Anastasia Kovalchuk: the work of the writer

Anastasia Kovalchuk is a modern writer from Belarus. The books of Anastasia gained fame thanks to an interesting plot and funny main characters.

About creativity

Anastasia Kovalchuk is not yet included in the ranks of the most famous writers of our time. However, her books are already familiar to many readers. The average mark she received for her first works became a motivation for further literary activity.

Anastasia Kovalchuk publishes his books in the famous online magazine Samizdat. It was there that the literary career of the writer began.

Anastasia Kovalchuk

To write her works, Anastasia Kovalchuk chose such a literary direction as fantasy.

To date, there are few books in the writer's archive, but it is expected that much more of her works will appear soon.

The books of Anastasia Kovalchuk can not be attributed to serious literature, which is in our time. Her works are capable of distracting the reader from his problems, dragging them into the development of the plot, however, making them think about more serious things that worry each day every day is not.

Creativity Reviews

Reading reviews about the work of the writer, you can find both positive and negative ratings. Someone believes that Anastasia Kovalchuk is very talented, and her books are a demonstration of the writer’s imagination. Others say that her works are a simple light reading, which is too common today.

However, one cannot come to something unequivocal, because each person has his own talents and skills. Probably, in the future Anastasia Kovalchuk will further develop her interest in literary activity, and this will help the writer to rise and stand firmly on one level with famous writers of our time.

"Friends involuntarily"

books by anastasia kovalchuk

In the center of the plot is a girl with extraordinary power to attract trouble, a student of the famous Academy of Magic. The girl likes one guy, but for a long time he does not pay any attention to her, since she is younger than him. What remains to do to the poor freshman girl? Only conjure! But everything gets out of control - the main character cannot keep her strength and carries the hall of magic, intended for practical training. But the girl’s troubles do not end there - she does not receive a “credit” for the magic exam, and she is sent to no one knows where to practice her abilities.

Who would have thought that this practical lesson would be a huge adventure for the girl ... What is she to do? To attend a huge ball, to save the king and his family, to take part in a great tournament ... And also to wander into the old magic cemetery, to experience such horror there that the cry will simply not hold back. And from such sounds even the trolls themselves will get scared ...

"Lady of Darkness"

lady of darkness

The main character is an ordinary girl who falls into an unusual and strange world. Having woken up in a huge ancient castle, for a long time she cannot understand where she is at all. Studying the environment, the girl realizes that this castle belongs to the demon himself, who is called the Lord of Darkness. What will the heroine do? She is not a timid dozen, to cope with all the difficulties!

The son of a demon takes on the training of magic. But the girl is not at all inclined to study: is it possible that even in such a crazy adventure she will be seated again for textbooks? And soon a huge ball is expected in the castle, therefore, etiquette and dance teachers are invited for the main character.

So what happened? A teacher had a nervous breakdown, as a result of which he was taken out of the dancing hall in convulsions. Here is a girl! What a character! And soon it turns out that the Lord decided to use the life of the main character for the magical ritual of sacrifice ... But she is not one of those who so easily surrender to the hands of a cruel dark magician!


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