over 40 years. It is popular throughout Europe. A large number of consumers claim that the carrying of the Didimos brand is the best sling. The manufacturer specializes in standard scarves. The collections of this brand most in demand among buyers are Stripes, Indigo, Waves, Nino. The manufacturer uses natural materials such as linen, cotton, wool, cashmere, hemp. Special attention deserves a collection of slings-limits. Such scarves are made from a mixture of different rare fabrics (wild linen, Indian nettle and others), which differ in their original colors.
  2. Elevill is a Norwegian brand, created relatively recently - in 2007. The manufacturer produces slings-scarves and models with rings. The most popular lines of this brand are Zara and Jade. Materials such as cotton, bamboo fibers, silk and linen are used. Periodically, the company pleases its customers with the release of a series of "limits". So, the patchwork carrying, which is made of bamboo and silk in equal proportions (among the slings, it was called "bamboo silk") gained popularity.
  3. Mums Era sling has a diagonal weaving of fibers, which eliminates the stretching of the fabric in width. In addition, the manufacturer produces slings-scarves of different sizes, which differ in length.
  4. The Osh Scottish brand is in steady demand in the domestic market. A feature of such slings is that they are painted manually. Unusual Celtic ornaments also attract the attention of consumers. But the slings of this brand are much more expensive than others on the market. Therefore, they are not common enough in Slingam circles.
  5. Echidna is a popular domestic producer. Attractive price, high quality and bright fun colors attract customers. Knitted scarf of this brand is especially in demand.

Doctors' opinions on slings

Both domestic and foreign doctors, psychologists continue to study the impact on the health of the child slings of various models. For example, traumatologist D. N. Filippov claims that such tissue carriers for babies do not do any harm to the formation of the musculoskeletal system of the baby. Moreover, this physiological position, in which the child is in a sling, helps to prevent diseases of the hip joints and spine.

Pediatrician Rochelle Keyes adheres to this opinion, but clarifies that slings are safe for the health of the newborn only if they are correctly selected and used.

Many psychologists adhere to a view similar to pediatricians. Experts say that carrying a child with a patchwork carrying allows you to maintain the emotional comfort of the baby, contributes to the unity of mother and child.

Customer reviews

Slings undoubtedly have a number of advantages. But, nevertheless, the reviews of young mothers about this method of wearing the baby are mixed. Patchwork is suitable for active parents who are constantly on the move, often traveling with their baby. In addition, according to slingamam, several types of transfers should be acquired at once, using them in different cases. So, if you have a long walk, it is more convenient to choose a sling-scarf or with rings so that the baby has the opportunity to sleep comfortably. And in case you have to go to the supermarket, it is more practical to use a May Sling.

We talked about what a sling is, described its advantages and disadvantages. But the question of whether to purchase such a device can be answered only by the parents themselves, having weighed all the pros and cons, evaluating their own priorities in the development of the baby.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F21403/

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