Verification - what is it? How is equipment checked?

In this article we will pay attention to verification. This concept will be revealed in general terms, divided into constituent elements and disassembled in relation to some instruments and measuring tools. We will also focus on various types of this procedure and its legal basis.


Verification is a means of measurement; the general set of tasks that are analyzed to determine the degree of conformity between metrological characteristics and mandatory settings of generally accepted requirements for measurement accuracy.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, verification work is applicable to measuring instruments, which is regulated by the State Federal Law: β€œOn ensuring the uniformity of measurements”. There are other legislative documents related to this topic that include regulatory information.

verification of the counter is

Calibration of metering devices is a procedure for which state bodies are responsible. metrological service and / or jur. person designated by the organization. Positive feedback and affirmation of the fidelity of the measurement results is confirmed by a special stigma that serves as a verifier.

Variety of species

Instrument calibration is a multifaceted term. It includes several species that differ in both time and means.

In accordance with the term, the following verification mechanisms are distinguished:

  • primary - performed before the tool was put into operation, as well as after repair work or its import from abroad.
  • periodic - a means for studying the measurements that are in either a storage state or a state of use;
  • extraordinary - a measuring tool used regardless of the appointed date of its verification;
  • inspection - a process that is carried out by state bodies. metrological service;
  • expert verification is carried out as a result of disagreement between the data provided, the various components of the metrological control system. Most often, questions relate to the serviceability of the tool and suitability for operation.
instrument calibration is

Verification is also a term that includes a different number of species that differ in belonging to a measuring instrument:

  • in relation to the counter;
  • in relation to weights;
  • in relation to cash registers;
  • in relation to thermometers.

About verification of counters

Verification of the meter is an operation to check a certain number of different measuring instruments for meters that record data on water, gas and light, as well as their operation. This is a general group of operations that are performed to verify compliance between the received data and the regulations of the metrological authorities on the characteristics.

equipment calibration is

Currently, the studied term is distinguished by applying two criteria:

  1. Carrying out after a certain period. In most cases, the time span is 4 years (for hot water pipes) and 6 years (for a cold water supply system). Gas meters are checked once every 6-12 years.
  2. The volume of liquid that passed through the meter system is determined on the basis of data collected from its readings.

Calibration of devices is a procedure that is often performed at home. This operation is carried out using portable calibration facilities. The positive result of the audit is certified with a special verification mark or certificate.

calibration of scales what is it

Legal framework

On the territory of the Russian Federation, the activity applicable to the determination of metrological control facilities is regulated by legislative acts. The main one is the Federal Law adopted in June 2008 under the number No. 102-FZ. The law includes data on the unity of measurements.

Verification is a set of operations that are performed in order to verify that a measuring instrument meets the metrological requirements for performance.

Other by-laws

Among other decrees included in the legal framework on verification, the following are also quite important:

  • Government Decree of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 No. 491. The law states the approval of a set of rules containing data on the common property of apartment buildings. He also corrects the measuring dimensions of the board based on the condition and / or repair of the housing, which is subject to its control and supervision.
  • Government Decree of the Russian Federation, approved on April 20, 2010 No. 250. The Law provides data on the list of measuring instruments, verification of which is carried out only by the state. regional metrological centers. These same structures establish order in areas designed to ensure unity in the field of measurement.
  • Government Decree of the Russian Federation dated 05.06.2001 No. 354. It displays data on the form and method of providing utilities, to the user or owner of the premises in an apartment building or apartment building.

Verification of equipment is operations that are also confirmed by GOST 8.156 / 83, on a state system that ensures the uniformity of measurements.

About calibration of weights

One of the most important types of such a procedure is the calibration of weights.

calibration of metering devices is

Answering the question about what it is - checking the scales, you can define this operation as an extremely important event. It is of high importance due to the fact that the violation of the unity of the measuring system of weight will create serious economic problems in the structure of the financial support of the state and all structures included in it. The implementation of such work allows you to control one of the parts of the economic system in expanded form.

The species difference in the procedures for checking the weights is classified in accordance with the data mentioned in the clause on the diversity of species (primary, periodic, extraordinary, expert, inspection).


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