Black calla lilies: features

Today there are a huge number of flowers. Each of the species has its own advantages and disadvantages. However, callas are black-yellow or pure black will not leave anyone indifferent. It is very difficult to look away from them. These flowers are distinguished by elegance and mystery. Such plants allow you to realize the most amazing fantasies. Of course, callas are not pure black. They are rather dark purple and maroon. It is worth noting that such plants are rare, unlike whites. Maybe that is why black callas were so expected by many gardeners. But after all, it was this variety that was highly appreciated by couples in love.

black calla lilies

Black calla lilies: care

Black callas can be grown not only indoors, but also in the garden. Of course, caring for flowers growing in the open field is much more difficult. The most important thing is to plant callas of this species on the sunny side. After all, the homeland of these amazing and beautiful plants is South Africa. This indicates that callas are accustomed exclusively to a warm climate. In the temperate zone, these plants do not feel quite comfortable. That is why you should carefully choose a place to land. It should be warm and bright. However, in too hot weather, they should be shaded, as the leaves will wither, burn out and dry out.

Watering black callas

In addition, black calla lilies are very fond of moisture. Therefore, watering them is plentiful. This fact should also be considered when choosing a place for landing. To get a flower garden of incredible beauty, you need to combine plants, while creating contrast. Perfectly black calla lilies look good next to white flowers. This will give the garden more mystery and mystery.

calla lilies black


Garden callas should be planted in early May. Mineral fertilizers should be added to the soil before planting. At the same time, no more than forty grams of material is required per square meter. After this, the site should be dug up. When the landing site is ready, you need to make holes. Plant tubers should be placed in the prepared cavities. In this case, the depth of immersion should not be more than ten centimeters. After that, you can bury the planting material. Between the holes should also be made a distance of 30 centimeters. The landing site must be watered well.

How to care for plants after cutting

To preserve the freshness and health of plants, after cutting flowers, you must adhere to certain rules. First of all, it is worth placing callas in a cooler place, hiding them from sunlight. In a vase, the water should not be very cold. It is better to use slightly warm moisture. It is worth noting that calla lilies black flowers retain their beauty without water for only 20 minutes. After that, it will be very difficult to restore the former beauty of plants . In such situations, hydration is unlikely to help. To preserve the beauty of the flowers, it is necessary to cut them off under running water and only with a very sharp knife.

black calla lilies care

Features of colors

Black callas are not just beautiful, they are magnificent flowers. They are very rare. However, their beauty shocks many. They are dark but elegant. Bouquets of black callas allow you to make any statement louder, and the gift more attractive. After all, these flowers attract attention immediately. Black callas possess not only strong energy, which contains a negative, but also sophistication and grace.

What do these flowers symbolize

Black callas are primarily a symbol of elegance and mystery. Flower petals are smooth and silky. In many countries, black callas are associated precisely with the negative. In addition, beautiful flowers are often associated with parting not only with the deceased, but also with the girl with whom the young man wants to break off relations.

Also black callas are associated with a deterioration in health. The reason for this lies in the extraordinary shape of the flowers.

calla black yellow

Where can I use black calla lilies

These flowers will always stand out among the rest, even in large bouquets. After all, black calla lilies are considered stylish and elegant. These flowers are able to give the interior a certain character. Even a small amount of black callas placed in a vase will give chic to the table on which they will stand.

To get a contrast in the bouquet, you should mix flowers with white roses. To soften the velvet black shade of callas, you can add pale pink buds to the composition. Single flowers can be used to decorate clothes. Black calla lilies can add elegance to any outfit.

Bouquets of these flowers can be used in many cases. However, not every bride will decide to use them in wedding compositions. After all, black callas are taboo. Of course, this applies exclusively to wedding bouquets.


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