Product Certification Procedure

In 1994, the procedure for certification of products was legislatively enshrined in the Russian Federation. This procedure is a study of released goods for their compliance with approved state standards.

The product certification system can be based on a voluntary start, that is, on the initiative of the economic entity itself, or it can be carried out without fail. The latter should be carried out at regular intervals. The controlling function is performed by the specialized body Gosstandart (on a national scale) or federal (at the level of federal subjects). In addition, these bodies are fully developing a procedure for certification of products, in which it is possible to identify individual stages:

  • First of all, the economic entity must contact the authorized public service, where an application should be submitted. The specialist examines it in order of priority, and then issues a conclusion indicating the main authorities that the subject needs to go through.
  • Laboratories independently identify and select samples. In some cases, the testing organization gives such a right to a third party or even a certification body. Next, each sample is carefully analyzed and placed in a repository, where it remains for the time set by the rules of the system. After filling out the protocol, that is, the document reflecting the test results, one copy is sent to the business entity, and the second to the appropriate service authorized to issue licenses.
  • The procedure for certification of products involves a mandatory assessment of production. The company is subjected to a thorough comparative analysis of its financial condition or the system responsible for quality management is certified. This information is also included in the final report.
  • And the last stage involves the collection of all received information, their comparison and drawing up a conclusion. This document is official and sent to the certification body. Thus, it is the basis for helping to make the final decision. In addition, the conclusion is considered a kind of security, proving the validity of certification bodies.

A product certificate is issued only if there is a positive decision. It must contain a clear rationale, and a registration number is required to recognize the authenticity of the document . In the case of a negative decision, an official opinion is also issued, which without fail includes reasons fully explaining the expediency of the refusal.

An enterprise that has successfully passed certification can safely reflect this on its product. Typically, companies label each product with a special sign, which indicates its compliance with the highest quality standards. Do not forget about the subsequent control. The procedure for certification of products in some systems requires a specialized inspection, which is required at least once a year to check legal entities for licenses with a valid term. Subsequent control allows government agencies to ensure that products are still manufactured within the approved technology and in accordance with the state quality standard.

Such inspections can be conditionally divided into unscheduled and periodic, the duration of which is established by legislative norms. Inspection members collect information and enter it into the act, and then send it to the certification body.


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