The breath of the East. Hijab. What is it

Often we wonder what can be forbidden to a woman? She, after all, is the same person as the man, why sometimes we notice that girls are unhappy, limited in their actions? They consider the Islamic faith to be very interesting. It is unique and not subject to change. How many imagine the hijab, what is it? The word appeared, oddly enough, in Western countries, from their culture and interpretation of the vision of this world. In the Islamic world, women have practically no rights, in their life there are a lot of rules, prohibitions, instructions ...

hijab what is it

Hijab: what is it? A piece of clothing that covers a woman’s head (shawl or any other fabric)? That would be too simple an explanation. This is actually a sacred piece of material that must comply with Shariah standards. Even the basic norms of the fabric were invented: non-causing, not long, not tight. The main condition is a girl, a woman, an old woman must wear a hijab, going outside. If a man so desires, they should cover with a cloth themselves and half their faces so that only their eyes are visible. Fortunately or unfortunately, in our modern world you can see girls who wear such scarves. Why they still do this is unknown. Some of them do not even know what the accessory is called. "Hijab? What is it?" - they are surprised, but daily put it on his head. Psychologists say that the reason lies deep in the heart of a woman.

hijab in koran

It is believed that, putting a scarf on her head and face, the girl envelops herself with beauty, hiding under him affection, tenderness and a smile. In our modern world in Western countries, this is the basic rule of Islam for women - the ban on showing someone their beauty - seems ridiculous. Among Muslims, only a husband has the right to enjoy the appearance of his woman, and only when he wants to. It happens that the wife does not take off her headscarf for weeks.

About the hijab in the Qur'an it is said that every girl should be shrouded in a scarf or a cover, so that every time she goes outside, she is not exposed to the possibility of insult. In addition, women should not look into the eyes of a man, they must protect their genitals and not show anyone their beauty. There is a belief that if a girl is not exposed in her husband’s house, she will be disgraced forever, and Allah will cease to love her. But, experts say, it is not clearly written in the Qur'an that the hijab should cover the hair, that it should look one way or another.

beautiful hijab

But it is worth understanding another thing: for a girl from the East, this is the main part of the toilet, and she accepts it as a natural necessity. Women even have some rules that they must follow. For example, the whole body should be closed, except for the hands and half of the face; clothing should be loose so that the contour of the body is not visible; transparent fabric is not permissible; no smell of perfume should come from a girl; she has no right to wear jewelry and use bright colors for her dress.

In our society, many acquire scarves for themselves. This accessory has become fashionable for Western glamorous virgins. A beautiful hijab is relatively inexpensive, but has very good quality. It must always be kept clean and carefully wrapped in its head. One of the advantages of such clothes is reliable protection from the sun.


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