"Moulin Rouge" in Paris. Cabaret "Moulin Rouge"

Dreams Dreams! And suddenly they become a reality in a cabaret called "Moulin Rouge" in Paris. This place is the visiting card of the city, the same as the Arc de Triomphe or the Eiffel Tower.

The Moulin Rouge cabaret is not just a place for entertainment, it is the story of Paris. Here on this stage, world stars such as Edith Piaf, Elton John, Charles Arznavour and Lisa Minelli shone. It was here that Pablo Picasso and Oscar Wilde came to rest and relax. Well, the regular guest of the cabaret was none other than Toulouse-Lautrec - the master of the advertising poster and the talented post-impressionist artist.

Why is the red mill

moulin rouge in paris
As you know, the symbol of a cabaret is a red mill. Why exactly the mill? And why red?

This is due to the location of the Moulin Rouge on a map of Paris. Firstly, next to the institution is the Red Light District. Hence the red color. By the way, the symbol of the mill is also not chosen by chance. On a hill near the cabaret is the still-preserved Montmartre mill. Next to it is the famous Parisian institution “Two Mills” with a dance hall and a fairly large number of visitors. This restaurant opened earlier than the Moulin Rouge, and was considered its main competitor. Therefore, the owners of the new cabaret, who expected to collect at least visitors, relied on incendiary dances, and food and drink were already in second place.

Museum and club under one roof

Moulin Rouge in Paris is a classic elite establishment that has been hosting guests from all over the world for more than a hundred years.

The first impression is stunning! This cabaret combines elements of a pathos night club and museum at the same time. The interior of the Moulin Rouge simply can not leave you indifferent. An extravagant combination of a wide variety of styles is amazing. Antiques and modern, Eastern and European, avant-garde and surrealism. But the main thing that made the Moulin Rouge special and unique is the famous French cancan rattling around the world.

moulin rouge on a map of paris
It was here that for the first time to the music of Offenbach, the audience saw this beautiful and energetic dance - enticing looks, teasing movements, skirts flying up, exposing the slim and smooth legs of the dancers, stockings with spicy red garters and funny screams.

Moulin Rouge and Toulouse-Lautrec

In 1850, this dance was invented by Celeste Mogad and called it "natural quadrille." Much later, Charles Morton renamed the dance a cancan. In French, this word means “loud sounds” (“noise”).

At that time, everyone was just talking about this amazing dance that was performed at the Moulin Rouge in Paris. Photos, paintings and posters of the famous French painter Henri Toulouse-Lautrec brought cabaret even more popularity. The life of this institution was the main theme of his work. The artist loved to portray an elite audience and beautiful courtesans. Since the opening of the institution, Henry has become his regular visitor. And his muses were such famous dancers as Louise Weber, Jeanne Avril, as well as singers and even clownesses.

Toulouse-Lautrec with his works glorified not only himself, but also the Moulin Rouge cabaret. The popularity of this institution is gaining momentum every day. And in 1891 she reached the highest point. It was in that year that outdoor advertising was involved.

Year after year

The Moulin Rouge cabaret in Paris opened in early October 1889. This event was timed to coincide with World Exhibition Day. "Entertainment Mill" spun continuously until the First World War. She stopped only in 1915. However, after seven years, the institution again opened its doors to visitors.

moulin rouge paris reviews
In 1937, the cabaret for the first time underwent changes in the interior. The owners decided to convert it into a modern night club. The Moulin Rouge entertainment program now consisted of various entertainments, attractions, magic tricks and dances. And, of course, the French cancan remained the crown number of the establishment.

In 1864, a huge aquarium was installed on the Moulin Rouge stage. In addition to fish, naked girls splashed in it. Of course, the audience was delighted with this innovation.

From the very first days of its work, the guests of the cabaret were representatives of the most diverse social strata of society: intelligentsia, aristocracy, and people of art. And even the Crown Prince of the British throne of Wales loved to relax in the Red Mill.

Famous French Cancan

The true cancan can only be seen here. This dance is a whole ceremony, which takes place according to its canons and traditions. And to this day, everything that qualitatively distinguished the Moulin Rouge in Paris from other similar institutions has remained unchanged.

Moulin rouge in Paris photo
In the famous dance there are not only contagious fun and extraordinary beauty, but also a certain mystery and mystery. The cancan evokes in the audience both laughter and tears. Rhinestones, feathers, sparkles, chic costumes, graceful movements, amazing music, glamorous scenery and, undoubtedly, beautiful dancers. Their graceful figures and delightful faces are the virtue of dance.

By the way, today in our cabaret there are many of our beautiful compatriots. There is nothing strange or surprising in this. Indeed, the cancan is perhaps the most beautiful dance. And Russian girls are the most beautiful.

Performances at Moulin Rouge

Today the cabaret program works seven days a week and consists of two shows. The first is the famous performance "Extravaganza". It is here that the viewer can enjoy the legendary cancan, in which first-class dancers are involved. This show runs daily and starts at nine in the evening.

The principle of the Moulin Rouge cabaret in Paris is everything for visitors. Therefore, during the first performance, a delicious dinner is offered in an elegant setting with music. If you don’t want to get distracted by food and talking during the show, then you can come two hours before the show. Dinner here begins to be served from seven o’clock.

The second performance begins at eleven in the evening. Caring waiters will helpfully offer you a bottle of exquisite French champagne for two.

Price of pleasure

cabaret moulin rouge
Ticket prices are set for a whole year in advance. You can already find out the cost of tickets from April 1, 2014 to the corresponding date of 2015.

Prices are completely dependent on the set of dishes. So, for the show, along with dinner, you will give from 175 to 215 euros per person. If you prefer to refuse dinner and take only half a bottle of champagne, the price of one ticket will be 112 euros.

Cost is indicated taking into account visiting one show (or at 9 o’clock, or at 11).

For children under 11 years of age, a discount is provided: the ticket price is 50 euros. Kids under the age of 6 are not allowed in the facility.

It is worth noting that, despite the rather high price tag, the cabaret is always full of visitors. Tickets for the show are being sold out months in advance. Therefore, if you want to get into the Moulin Rouge, take care of everything in advance.

Everything is decent

When people talk about cabaret, they first recall the Moulin Rouge. These words have become almost synonymous. However, one myth should be dispelled. You can hear that the dancers in the cabaret are dancing not only the cancan, but also something hotter ...

cabaret moulin rouge in paris
In the entire history of the institution, not a single dancer has ever undressed here! Only once, back in 1983, artists visited their cabaret with their sitters. The excited girls wanted to pose here. But as soon as they began to undress, one of those present called the police. Then everything worked out. So if you want to see a striptease, go anywhere, but not in the Moulin Rouge! Everything is decent here, they dance exclusively the French cancan, which, believe me, is no less fun.

Be sure to visit the Moulin Rouge in Paris. Reviews about this place are positive and colorful. But, as they say, it is better to see once yourself than to hear a hundred times.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F21417/

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